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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Mika would NEVER do such a thing, BUUUT.... all those out there who bang on about dancing on stage with Mika.... maybe THIS is your chance he wants a free stripper and YOUR it :roftl:
  2. It's a free out of date lollipop cos he has ben given SOOOO many now he can't fit anymore through his pink door so his mum told him "MEEKS cupcake darhling... get rid of the lollipops fgs or the toy collection gets it!"
  3. aha thank you I was about to panic ever such a small amount. Hysteria is so catching lol
  4. Kata I do hope your not being sarcastic
  5. AS IF!!! some of us have better things to do.... like..... refreshing our email accounts every 30 seconds AND refreshing MFC threads the other 30 seconds AND refreshing Twitter AND refreshing mikasounds AND........
  6. there's a lot of that about you know
  7. I agree I booked them then trains (cos the sooner they are booked the cheaper they are, and also rooms), and I had spent over 200 quid before I had even asked my boss if I could have time off work, even now I can't have holiday but he said he would change my shift with someone else so I will have to work that shift later in the week. Tomorrow I am at work ALL day, (I had to work bank holiday to get extra money to help pay for it and also cos we get an extra days holiday that I needed to get or they take it off us). so if it is announced before 5-6 tomorrow afternoon, and it's a gig I could have gone to but missed out cos I was at work.... I will be extremely upset. But I think it will be in France anyway, it usually is.
  8. Well it sure would be a quiet gig, he probs could hold it in his living room cos everyone will have gone apart from Sari and Jenni and maybe one or two more cos they live in London lol pffft.
  9. MORE cos I would have to find another room for the night PLUS over 100 quid to buy a diff return train ticket, and the sack cos I can't have any more days off. So yeah it may all be very nice and decadent, but not everyone is as rich as he is.
  10. If it's any of that then I am gonna be singing him ANOTHER Dolly Parton number... it goes like this D..I...V....O...R....C....E!!!
  11. Me too, and I ADORE the Relax intro with him in the spotlight and the music and you just FEEL a build up inside of rising excitement ARRRRGH!!! :dance_man: Then the Lollipop finale, I love it even though I know the show is coming to an end it's a good way to end the show cos it's not a total feeling of upset at the show ending cos it's such a fun party feel to the finale.
  12. It's some kind of sorcery, magic....trickery.... hypnotism he is a wizard after all.
  13. T4P Beinie, fabulous to read and thank you for the translation, it was huge and you did a great job (cos I would never be abloe to transalte a single thing) much appreciated :thumb_yello:especially this part/SIZE]
  14. I just hope where ever it is won't be short notice and preferably a weekend so ppl wont get sacked, so I hope wherever it end up being, it satisfies a lot of ppl especially those who have not seen him before. Not sure if I would be able to travel alone on aeroplanes and to a diff country and so on, I'm not a brave (or all THEY crazy).
  15. I will for sure, so I hope it's on the Sunday then I will be in the right city (unless he is having it up here in my living room and I can't see that somehow lol) and I also have Sunday off of course, although I am not arriving in London till 1ish.
  16. yep so far about 4 I think and those are postponed for a years time or summit stupid like that.
  17. of course!!! lol how could I have forgotten such an exquisite room.
  18. Maybe another Somerset House one... last one was bloody freezing my bones have never rattled so much in my life, first time I met him and I was dressed like some crazy phycadelic nun Babs do you remember that LOVELY doss house we all shared, Jemma and Kata were there too lol. I had never met ANY of you before, it was my first trip to London alone and I shared a room lol I was on top bunk and we had some gawjuz workmen peering in at us and we made jokes about it being Mika and the band lol. OH those were the days lol.
  19. erm..why there what joke am I missing this time doh!
  20. NOOOOO YEEEES arrrrrgh!!! I'm at work Tuesday (but only 12-4 ) and Vix is home but goes back Wednesday, if it's a 2nd London gig I hope it's on the Sunday cos I'm already booked up with trains and rooms and work hols etc so I will be sooooo depressed if I can't go yet am so close to the area etc But it COULD be that gig he promised to do in my front room ages ago.... he DID promise after all and maybe top of the week is finally here
  21. BABS!!!!! I gotta ask cos I just noticed but WTH is your name thing all about "pop an apple in his ass" maybe I shouldn't ask huh? lol
  22. :lmao: OMG!!! that would be so worth it and less pricey than a new frock.... shall we...shall we lmao oh if only it wasn't a posh theatre lol/
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