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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I dunno cos we were up in the gods somewhere lol but it's defo gonna be better than standing and getting crushed and elbows in your face and stilletoes in your toes lol
  2. yes it IS Stars in Their Eyes, and she did those venues with them too. :thumb_yello:But we always ended up with naff seats at the shows pffft.
  3. OoOOo looky what I found on my facebook, my daughter Vix has been there a few times when she was 9ish at first, but this pic was taken a later time, she is next to Cheryl Baker in the orange top, black skirt on the left of her.(this was "Starlight Express troupe). it's a great venue isn't it. and this one they did there just last October time I think, this was "Cirque De Solei Troupe", (she is top row 2nd left) it was super and always won at competitions, (they also did it in Disneyland Paris). This one below is "Blues Brothers Troupe" with S n N Dance Centre again, (she is top row 2nd left). Though I will have better seats than I EVER had at any of the shows SHE was in lol we were always stuck right at the top pfft)
  4. aha well then... and...............(cos I can only put 7 images at a time......
  5. eeek!!! I hope they sell mahoosive ones with perhaps a huge black veil attached so I can hide my repulsivness from the world I would hate to be held responsible for Mika being carried off ill (I am in 2nd row after all).
  6. Yes you could, I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't serious and I know you and trust you so it would have been fine, but never mind, it's all done and dusted and you got your tickets in the end and will still have a terrific view.
  7. ooooOOOOoooo I DO hope so I bet he has awesome legs, I see him in a fetching Marilyn Munro number
  8. confused now, do you have a double, is this a caseof identity theft or is Fred a cross dresser now (I will always think of him as father xmas )
  9. wonder if it's Babs cos she aint said what her ticket is yet, mind you she is probs with Sari and jemma so dunno :blink: lol
  10. awww but I DID offer to get them for you and you could sort it out with me later, I tried to talk you into it but you said you would wait (I did try) xx
  11. Acctually I remember now, that at 11.24 I was actually STILL leaping up and down on my trampette trying to be healthy lol, and didn't get online till the exact moment it all crashed lol, I was aiming to get online at 11.45 but my pc took way too l ong to load up that day. (just remembered all that).
  12. aww that is nice of them, I had no idea there was a prob cos I ordered the CD and booklet and 51p isnt much to US but to some it will be, and can you imagine how much it will have been in total, qhite a big sum to gain or lose eh.
  13. ooo not quite I booked 11.24 I'm in 2nd row, so seems you had to have been a little sooner even than that. I sat and thought about it for a while, like... "do I just book or try to get time off work or trains and hotel booked first, do I wait till Vix txts back"?... in the end I just went of it lol. I'm happy enough with my tickets unless I end up behind a basket ball player
  14. Is PARMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO classed as English food or just Teesside food (I know it is an extremely RARE dish outside of Teesside. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://images.icnetwork.co.uk/upl/gazettelive2/dec2007/9/8/D2F976FB-FB49-0244-7952CB0C7949F733.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/2007/12/13/finalists-announced-for-world-parmo-championship-84229-20244377/&usg=__7Ax2Hi2rbU_a5EY8SbA-XEBskDk=&h=227&w=180&sz=25&hl=en&start=6&tbnid=rUpBfJ8ZxiC0DM:&tbnh=108&tbnw=86&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dparmo%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG
  15. Yeah I wish I HAD hearing aids when she was on I couldve turned em OFF) Pull Tiger tail in Leeds were quite good too
  16. LOL I agree, I feel so good about this gig I think it's going to have a totally different feel to the last time I saw him in London... (prays for ppl to not behave like Sari says..."savages" lmao:naughty:) I also aint bothered about any support acts, the only ones I enjoyed were Palladium, the rest were BORING!! zzzzzzzz and I didn't wanna see em at all.
  17. BLIMEY just HOW posh are we going, we won't be able to sit on meters of netting for THAT long (mind you it would RAISE our bums by a few inches so better view lol).
  18. hahaha and to be able to go for a pee before the Mika excitment without someone jumping in your grave before its even cold (lol sorry that's probs just an age thing)
  19. I am acctually glad that I did cos they had my post code wrong and asked me to confirm or correct it, so my tickets might never have arrived to me :crybaby: it was probs MY fault cos I can imagine I rushed through the process in panic and excitement and hit wrong letters/number combo lol opps
  20. OOOooo I dont know, you might just happen to have even BETTER than front row seats... you might be UP ON STAGE with Mika
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