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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. sounds fair enough to me Fred (but I am pleased with my seats for this gig and since it's the only gig I can afford to go to this time round.... I am doubly pleased), I wouldn't expect to get such good seats at every gig, I hope I am sat behind you then I can torment you
  2. hmmm is the the 1st tiga that comes up on utube that is all huge red lipgloss? i hope not cos just looking at it made me feel queasy.
  3. [/img] I found another one, this one says row CC is front row, well looks like it's STILL gonna be a surprise then cos I just dunno anymore lol.
  4. I got terrific seats if that seating plan is right, stalls CC 18 & 19 so that's 2nd row (I hope) practically central :biggrin2: I am soooo excited now and I PROMISE not to wear a big hat or flashing boppers on my head or anything like that. xx
  5. But that is how Mika likes it or maybe he just has no choice now, but he will think we are all theatre buffs when we are all sat there good as gold in our poshest attire and tiara's, it will be hard to not show our true colours by freaking out with the MFC hearts n glowing stuo0fs...BUT at a theatre fo shuch poshness.... surely we have to behave like laaaaydieeeees
  6. I hope this seating plan is accurate, cos I have seen quite a few different ones now lol. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.seetickets.com/see/category_theatre/images_seating/plans/SAD.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.seetickets.com/see/category_theatre/images_seating/plans/sad.asp&usg=__nLQNzEl6m8Oqx15r1aMnvswPwKM=&h=1000&w=578&sz=45&hl=en&start=1&sig2=fIihMXnjcfIHUEMX2tUlUA&um=1&tbnid=paxCT9T6P2gNcM:&tbnh=149
  7. Hold on HOLD ON!!!! keep yer hands of the sparkles... they are MINE ALL MINE
  8. He DOES look like Piniocchio, it's just not his NOSE that grows, remember the custom made boxers
  9. The first pic he looks kinda young and cute in a rabbit caught in headlamps kinda way (how can you tell it's been photoshopped btw?) and the 2nd pic...hmmmm he does look a bit sorta lost I agree, and not expecting the photo to be snapped. I guess the bio is better than the last one.
  10. I am officially the worst drawer in the world but ever since I heard TB I have had an idea in mind for him, so once I do it I'll post a pic of my creation lol.
  11. yep that is what it feels like to me, I almost expected some steel drums I love steel drums I can just visualize being on holiday in a nice warm sunny place feeling all woozy (maybe a thing in common with lonely alcoholic lol), listening to this and watching ppl boogie on the dance floor all sun tanned. Is he gonna bring this one out on single, I reckon it's catchy enough.
  12. I have decided now after all this time that I have fallen in love with the music for this one lol, TB is still my fave but this one is so catchy, can't wait to get my EP
  13. Well I know for sure what Mika likes.... but girls, please tell me if you think this look will suit a woman in her 40's I need sisterly advice http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.contactmusic.com/pics/lb/lady_gaga_mika_200409/mika_5281142.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.contactmusic.com/photos.nsf/main/mika_5281142&usg=__TYfvq9xLLJ-4JcFYEiWa357ujWg=&h=679&w=500&sz=66&hl=en&start=1&sig2=3Ss2zvb8xNDM-lK0CkPYIA&um=1&tbnid=liVFWdCm_Sj_8M:&tbnh=139&tbnw=102&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmika%2Band%2Blady%2Bgaga%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26um%3D1&ei=8TEQSuiICdHJ_Qap-LS4BA
  14. or maybe just wear summit tarty in case he gets ppl onstage and then you can take it off easier
  15. OO glad I ordered the cd then I can't wait to see it all in it's full glory, I like the under water Lady Jayne one so far myself, and I quite like the spelling mistake.... cos it means its even MORE unique
  16. what the hells he going on about with spotify..I am totally out the loop on that one who's gonna enlighten me?
  17. I flippin' KNEW that would happen, I left a link on a thread I made about Travel lodge, and no one got back to me to say if they were gonna stay there so I ended up booking up quick in case it ran out of rooms and YOU lot are all staying at a different one to me mines at Aldergate East I think.
  18. OO you will have to give me that places number for future reference, mind you I stayed at the worst place in the UK when me and Vix stayed at Kensington lol, wot a doss house it was worse that the backpackers hostel in Piccadilly.
  19. what does that mean freddie, do we already have our seats allocated from when we bought the tickets? Please say we don't have to spend all day queuing again *groan*
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