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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. me too he looks so relaxed and comfy and..... yummy
  2. if I was with Mika this would be my pose http://www.nataliedee.com/drooling.jpg
  3. Both and another... he does things in 3's as well you know too
  4. that would be sooo funny but I couldn't do it to him.. *or me* and I guess everyone else will have the same idea so he KNOWS we will flock like the little sheep we all are pah! WOW my fave ever I have wanted one like this for soooooo long >>>>
  5. He's a tinker for suprises that's for sure, *worries* that he will spring euro spurise gigs that I won't be able to get off work to go to...UNLESS I play sicknote
  6. Wait till Caroline sees this one, it IS new isn't it cos I aint seen it before, I love all the new ones yeeey just noticed I have 7 on this reply, I thought we were only allowed 5
  7. I would imagine he meant "top" of the week, so we all know what that means
  8. guess I just like musicals (on stage anyhow) and if Mika was in one, hell of course I would go, all the time (well if it was in the UK lol). But he 's so creative I wouldn't be surprised at all if he wrote/directed/performed in one..... he could probs do it all (lol I sure do believe in him don't I lol, or am I just living in hope/dreamland lol). :shocked:I just thought, if he was in a musical we wouln't be able to scream like fangirls
  9. What a fantastic idea, and I don't think he would rule it out, he did want to be in Hollyoaks didnt he, and he must have done some acting in the Cabaret show he was in, so it's probs running in his veins to perform, I just think he will do it if and when he decides to, oh how awesome is it gonna be to see him heading a stage musical and my daughter as his leading lady lol he it MIGHT happen, you never know, (she did just get a 2 year dada award to finish her training so who knows.... somebodys gotta do it
  10. Below are my reactions to just reading 40 pages from start to finish. yipeee new EP still yippee new EP even MORE yippee new EP phew will I ever get to the end of this thread and the acoustic yaaddda discussions doh did I fall asleep half way through this thread ah well while I wait patiently for the NEW EP I shall keep calm and chill maaaan.
  11. and only half a ball of wool (might chafe a bit though when you only use one string for the thong).
  12. oh you mean the triangular with no neck and small head/brain look yeah I know the sort, male strippers are crass but.... then I don't like any really tbh, and men look better in clothes anyway, tho bare chested I can live with
  13. yeah and try to find ones that are tall slim, with dark curly hair and cute dimples
  14. Has to be TOY BOY I agree with Kata about Rain though I have not heard it live, but I do find that one a little whinny, the others I aint given a fair chance to yet cos I am too obsessed with Toy Boy because I am in love with the lyrics, and feel and melody and just I'm in love with it
  15. Well on the face of it, it looks like an open invite now almost don't it
  16. ah yes but did they go out to DINNER in those outfits and kick up a big fuss about being ogled when wearing skimpy clothing is worn PURELY for that purpose? ... I think not!
  17. Blimey divorced even before the wedding... things move way to fast for me on this forum:naughty:
  18. Oh yeeees even his crinkly jacket (well everyone apart from me ).
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