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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. fab pics Daisy (especially the one of Laura me and my "son") cos its waay better than the one on MY camera. Glad you took away some good memories from it in the end.
  2. how can I EVER watch him do it again without thinking of this, that is mean of you to put that image in my head
  3. FREDDIE FREDDIE Bristol calls me loud and clear............. so excited I have sneaked another one in, have to leave straight from work on weds night 5.30 pm OMG!!! lol, tales foprever to get there, staying with Jazzy again :)

  4. FD says you may have a spare ticket to sell for Bristol, if so I'M YOUR GAL, old biddy w/e lol I dont mind, let me know asap so I can book trains and rooms etc etc xx

  5. I'm after a BRISTOL ticket, just the one, I cant face the fact I have no more Mika gigs left to go to so one last bit of madness before he leaves our soil for the rest of the tour, please PM me if poss cos I might not see any replies on here if they get lost in the abyss.
  6. lol it's MY pic from Newcastle, I posted it to him, he had just socked a balloon into the crowd, it's funny innit I did warm him I had taken a funny pic of him afterwards and I'd tweet it to him lol, proper action shot.
  7. I'm way too tired to do anything fab right now like a report or a full album upload but here are a few pics I just tweeted. I cant even remember what gigs they are Sheffield, Leeds or Manchester could be all 3 lol soo tired. http://twitpic.com/15cqmv http://twitpic.com/15cq2s http://twitpic.com/15cmui http://twitpic.com/15cnpf
  8. I am sure there was a girl with sequins on her face just behind me and i was center front, not 100% cos Ive been to 5 gigs now though.
  9. couldnt hack it babs he sloped off to a strip joint for a warm and some beer, never seen him since, no idea if he's alive or dead even
  10. I acctually agree with some of these points (I bolded them), cos at Little Noise it was beautiful to just sit there listening to his stunning voice and watch his beautiful facial expressions, that was a pure treat, But for a full on show I think he DOES have the balance spot on this time now I have seen the show a few times. He has a mixture of "sock it to them in the eye" songs and "STFU and hear this this voice man" songs. I LOVE the book backdrop, especially his sketched animated face, when his eyes slowly open and stuff I think every detail in his visuals are there for a purpose to tell a story HIS story, some of it I get some of it I havn't yet cos I'm probably missing it when I look or listen to my fave parts of the show or song etc. (It his ploy to make us want to keep going so we never get bored of it lol). I have found his perfoming of his songs now has totally blown me away more than before I didnt think that it could. He's not just singing his songs, like in Dr John for example I get soooo many emotions and messages from his body language and facial expressions, he is trying and for me succeeding to show me what he wants us to see in his songs, it's kinda like what I FEEl when I hear a certain line or a particular way he empathizes ONE word maybe, is now much more potent when I see his facial expression or his body language or movements. I totally ADORE that, it pulls me soo seep into what he's doing, just a little thing like the timing of the red lights during Golden and his performance of Golden in Manchester was the most heartfelt I have ever seen him do it, I told him so in Glasgow after I'd been a BG and he thanked me and said it was really nice that I remembered it so much cos he couldnt remember what he had done lol:teehee:, I think he was just SOOO into what he was doing that his movements just came naturally but they were exaclty what I would picture for the strong emotions that part of the song is expressing, fooking loved that, only found one little vid of it so far though.
  11. whata gal whata guy whata performer etc etc lol xx "tulips form Amsterdam" :D

  12. he kept TRYING to pull em up but obv failing miserably lol, ah well never mind I was too busy being in love with his voice talent performing and freaking out to him busting his moves and giving me wayyy to many adoring glances of devotion haha to notice his grey areas. (thanks to Jazzy he appears to to share the lurrrrve now haha).
  13. hiya sorry but I didnt say I had a ticket for any London gigs, we had a GLASGOW one to sell for 22nd Feb but thats been and gone, sorry

  14. not many ppl at Sheffield or Manchester really started to Q beofre 4 ish really, some came after 5 but most after 6pm so, I mean there was a few but not many at all considering what its like in London.
  15. think it was midnight with sleeping bags, chairs, etc... or maybe that was someone else but yes few ppl DO do crazy Q-ing like that lol.
  16. I just saw a flying pig wooooooosh..........
  17. I like it, he looks swish, it's orange & grey on my pc, I quite like it, it adds colour to the outfit and lifts the grey cos grey can bu soooo dull sometimes so I like the use of the colour in the scarf, it's not OTT, Not sure bout theose trews though cos on those pix they DO look a bit like jogging bottoms
  18. I chose to print my own Sheffield tix so I did that the other day, I'm just waiting for MANCHESTER one now from Saddlebags, I got Newcastle ones though and my N/castle ones from Saddlebags today. I don't know if I have already done the tix magic number thing on MS though, but then I can't find any codes or anything for them on the emails
  19. oh I LOVE his kinda wild hair on that pic, yummy
  20. Is anyone after a spare ticket for Glasgow on Monday 22nd Feb? pm me cos I wont see any msges left here as I don't come on MFC much now, TA
  21. :roftl: I had forgotten all about htis thread myself hahahahha, and after hearing "Let It Snow" I STILL would buy a Mika Christmas song
  22. what a funny interview T4P hes sooo funny, can't believe he played with the Queens horse poo then met her stinking of it hahaha I hate how they always leave mentioning Mika out of everything here, I reckon it's cos they can't dig up any dirt on him cos he is too careful and doesnt seek publicity like a lot of the toher do.
  23. cant you interview ppl via webcams, and record them (just a thought) lol probs a stupid one though
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