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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. OH so THATS the op she has had...... her clothes have been surgically removed, wonder what the scars are like
  2. OMG are you trying to KILL me or what!!! :floor:
  3. :naughty:Think I might sit this one out Sara
  4. I aint fussed on Katy Perry either, sure she is pretty but "I kissed a girl" put me right off her from the start, cos I didn't like the lyrics. I also don't like Yelle or w/e her name is. Love Saranayde when she did Mika stuff, but not so keen on her own stuff, it's kinda tecno I think what I have heard.
  5. A stripper, not my scene at all and for the same reasons as Sienna, I didn't think Mika was into that sort of thing either half naked women an all
  6. Maybe he didn't dare, though how sweet would it have been if he had and she accepted ahhhhh lol. Then again, she might have took it as an insult and slapped him hard about the chops lol
  7. seems to have backfired then eh :rocket: PS. did anyone else have thoughts of while watching the ice cream van vids or was that just me
  8. Does that mean those of us who haven't stalked him can have it now please cos I don't know it (I might want to post him a frock for his friend or summit.
  9. I didn't know you lived in London Kata, eee well you learn summit new every day. Maybe is he gonna move house now.
  10. whatever it was I pray it didn't give her wind cos it's got nowhere to hide in that get up (sorry schoolboy humour again )
  11. bosses and and all the worthless waste of time cr*p they make ppl do just to give some fool in an office a job to do that they get paid waaaaay to much to do since the description means: How to P*ss off your staff and send them to an early grave in 3 easy steps
  12. That poor girl, your all being so harsh on her yet she obviously has a terrible memory and just forgets to put on all of her clothes, and since she appears to do this all the time, it's got to be down to some kind of weird memory lapses or something. Please be kinder to her she can't help it. I love Mika's jacket it's all suave and sophisticated. I don't think hanging with her too much will do him a huge amount of good cos he will be secondary, always in the background, she is such a huge character, not a good move career wise huh. And also if you notice MOST of those photos' were of her lack of undergarments, and that seems to be what they are most interested in, who can get the best and most shots of her ass, (I also noticed Mika couldn't help but notice she had forgot to wear her frock on one shot when he checked out the her bare faced cheek ) Mind you she does have an awesome figure lucky girl, not fussed on her make up but I guess it's a stage thing, tho a bit weird to go out for dinner in it, but I suppose goths etc go out with their "look" so... maybe she likes just having half a mouth. She was interviewed on Paul O Grady (wasn't Mika at that show), and she seemed quite pleasant. But yeh, showing his house to the world wasn't a good idea, I feel a bit of painting and decoration and maybe a house number change for a house name coming on in the next week or so lol.
  13. lol I hear cruel CRUEL cross. and could it be come a little closer LET me pull your hair?
  14. Superbly put, I have been thinking that for ages about him, but you put it in much better words than I could have I am quite the same myself so that is kinda how I can tell,I expect you are too. only it makes me cry waaay too easily at things that I shouldn't lol)
  15. Well I have listened to the 4 new ones he played at the Roxy and I at first I liked GGG best, and being fair I haven't hardly listened to the others properly because I got obsessed with TB, and funnily enough I left this one till last to listen to cos the title put me off, but when I saw him singing and saw his facial expressions, and got into the lyrics meanings (and boy it has meanings on many levels). I just put it in a totally different league to the others, I adore the melody it works for me on all levels this song it's just AWESOME! I was never keen on Rain, it's ok but I always preferred HMDYLM and some of the other ones he wont be putting on this album So now I need to try to get into the other ones a bit more which is hard when I love TB so much. I ought to listen to BE a bit more too lol, the clapping one doesn't grab me as yet too.
  16. I agree with that and think I said so earlier but in a different way lol. I mean when I was a kid I used to fancy the dark haired guy out of Stingray and thunder bird 1 Scott, and Captain Scarlett phwoar don't get me started on him lmao, so it's yet another twist taht it could take.... that is why I love it and I love Mika's writting cos it really can MEAN whatever EACH and every one of us wants it to. It's far more enjoyable for it to have a so much going on and COULD be going on
  17. Ooh thanks for the quick response guys, and yeah even HE can't make that jacket look good, and that's saying summit cos he makes every other dam thing he has ever worn look waaay too good for its OWN good lol.
  18. yep I thought that bout the first line too, and the 2nd line could mean either he is good at articulating his story or/AND the TB was rather special as it was more than just a physical resemblance to the boy it even has articulated joints etc.
  19. oh yea another song I think is fab. ps I also hear this in these parts of the lyrics It’s a cruel CRUEL cross that I have to bear You KNOW that I adored YA
  20. So much more could be taken from these lyrics, I'm a bit uneasy about something else that came to mind like... being a sewer of curtains to ballet tutu's, the reference to voodoo pins and clothing etc.... (he could have taken this inspiration from closer to home). and how TB feels that the real him is locked away in an old toy box hidden so he has to live the lie of a life that the hag wants... she has made him sell out and disguise who he is and it's too painful to bear. I adore how this is song plays like a wind up toy, it speeds up in the middle and slows right down again at the end like it needs winding up again..... bloody awesome, I think it's totally superb.
  21. yep totally agree, it's like when I or we get ideas from his songs it's not necessarily a idea about himself or his life or even his views, but more often than not he is telling stories via lyrics, I love it that is why I write "poetry" myself, you can take from life not always your own and create a story, situation, SONG.
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