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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. yes it's rather wonderful, because it's so intriguing and cleverly written.
  2. This is one of the interpretations I get from these lyrics, but they are waaay deeper, there is so much going on in these words, I LOVE that about it (and I left this one till last to listen to as well cos the title didn't grab me) how wrong was I love it, I also love the jingly child-like reminiscing feel to the music. I’m a wind-up toy in an up down world (this is when he IS the toy) If you leave me all alone, I’ll make a mess for sure (this is like all those stories of toys in your toy box coming to life in the night and getting up to mischief) I’ve a heart of gold in a smaller size Leave me in the dark, you’ll never hear me cry (he's trying to be a brave little soldier) More than an illustration Points of articulation (there's far more to him than what you can see) Come to life on a brass spring Such a wonderful plaything (he's trying to let us know just how cute he is {the toy}) It’s a cruel cross that I have to bear With all the little girls who want to pull your hair (it's hard when fans want a piece of him) More than just a toy in a patch-blue suit (I wonder if he actually HAD a toy like this, it reminds me of a stuffed clown my son had) Hold me in your arms I’m just a boy like you (he is not just a toy but a boy like his owner, it's all very symbolic) But your mama thought there was somethin’ wrong Didn’t want you sleeping with a boy too long (his mother thinks he needs to grown up and stop playing with toys now) It’s a serious thing in a grown-up world Maybe you’d be better with a Barbie girl (his mother worries playing with doll type toys is "girly" and effeminate) You knew that I adored ya But you left me in Georgia Toys are not sentimental How could I be for rental?(it changes now and he (the toy) finds himself dumped as if he has no feelings and shocked at being used) She’s the meanest hag that has ever been (I agree about the HAG word used, if it was on purpose it was very clever.) Pulled out my insides with an old safety pin this sounds very symbolic cos it's how you DO stuff and unstuff toys)love it. I’m the sorest sight, now I feel like trash Clothes are made of rags and they don’t even match(he's feeling dirty, used and abused) So she dressed me up as the man she loved (darker again now, since the hag who could take on a number of forms, is manipulating his appearance and most likely his mind and soul), it could be someone dressing him in a more manly way like a soldier or something to disguise his effeminacy. Then threw me in a box when she had had enough Now the light of day I no longer see She stuck her voodoo pins where my eyes used to be(this is to show us just how horrid the hag is to him) Accidentally tragic Victim of her black magic How’d a boy who’d so loved you Now be so afraid of you? (I think it's accidental cos it kinda wasn't' meant to be this way for him and maybe the hag didn't mean to be a hag since he did love her in the beginning) There is much going on in this one I hope we get to find out the true meaning although it's part of the fun to have our own ideas on it.
  3. MOST DEFINATLEY it's what more than half of them want to do, "ooo I would die just to touch his hair" it's his way of nicely saying naff off I'm NOT your pet OR your toy!! leave my hair alone weirdos lol
  4. I think it sounds like SINCE your a woman, and it's DEFO got to be MATTER and not maTHer as some ppl have put, since mather is a surname and MATTER makes sense.
  5. I think your right about the "gotta warn ya" part it makes more sense than what I thought I heard which was PNEUMONIA lol. I got the sugar daddy part and the champagne part but I thought I heard champagne towers (I was seeing those champagne waterfalls they do at extravagant party's etc. I heard a the bit that she was 17 and good girl dream too. But dunno where it fits.
  6. I defo agree with this, I immediately thought of the Beach Boys with the OoO-ing part. I really like this one, I can't hear it well though unfortunetly, so can't make out hardly any lyrics but apart from what's already been said, I can hear the following: SHE HAD PNEUMONIA, CALIFORNIA, CHAMPAGNE TOWERS, SUGAR DADDY, AND that SHE WAS 17 WITH A GOOD GIRL DREAM in there somewhere lol, not necessarily in that order. I can't wait to hear it propely and know the lyrics, I love lyrics of a song just as much and sometimes even MORE than the tune etc.
  7. yes it was quite an astounding piece of work you did there, VERY impressive, and lets face it probably much more interesting than what they say in NME lol. PS. yeah he DOES have a Roger Rabbit look about him now you come to mention it, he might just be quite chuffed about that since he likes cartoons so much.
  8. Well It's not just today, I have been sooo happy since Saturday morning when my daughter Vix asked me to read her letter on the phone to her cos she couldn't wait any longer, and to read that not only did Vix pass her re-audition to get back into Italia Conti she also was awarded a 2 year DADA award so now she can finish her musical theatre course and gain a diploma. The fees are pretty dam hefty and now they are covered by them for 2 years woop, so yeah not stopped being proud of her since cos I know just how hard she has worked for it lol.
  9. I don't like it that Mika won't come to my house for supper, (Iv'e not invited him I know but I know he would refuse and I would get really p*ssy if he did that lol) ok ok I wouldn't really.
  10. pmsl Babs your just awesome lol Well I don't like the weather man we have up t'north cos he tries to be soo funny and zap some kinda personalty into his 3 mins of fame and fails miserably, he always finds the most unheard of places in the regeon to stick on his map just to get people from tiny unimportant boring places to watch him on tv I am pleased to say I can't remember his name (might be Bob summit or other) and I refuse to google it lol. I also detest mayonaise or salad cream or any other dressings they want to dribble all over my nice salad without even having the curtesy to ASK me if I want it OH NO!!! they just ASSUME everyone wants it and you know what happens when you assume.... you make an ASS(out of)U(and an ass out of )ME!
  11. not to worry I am sure Mika will keep himself decently clothed for his fans, he is suave and sophisticated most of the time I like to imagine lol.
  12. well.... I wouldn't mind it just to make sure it was er..... in good shape for medical reasons for being FIT for touring and wot not
  13. ROSE I had no idea this is the kinda thing you were imagining when you pictured Mika in a kilt.... it's not what i was thinking lol
  14. lol I think all these quaint old English type words suit Mika down to the ground... suave, dashing,charming, handsome lol I'm sure there is a lot more.
  15. I see it as the whole Marmite thing love it or hate it just don't say it's OK and as you say he will be far more interested in what people think of his albums, music and gigs.
  16. I hear ya Rose.... and not till you mentioned it but now I wont be able to get the image out of my head cos he would acctually look rather suave in a kilt (long as it wasnt that jacket with it naughty: ).
  17. See facially he is stunning on these, one uber cuteness the other uber sexy lol I love how he can get so many looks on one face lol (and maybe he should just go nekked next time and we would have nowt to complain about hahahaha
  18. Oh yummy I love that expression and it looks even better without watermarks, love the cute little tie but sorry I aint gonna pretend I liked the jacket, but I think I am entitled to say so, each to their own I think Mika is not stupid he will expect some ppl to like this or that and others to hate it and others who just sit on the fence. I do most of the time got splinters to prove it, but this time I really didn't like a thing about that jacket, yeah I was sarcy about it but that is what a lot of us Brits are like, it's our humour, Mika has lived here long enough to have his own sarcy Brit humour too, one of those things I adore in him actually. But hey if he is offended that one of his fans who has no fashion sense herself has openly winged about an item of his clothing... then he can email me and tell me off (I would be honoured lol). I have liked almost everything else he has done, I like his hair long and shorter, straight, slicked back, tonged, wild, (anything but under a hoodie), I like his t.shirts, his shirts, his beads, his bracelets, his voice when it's spot on his voice when it's not cos he's not 100% well, I like his smile, his scowl, his chubby bunny his giggles, his smouldery look, his cute look, his dimples, his teeth... you get it yet, it's just ONE jacket I really didn't like (so don't beat me Mika cos ya still hot stuff and gawjuz ).
  19. OOo sorry Daislylou but I beg to differ on that one, he looks effing gawjuz in almost everything I have ever seen him in but NOT this jacket, its horrid its a dull black more like grey, and it's all sewn funny like the threads have been caught up and it just doesn't fit him at all it looks like he is pretending to be a size 10 when he is really a 16 (anyone know that one lol)
  20. I think he has started to look too posey on pix now cos he is always on his own what he needs is a nice partner to take on these "do's" so he can kinda not feel so awkward and shy. And they might even iron his clothes for him beforehand and NOT let him out of the house with his little nephews jacket he threw in the charity bag ) so ladies.... ANY TAKERS??? WOAH there now just hold on I was first get in the queue (line to you non Brits lol And YES it's a great feeling just to know he is in the same country be it bloody miles away it's still a BIT closer lol.
  21. Now THIS is what you call a sexy expression on his face, The other pics are becoming samey, those poses look almost identical apart from that repulsive jacket, I mean he looks rather suave apart from that hideous jacket I hope it WAS from out of a charity bag he passed on the way to the do cos he forgot his jacket and NOT that he dished out stax of cash on it by some overrated "designer" cos I think it's vile (sorry meeks but it is), it's just a weird dodgy look to throw tog, all smart apart from THAT apart from that he looked fab and I don't mind the hair.
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