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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. There are a lot of fakes on Twitter, so maybe Mika's is a fake maybe Perez made it for a laugh or to get one over on us, maybe the Mika India tantric flying etc squad are starting early this year.... he has only given a little one off tweet, so I'm not entirely convinced it's him yet I need more evidence lol.
  2. bloody typical we always get the poopy end of the sitcks.
  3. OMG!!! thank god I wasn't eating or drinking while I read that comment or my pc would look like an accident in a vomit factory
  4. OMG I just realized what he has done, non of you seem to have made the connection yet have you? LOOK!! Think he could be on his way to VS's room of magical wizardy wonderful ringmasterly coziness right now lol. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://farm1.static.flickr.com/197/535472782_3f1ecc02a9.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/20connectedbreaths/535472782/&usg=__MbsbGaZkl1HY2as0BogvrPKNEoA=&h=333&w=500&sz=107&hl=en&start=9&sig2=Skjy9zDWTeBNHLV0Q5GZEA&tbnid=pJbgNYrzpZ9qzM:&tbnh=87&tbnw=130&ei=A0CnSf2yFaOyjAfmhd3iDw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Druby%2Bslippers%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN[/center]
  5. PMSL oh Sari you and I think so alike sometimes I nearly peed myself;f when I saw you thought the same lol
  6. I agree Rose, this is one of my fave ones too, it is gonna be my desktop, and all other places I can put it lol, I think he has sent most of us into meltdown with these pix I know I am just a puddle of my former self. Love the shoes, I think it was so Mika to bring such a LOT of colour in such a small way to a black tie event
  7. yes dam it life can be soooo unfair, cos if only we were HIS age.... well I KNOW he would be dating us at the very least
  8. lmao me too, god that would make me wanna watch Bond movies if HE was Bond... but somehow I can't see it working, I can't see Bond having a cute giggle, but hell he sure looks the part, I have dribbled all over my keyboard and he has set fire to my ageing heart all over again, why does he have to be so dam pretty pfft.
  9. Your a geordie Babs.... well knock me down with a smelly welly, so was I lol.
  10. oooo interesting, but I think he looks I dunno sort of distant or tired or not totally at ease or summit on that pic, and she shud be honoured he doesn't just let anyone have his songs (not yet anyway lol).
  11. ditto oh how I have missed you meeks, you have been away far too long I have had to hide away and not think about just how long cos..... it was....oh just so UNBEARABLE (do I get my Oscar yet lol).
  12. :wub2: hmmmmm yum I had forgotten just how good the mop haired mastah scrubs up.:wub2: I'M MELTING I'M MELTING all over again doh!
  13. lmbfao!!!! but hey...it's STILL Johnny Depp (can't fault ya lol).
  14. now that is the kinda hug I would LIKE to see him do and I think he should strip off when he hugs all of us individually:mf_lustslow: mwahahahha
  15. I think it looks like he has been doing "researching" for his new album...like ACTORRRRS do when they research roles, he must have written a song about the homeless. :floor:
  16. I DEFO remember that jacket getting stuck in the lights cos WE took a pic of it lol, I LOVED that gig (admittedly we had a fantastic spot) but I just loved that it was just a short walk to the gig, I think ALL gigs should have indoor queueing, I loved dressing up christmassy, I loved how he refused the jar of chicken tonight from Holy Johnny, I loved the security cos they were really nice and sometimes they can be dix lol. But MOST of all I LOVED we gave him the quilt we made him (and better still I LOVED that he displayed it on the drum stand at the next gig at Newcastle, which was a gig n a half too as it goes). I NEED MORE MIKANESS NOWWWWWW!!!
  17. I should think so too it's too awesome not to air it at every opportunity
  18. awww Iv'e not seen these pics before, isn't he sweet, (bet he was jealous of her curls lol) and I LOOOVE his trainers:wub2:
  19. oh so is there to be a 2nd album at some point (sarcasm with big hair :bleh:lol). There was me all full up with only one album yet soon I am to have desert too yummy yummy cant wait... but got no choice eh.
  20. he could make him a LG since the rest of the planet seems to want to be one so bet Mikey does too
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