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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. aww he does look cute but he still aint as pretty as Mika even as a girl
  2. Welcome to MFC Sari, great to finally see you joined after so long ago now and having met you on a number of occasions at Mika gigs here n there, I wondered when you would cave in and join us here at MFC (I probs don't have one of these pages and if I did it would be far to embarrassing to see what sh*te I came out with back then).
  3. people go grey at different times it's all about genes, lets hope he goes grey rather than bald though. My hubby is lucky he will be 50 this July but still has a full THICK head of very dark hair (just one or two stray greys popping out now), might have left him by now if he had gone bald lol, or if Mika asked me to be his "personal" assistant.
  4. roast chicken crisps, chilli peanuts (YUMMY:drool: YUMMY) :clap:and :boing:DA DA DA DA :trumpet: a cheeky vimto
  5. With his welcoming smile and warm personality.... hell yeah ... he will STILL be gawjuz and by then I will be dashing around with my zimmer frame so he will STILL look DDGawjuz to me, in fact he always will since I am so much older than him lol.
  6. :shocked: have we been forgotten in his festivities.... maybe his silence means he doesn't give a HOOT if we have a good or bad new year..... maybe.... he is still massively hung over.....maybe he.....just cant be arsed to vlog/blog till he is good and ready so there kinda thing.
  7. I'm a 60's child.... 1960, that makes me ancient but I like to laugh so have been known and seen to act like a loon but I guess on here that is quite normal
  8. Oh I have just seen this thread, but am too tired to read it all, so any chance of a quick.... summery of what its all about etc etc pleeaaaase :D
  9. Merry Christmas Claire, hope it was a good one :)

  10. Just wondering if the emphasis is on BOTH genders equally since a lot of people (well heterosexual men that is), seem to be able to hyporcytically accept gay or bisexual women far easier than they can when it's men.
  11. I can't access my hotmail on this laptop, but I just wanted to say a BIIIIIG THANKYOU for sending me the lovely hamper, oooo it was fab opening it up and seeing all the cute things you put in there for me :D >_


    xxx Sparkly1 xxx


    PS your hand made card was beautiful too >_

  12. does this mean we will ALL be having a BIG helping of it on Christmas day since turkey is just a kinda chicken but a lot bigger
  13. I think something like this tried to catch ME out 3 times on MSN cos 3 of my contacts who have not spoken to me for a ages and ages opened up a convo with me but it was just a link telling me to go on it and look at something or other, can't remember what but I remembered NEVER to click random links without asking the "contact" what they are for first.
  14. I'm not really sure what kinda places are suitable but we have at least 2 cute little theatres in my neck of the woods, there is Middlesbrough Little Theatre and Darlington civic which are just like having them in your front room lol and seated which would be soooo civilized don't you think.
  15. My living room HAS to be THE place for him to play, the sound is superb and I could fit maybe a dozen people in...or if he really wants a HUGE audience and make it far less cozy. I could open up the doors between the living room hall and dinning room and he could play in the hall and we could have a dozen or so in each room and I can buy in lots of ribena for him and everything, sounds like a great idea doesn't it, he could even sleep over in one of my spare rooms so no need to travel afterwards, oh and I have 2 showers so he can clean up too.... sorted then eh.
  16. I have pics of mine from other years but dunno when I am gonna get around to putting it up this year...I'll post a pic when I get it put up. loveing the pink one which seems decoratedly challenged
  17. voted... but it was such a hard choice, so many nice one. In the end I got it down between A & E I liked the piccy in A best and the firework behind him but in E I liked the colouring cos it matches MFC colours and that is has text on the bottom and I liked what the text says.
  18. I see what your getting at Sari, it's like... he doesn't really NEED all of those extras, he has something special and mesmerising about his persona without anything, he has enough talent and charisma in his little finger so...some of us would be just as happy with Mika....nothing more nothing less...just Mika is enough right? (though I DO love the confetti at gigs lol).
  19. I dunno, I would imagine that if Mika DID think of it all waaay back when... and it suddenly became popular before he had a chance to put his own album etc out there, then he would probs ditch the idea and do something totally different as I see him as .... I dunno... as wanting to be different from the rest, he likes to be unique and usually comes up with the goods but if it was almost all done and he was just fiddling with the finer details... then maybe he would just go with it, sometimes these things just happen that way and are unavoidable. Or maybe he will do it cos he WANTS to do it lol.
  20. PMSL now THAT I would LOVE to see...I mean...er an album of that title NOT the actual thing (spade ...dig....hole lol).
  21. I PM'ed you my pic entry thing I have no idea if it's what you had in mind but if it's ok then add me to the list and that can be my entry lol
  22. eh :S wot do you mean!!!!! whats this about wallpaper O_o

  23. I would love to have a go at this but 1, I don't have PSP and 2, even if I did it's too complicated for me to understand lol But hey I'll leave this to all you experts to have fun with.
  24. sigh...just a distant memory now..... that was the awesome INDOOR queueing gig where the security were awesome and took pics for us at the front n all sorts, where we all dressed up christmassy, where we handed over THE FANTBULOUS MIKA QUILT!!! It was the one and only EVER time that Andy came to ask me a question for the camera and I clammed up and shouted for Carmel lol. The gig where Holy Johnny, Bumble bee Vix and co went in costume round the supermarket looking for chickens to give to Mika and could only find a jar of CHICKEN TONIGHT!! they offered it to Mika after the gig and he refused to accept it saying it would mean he was getting chicken tonight :naughty: ..... aye it was great I LOVED that gig.
  25. I am so out of the loop aren't I? what on earth is this one all about
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