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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I am so sorry for all your losses, It isn't going to be easy but Babs gave you some sound advice there, there is nothing I can say to ease your pain, and nothing I can add to everyone's lovely warm wishes and advice for you. Be good to yourself, take care of yourself, and allow yourself to grieve for as long as it takes, it's the only way hun. *hugs* xxx Sparkly1 xxx
  2. yeeeey NOOOOOOOO!!! I cant do arty Or putery art IM DOOOOOOOMED!!!!!!!! :tears:
  3. was that one of those annoying "joke" comments again
  4. so did I and I said the word RAIN would be falling from the sky to put out the fire lol
  5. hello there, loving the name :D

  6. I have to disagree, I think Christmas songs DO have to be about Christmas in some way shape or form otherwise he could bring it out at Easter n have it about CHICKENS and eggs mwahaha! I like the idea of his LICM phase coming to it's conclusion with a nice Christmas single, he could have rainbow snow (confetti in other words) YEEEY pretty huh :wink2:for the finale they can dress up as reindeer, polar bears, penguins (hey room for Rose there I see ) etc etc...oh I can see it all now Grey Skelly in red like father Christmas, Lollipop girl can be the good little girl who gets lots of lollies off Santa (GS again), Billy brown can be one of the elves, Big girl can be mother Christmas, Mika can be the angel (no change there then ).
  7. Oh she is doing GREAT thanks Freddo :P she LOVES it in London Loves it at Italia Conti, loves her new flat mate and all her new friends she has made, likes her new job at the opticians lol but hates that she more than likely wont be able to afford to go for another year cos it will cost about 20 grand again and that kinda money for 3 years is just too hard to find really, it's notlike she is even allowed a student loan like most get.

    How's it all with you these days?

  8. or maybe it should be: I saw Mika kissing Santa Clause I'm sure he loves Santa as much as anyone.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Kata The wizard is a sexy beast I'm sure he has a wand at least he knows we want to kiss and tell so he makes sure to hide it well but when the fangurls have gone home and he is almost all alone he shares his magic, kind and fine I think I'll censor the next line it's not like we would ever care with whom or what he'd chose to share but we can always hope and pray that we could swing the wand someday Oh this was pure genius I remember it well
  10. well I think they should wait till after Christmas since I don't class any old song a Christmas single unless it is Christmas themed, and X factor winners get on my goat anyway its all too cheesy but for all the wrong reasons, maybe this is why Peter Kay's song is waaaay better then anything any of THEM have ever released
  11. oh yes I remember all those from aagges ago but my fave was this one, it's so pointlessly delicious, and many episodes too. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=oRtrqhVe3Ao
  12. Aww it's such a shame things have changed from when I was a lass :wheelchair: we used to look forward to new Christmas songs, but.... times have changed I guess and I was just wanting a special Christmasy greeting from M and of course maybe even a funny chickeny one would be fun.
  13. I think if he does he could call it "Let's all have CHICKEN this Christmas" Woke up this Christmas morn didn't want presents like before could smell and taste my hearts desire chicken with you by an open fire. (please feel free to add you own ideas for the lyrics)
  14. I dunno I'm an olding so my memory is poo lol but if he did then he often says things just for the hell of it cos he is a naughty boi lol.
  15. Ha ha made you look but do you think he should make a Christmas song, maybe it's too late for this year but there is always NEXT year lol and we really DO need some new ones I like the old ones but I bet Mika could write an awesome Christmas hit.
  16. Well it was Babs crazy thread that made me remember this video that still amuses me so much lol. (it was made by some friends of friends of my daughters for a 6th form exam I think but I just think its rather arty and amusing http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gg4Dg2JH94g
  17. Hmmm over here your not allowed everything on your list into room 101 I think it's only 3, so for yours I will agree that 1-2 and 5 deserve to go in the most. What happens now do more people vote on your room 101 submission or is it someone else's go now?
  18. I can't watch it yet, I think it's cos my pc is running scans etc so its really slow right now (how bloody annoying is that )
  19. Awww bless, they are so cute when I was looking at all the lovely pics I got a flashback of the smell of tiny puppies, (my doggy had 3 sets of pups when I was a teenager), I took one to school in my duffel coat pocket once and was made to take it home, (silly moo arnt I ). Why don't you give one to Mika since he said he wanted a dog, and it's gonna be small enough to carry around in that bag he takes everywhere lol.
  20. how awesome, I love that, don't remember it but I sure will now he has a way with words does da mastah
  21. Fans of Idina Menzel (like my daughter) call themselves FANZELS and she knows about it and it's rather cute isn't it, mind you she is so sweet and very talented too (think I might become a bit of a Fanzel myself) well I did go to see her in Chess at The Royal Albert Hall and hung about with my daughter afterwards, and yeah spoke to her very briefly to say how much I had enjoyed the show, she was lovley to everyone who waited. Did anyone see her interview on This morning the other week with Phil and Fern, she was soo funny lol.
  22. yeah just thought of one....NAN!!!!! it's gonna be SOOOO useful to just walk past all the security and when they try to stop me and say "excuse me what are you doing, who are you?" and I just say..."tsk! I'm Mika's NAN now excuse me" and they all just step aside and make me cups of tea and sto0fs can't wait, lol.
  23. "giggle giggle giggle giggle oh no giggle giggle when did that happen giggle giggle" oh I am a BIIIIG fan of the Mika giggle
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