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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I think it's about time we had more Mika quoting mp3's out there don't you I need a bit of a lift at the mo.
  2. yeah I liked that one also "Don't zoom in on my boogers" is pretty high up my list
  3. I have spoken to him very briefly on a couple of occasions but I am very shy when talking to people at times so find it hard, but when I have my daughter with me she is bubbly and chatty and I can hide behind her. I also just like to watch and listen to him when he chats to others. But I did manage to ask him a question at the Brixton after party but only because he came and stood directly next to me I find him fascinating to just watch and listen to, I love his manerisms and yes...the way he looks right into the persons eyes who he is talking to is soo.... I dunno it just is kinda scary yet open of him all at the same time lol. He is lush n I wish I could just have tea and scones with him (not on my own cos I would go dumbstruck lol), it would be fun cos he just always seems to be himself, no aires or graces, just plain daft as a brush sometimes too I love that about him. (oh he also asked US if he could keep the bear we made him in Newcastle and we said of course it is for you lol), he is so sweet and polite, his mum brought him up so well.
  4. I don't get all this hair thing, I mean women today want a guy with long hair, stubble yet demand he waxes his chest and other areas Have to admit, his hair looks so soft and fluffy but I would never go up to someone I don't know and just grope his head cos his hair looked nice so I would never do that to Mika either and if anyone started to grope my or my head I would be less than amused also, he is right it's just plain weird.
  5. how weird...it's not ghastly at all lol though it's hard to concentrate on the music, since he has quite a distinctive voice.
  6. hehe :naughty: my new take on it after looking at it lots and trying to come up with an idea of how it makes me feel when I look at it. came up with this and posted it on his blog maybe this is about a song writing struggle to find new and original lyrics and that is why she only has letters, and words are not always her own unless they are put together in a way that makes them sound new and unique. She seems to be running home with all her ideas flowing and falling out all over the place. In the box I can just about make out the words:- Mika, hurtful, you’ll, (or you’re) shell (or she’ll), me, end, hand(or handful) and er…solarium?? but I could be seeing things lol. I love how the word HOME makes her home and I wonder why the H is the main structure of the house (H for heart perhaps?). Also the M is being squashed by the O so is the M Mika and he is being oppressed, or maybe he is the main structure holding it all together. There ya go it's amazing what each person can see in art isn't it and it's all new to me lol.
  7. I think I can see Mika inside the box (no not him lol his name) and hurtful, you'll, (or your'e) shell, me, end,hand(or handful) and er...solarium?? but I could be seeing things
  8. howdy there friend lol

  9. gotta love the way he can answer a question with not the answer they were looking for yet answered it all the same lol clever guy methinks he does that quite often when he doesn't wanna give em what they want, or give em the answer HE wants to give and if they are REALLY on the ball like he often is then they will know what he is getitng at.
  10. OMG he must be a rocker lmao I can just picture him in leather on his Triumph Bonnie
  11. er yeah though I dunno what to do (I'm poop at these things lol) This is the first time I have seen this thread again since my last comment Guess I'll just say thanks to him lol. (again)
  12. I agree I hate the braces (but I see they match the collar of his shirt), but I have totally fallen in love love with his jacket, its nearly as DDG as him :drool:
  13. nah lots of HAIR on the head = UBER good times hair on the chin = stubble rash lol
  14. OMG you crack me up, :floor: pass me the tenor lady :wheelchair:
  15. :chkn::band::partytime2::dance_man::rasta:

    heard all the noise from your gaff, knew you would be throwing a parteh so crashed (didn't wanna miss anything :P lol).

  16. howdy pengy just dropping by and hopefully leaving you a little message and being naff at all things new I might bog it up but we shall see lol ttfn:cheerful_h4h:

  17. yes and he refused to take it cos it meant "I was having chicken tonight"
  18. What a rather rude name you have:bleh: I never share lollipops with anyone anyway cos I tend to CRUNCH them :naughty:

  19. Well I have not been on this site much of late, and er...feel well out of the loop, but er....sounds like some disagreements going on and I best keep out of them as I have no idea whats gone on. Onto the changes, I like the albums and thats about all I have played with so far, no doubt I will like the other st0of too when I discover it all
  20. all together now...Happy days are here again tral la la la la tral la la la la
  21. I have heard of her name but that's all really, so first I watched her vlog and quite liked how she came across on that, then listened to a couple of her songs on utube, I think I need to hear more before I decide if I like her music or not, but it IS interesting, I like listen to new things I have not heard before. I found her vlog quite interesting too, it felt like she was just having a chat with me lol.
  22. hmm, I'm more interested in a new album than another DVD, but I'm not breaking my heart over him taking his time, it will be on the shelf when it arrives and I will more than likely buy it, not sure about another DVD, I'm sure anything interesting will be leaked onto utube or somewhere. I was really good last year and didn't look at ANY of the leaked pics or anything any of you lot posted up so it was really nice to see it in its full unspoiled glory on Christmas day (I know I am such a saint I even suprised myself). I guess I have not seen Mika live for so long now that the urgency has worn off, I would like to see him again but not sure if I will go as crazy about it all as I did at first. (unless he gives me a personal invite to all his gigs and put me up in his hotel etc), might be able to twist my arm for that
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