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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. hair................................ 10/10 (I quite like the unruly look of it lol tho I normally prefer it shorter and darker, OOO you can never have too dark hair on a bloke) lol. stubble........................... 6/10 (that is good for me cos I don't like sore face off a mans stubble one can live in hope ). top half.......................... 5/10 colours ok but it looks far too small for him trousers......................... 5/10 weird shoes............................2/10 2 for being different but I think they are vile. I think he always looks skinny, and I worry cos the camera is supposed to make you look fatter so imagine how skinny he must REALLY be, and he does NOT have child bearing hips, he has a blokes hips and botty....teeny and peachy not that I have studied it or anything. http://www.contactmusic.com/pics/la/serpentine_summer_party_3_090908/mika_2066500.jpg He looks like he is about to attack the paps or something on this one doesn't he lol
  2. pmsl love this one not seen it before, but why do spoon tricks make him so emotional lol
  3. and a bright T shirt too, he always wears them with a jacket.
  4. I dunno who the guy in the white cap and blue top is but the guy in black looks a bit like Martin.
  5. EXACTLY it would be plain selfish of him to not make baby Mika's for the rest of the world to adore, so I certainly would prefer him to find a female partner and reproduce lots and lots he better not disappoint me and anyway he has to prove all the tabloids and poo heads wrong (one has to have ones dreams ).
  6. look like 2 naughty kids who got told off by the security men. Mika looks rather swish in his stubble, believe me I wouldn't accept stubble from any other guy on the planet but...I could let him off once in a while for sporting it, cos he is GAWJUZ
  7. :shocked: I don't want to die on my birthday :crybaby:
  8. that'sflippin' awesome, I actually prefer it without the word MIKA on it, I think it says it all, though think I would like to see his jeans a colour he wears often (that means white then lol), or how about a t.shirt with tails or braces just to make doubly sure, I love how his lovely long legs are the A in Albert, GENIUS
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8C5n4Waxt8&NR=1 :naughty:
  10. awesome though THESE http://www.penreed.com/cgi-bin/shopper.cgi?preadd=action&key=PH281 are the ones I would choose
  11. It sure was and to be right in the front row the next gig (Newcaslte) and suddenly realize he was dispalying it on cherisses drum stand was just fantastic, and then to see him beaming to himself when he noticed us all pointing and yelling at each other about it....woo hoo it was fantastic...sigh!!! I miss my Mika gigs, I really do he kept me from thinking about doom and gloom and I NEEEEED some Mika in my life again to bring his rainbow into my dark sky (flaming @eck I think I need to go write a poem or something ).
  12. He better be or I can feel a wrath of the MFC rising up to bite his skinny ass
  13. unless they get knocked over by a bus in a freak act of god that is
  14. yes it still hurts she was a well loved pet, and really had the most awesome nature, here are some pix of her being silly or just plain cute (I like to rememeber her this way better). Jazz the vampire dog lol. Jazz the poorly in her bed with a blankie bat eared dog Jazz the biscuit balancing clever well trained dog. and Jazz the beautiful kind faced german shepheard dog She was loyal, good natured, well trained, trusting and trustworthy and nothing phased her. she would love to play find the hidden toy, flip a biscuit off her nose once told to "take it" then catch it and eat it, she would fetch things, poop in her own toilet area and not ruin the grass fall over and play dead when shot with a loaded finger lol.....ok I'll stop now, I just love her and miss her.
  15. :wub2: this is little Bumblebee_vix many moons ago with JAZZ, the best dog in the universe who we had to say goodbye to 3 weeks ago :crybaby: broke my heart but she needed peace.
  16. he better NOT subject a dog to being dressed like a human being that is just sick SICK SICK :puke: (I would accept a coat for skinny dogs in the rain or cold) but anything else is treating it like a toy..an object...and is just wrong. (IMO). I have said before if it's just him being a bit broody, then I will allow my daughter BumbleBee _Vix to share offspring with him (think of the curls)
  17. This states to me WHY a lot of people can't or don't want to believe "in" gods religions etc. It seems to me religious views are extremes a lot of the time, and if there were non we would have nothing to argue and kill each other in the name of (oh dear what then...well I am sure we could easily find something else to kill each ohter in the name of). Sorry but religions just annoy me, I don't try to convert anyone and find it offensive that they they try to convert me. I WAS baptized as a child but it means NOTHING to me at all, I had no say so it has no hold on me. I chose NOT to have my children baptized and they are glad of this as they are young adults now and can choose what and IF they want to follow any religions themselves, I have given them freedom of choice I chose NOT to marry in a church as it would have been hypocrytical, so boring old registry office for me in those days (thank god..ALL of them, lol that there are nicer places to wed now). I have a very nice catholic friend, who tried her VERY best to convert my daughter to going over to the catholic faith, and I'll give her her dues, she did go to church with her a fair few times, but decided it wasn't for her and turned pagan, my friend was horrified and threatened to paint a cross on our door with holy water I said she could clean the whole door if she liked cos it needed it living on a main road like we do. (yes we are still friends btw, she has her strong beliefs and I dont). I belive that GOD is good with an o missing, I believe the "stories " of the bible were there in the first place as a kind of guide on HOW to behave so that it benefits mankind, it was like advice really IMO and it just got twisted out of all proportions over the centuries and I find it quite repugnant what has been done to it and how it has been changed and used in a very unsavoury way for some people to gain power over others. I can't stand the "our god is better than your god" mentality that so many religions whole heartedly believe too, enough to kill another human being over. It can't be right to do that, if god does exist he would be horrified at what soome people have done to his good intentions don't you think. So basically, it had good intentions but man ruined it by his greed for power. I DONT believe the bible and god exists as some are led to believe, but I LIKE to believe there MAY be something more, but we have no idea what and may never know. We should ALL treat each other with respect and "do unto others" that is all, if we all did that, then ther would be no need for so many crutches or wars. (hope no one gets offended, I'm not good at explaining myself, so normally I try not to say anything). So I don't want a huuuge row over my opinions please as I have not attacked anyone elses opinions.
  18. Well I gave a smug smile to myself when I heard it, I got MORE annoyed when he slagged off people who attend Stage schools because the HYPOCRITE I mean lets face it his baby LEONA LEWIS attended ITALIA CONTI so he should just be careful what shpheels out of his mouth sometimes pffft!
  19. I had just given my first donation but I think it must have been just before the MFc was bought by Mika or before the links were taken off, oh well so I don't need to do it any more now then, fair enough, guess he is rich now, (or will be soon enough lol).
  20. hmm unless he dressed up as a bear/clown/bunny or some other dodgy costume while doing it how is he gonna make THAT interesting, CUP/TEABAG/WATER mix together voila cup of tea. Now if he were to bake the actual scones, then surely THAT would hold our interest far longer.
  21. I enjoy his blogging, I don't expect all his blogs to grip me with equal interest and I don't expect him to blog every day, I am just happy when he DOES blog, I like the randomness of his blogs. He isn't my teacher so I don't want or expect him to educate me, but I will check out things he is interested in and shows us, if I like it fine, but I would have to be REALLY interested in it to go out of my way to incorporate it into my own life, so far that's not happened. It annoys me when people try to make THEIR comments HUUUGE when they reply in the hope he will notice theirs and read it, or fill it with stupid hearts and crap. Yes I have added the odd random reply to his blogs, but I would be surprised if he trawled his way through the 50 million replies he gets to most of them anyway to read ANY of them. anyway, about a tea blog, if he did one I would watch or read it, but but I am sure he did a tea blog aaages ago while eating scones and jam and cream, so what more can he do with a tea blog, tiz been done. ps.I also can't be bothered to come on MFC and discuss in detail his blogs, I just like to hear from him when he chooses to get "in touch".
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