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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. well I was at work from 1 till 9 today so I couldn't really see the weather that much, though people kept saying it was dreadful, and occasionally I caught glimpses of torrential rain and black skies, it was really hot and humid though at work and we have no air con in our work pfft!! ho hum, British weather is so poopy,
  2. Just thought I would cheat and doctor the cake I made for my daughter this year so I could wish the same for Mika
  3. here are some reasons why he keeps wearing that hat. he is having more bad hair days than usual his hair curling assistant has been sacked its a bet to distract us from Adele to distract us from the twins to distract us from nagging about the new album Adele bought him it and he is wearing it to please her it was FREEEEE!! lol Martin super glued it to his head on the bus while he was asleep for a laugh it's a dress code of his new found religion any other ideas anyone?
  4. I don't think he is taking the piss, well apart from wearing that hat, but hey, he must have won the bet by now he can surely take it off . I prefer his poetry blog to some of the visual arty ones cos I just don't "get" some of that at all, but each to their own and all that.
  5. ha ha well I have written a new one today, after Mika inspired us to read his poetry blog and I really liked it and the video too, then reading all the comments left there and some really fab poems that some of you lot posted were awesome so anyway here is the first new one I have written in aaaaaaages (don't have time cos I'm Mikafied). Opinions so who is to say if it meets the mark are you REALLY qualified to chalk lines before twisted emotions still, lemons make me wink and squint at the self validation of your opinions. So who is to say your opinions are valid just because you cast them over many thousands of words your arrogance is absurd yet you "know" how much you know. So who is to say how much you know REALLY qualifies you to have that twisted emotion with an air of denied arrogance and acidic snobbery see this wink, squint and wry smile for your opinions .....YOUR opinions. ©Vivienne B 15/8/2008
  6. ooo you ARE naughty (maybe even little miss naughty)....but I like ya lol
  7. lol looks like I found my poetry files tonight (sorry) but I'm gonna end on one with a different tone . Replaceable And when did you alone decide I had lost my sparkle, and my lustre, When together we have been far and wide. Shunned by you after all these years Hardly believing how You stood up for me against all those sneers. Your new INTEREST she is no patch on me Yet I’m the one on death row You’re vibrant little sweet pea Purple passion lilac violet by name Unlike miss grotty green Insurance claim. Yet I can hear her smugly laughing From the other side of this door Tauntingly she mocks and slyly whispers adieu. My days here I feel are numbered And there’s nothing I can do Now my movements all are lumbered. Just drive me away; I know I’ll have to go There’s no room now in your garage, For one ageing rusting metro. ©2005 Vivienne B. 11/04/2005
  8. Thank you for reading them I am a mere novice as this next one explains, but it's a way to express yourself I guess and I can't draw or paint or play any instruments (oh how I wish I did) lol. The Unsung Artist These sounds, these words, A mere vehicle of thoughts, Thoughts that are grown and harvested By a novice farmer of Intellect...poetry and the like. A collection of feelings Sifted, sorted presented, Once purely for the absorption of self, Yet to pleasure the minds and hearts of many Would fill a void, Plug a gap Be the missing piece. But to a novice Who can only deliver pieces From her heart, She’s unable to carve like a puppet pulled by strings. Her soup never has the same flavour Nor texture, Nor appeal to the universal palette, Not today, for most... never. So her recipe remains nameless, With many variations In style, flavour and presentation. Only ever destined To be sampled by few.... maybe. Her painted words Will never hang in any gallery, To be dissected under a microscope. Her ornamental vase of verse Sits unsold. Uninterested people Waste not their elegant and precious time, On the unknown woman Of many voices. A poet is not my title for... POET: a writer of poems (the term is usually reserved for writers of good poetry) So this art from my heart passes invalidated ©2005 Vivienne B 9/1/2005
  9. Dragons Lair With hands tied behind my back This last straw upon the camels back A reluctant and begrudged blessing Exchanged for your silver tongued caressing So take her to your dragon’s lair As deadly sin awaits her there Blood drips from dank cold walls Here in the place the angel falls. Long talons black as coal Caress the whiteness of her soul Rusty chains lay on the filthy ground Like redundant sordid bounds. Bats scurrying past her head Rats burying her in your bed Eyes prying like a pack, Upon your latest; knick-knack. Fiery breath bruises her skin As molten larvae flows within And as they lay within the putrescence Relieved, wanton, free of pretence Howls and jeers from other chambers As quenched you lay in the dying embers Triumphant, breathless, all but spent In the dragons lair of my torment. ©Vivienne B 16/6/2005 (The pic art is by Ward).
  10. One of these days I will get round to writing some new stuff and better stuff would be nice lol. (sorry but I always have to apologize for everything). Out of Her Hands When cool grey mist fills the air She dwells in clouds of fuzzy indecision The daily regime is instilled Drip-fed with immaculate precision …It’s out of her hands. Bound tight like a swaddled infant Helpless in your entrusted embrace Sing softly the lullaby of dependency Power play in an enclosed space …It’s out of her hands. Un-cocooned and unrolled Unwrapped and unfurled The oyster shell is abruptly opened But…where is the pearl? …It’s out your hands. A camouflaged wallflower Now sits wilting in distress Burning in your iced stare At her useless powerlessness …It’s out of their hands. ©2005 Vivienne B 22/8/2005
  11. Well since Mika has posted some poetry it has got me thinking about poetry again so dug this one out to post here. Dropping Pennies The day will come one day, one day the day will come, when pink cotton candy mist clears, and you succumb to all that you have done. Your crystal droplets of ruby red from your bleeding heart upon his bed, intruding in this darkened well, strengthening my newfound hell to stand tall again be fixed be whole your twisted agony can heal my soul. Bleed before my eyes weep oceans feel crucified swallow the bitter taste of my shamed satisfaction as the penny drops by your side TING…oh joy is the sound of said penny upon stone ground, for only then in YOUR darkness when your broken heart does burn will some empathy you learn. ©2005 Vivienne B (3/8/2005)
  12. Aww how cute, I am an oldling but I would also not have the guts to speak to him, if I was with some confident friend or my daughter then I would feel a bit braver but I would probs just let them do the talking while I just looked on in awe sigh lol. It's a thing we would all LOVE to happen, to just meet him randomly and innocently like that but then reality hits and you start to think "omg I feel bad pestering him when he is just out privately" etc kinda thing.
  13. yeey t4p I love hearing MIka everywhere (I'm not fussy )
  14. lets hope he is filthy rich and carries CASH
  15. Do look in the mirror and think Yep... f***ing gawjuz, those laydees on MFc are sooo right
  16. Ha ha well she won't be living anywhere posh, she has no money to live off down there as she will be at a theatre college thing where the fees are enough to buy a small home lol, and she isn't entitled to a student loan so she is staying at some charity funded multi storey dwelling, (maybe Mika can employ her to er.....clean his converses while tap dancing wearing a bumble costume or something)
  17. Well I think he ought to really (if he knows whats good for him anyway) I quite fancy tagging along on this cos Bumblebee vix will be living in Hamstead by then so I could visit her too and I am sure she will wanna come too yeeey wooo and all that.
  18. Go Queenie, I love them all too, I prefer the early stuff when they all looked HOT HOT HOT lol, and Elvis sure could sing, his voice makes me melt sigh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqUOEPELMYA&feature=related and Cliffy baby was just so cute and has distinct sound to his voice, my very fave is Buddy Holly, I just love that kind of music, Billy Fury, fabian, Bobby Rydell, Gene Vincent, Bobby Angelo & the Tuxedo's are great listen to this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im0FYvu8Zno I hear that intro and my hubby and I race to the dance floor for a bop n jive, I bloody LOVE it. (ignore the dude with the crazy legs they have on this vid it's not them, but he sure has some unique moves lol. oh and one from when I was about 15ish is this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA18Z_6Meqk&feature=related ahh memories lol. I like all sorts of stuff really:naughty:
  19. Yeah I think cos she advertised for Mika then he could at least offer to pay the 60 thousand quid it's gonna end up costing to send her there for 3 years hey, he can afford all these posh dancing beds and cool places to chill so I am sure he must be WELL loaded by now (ok ok Mika keep ya hair on I was only pulling ya leg....or was I..mwahahahaah)
  20. lmao yes you must (though I can't play your vid on my pc cos it's being a *insert inappropriate swear words here*
  21. Mika you REALLY REALLY HAVE to have children, look how wonderful you look holding a child, you just CANT rob the world of your offspring, you look so natural with little ones, and just THINK how totally mind blowingly awesomely talented and beautiful they will be. So after your next album and next UK tour you are ORDERED to make some babies.
  22. yeah I am, but she still has a long way to go before she reaches her dream, but at least she is going to give it a dam good try. (I am certainly going to miss her company too she is such a funny person, always keeps me giggling).
  23. well yeah she seems to feel strongly about it, seems to want to go about it herself the traditional way, I think her reasons and take on it are quite sound.
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