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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. gotta say, those pants send me well dizzy, I think he should take em off in my presence I kinda like em on him it's kinda kewl to wear your album cover in such a flamboyantly proud way like that (I do have a penchant for eccentic ppl at times lol).
  2. SOS heart attack victim, no wait...she is just having a spasm, or has she gone loopy:insane:.... that is one mighty fine pic, yeah yeah yeah the boy is back, back back from his magical journey... (sorry broke into magical trevor just then, for those who have not been enlightened to magical Trevor then he is a link to him. http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/magical+trevor/
  3. well WE stalk him (well I don't really cos I dunno how to lol or maybe I would ). I think it's really sweet he chose at least 3 ppl to leave a little comment on, I hope he does that more often, keep us sweet n all that lol, he will KNOW we will all run about like headless :chkn:s wetting ourselves with excitment oh that boy....he is such a tease (gotta love love him for it though). ps, those are some seriously fancy pants he is wearing on that pic you got there Rose.
  4. I refuse to be jelous dam it I failed lol:insane:
  5. glad I wasn't the only lonley one to do that lol
  6. oh and this one too lol, man there are some craasssseeee ppls out there http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0f_SDQPpSwc&feature=related
  7. Has anyone seen this yet? it's kinda amusing lol cos it's a different take on it. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=oYIYb9FGubo&feature=related (is that one better I changed it?)
  8. woah that is a seriously bright kinda pink top ha ha purples better cos
  9. :naughty: how unusual (aww I'm just teasing I am sure they will come up with a cunning plan when they get a minute. Do they want vids from just THIS tour or ANY tour? PS loved the vid O (yes that is what we call you cos we can't say your name very well lol).
  10. I'm terribly sorry, it's just a my British humour and slang n stuff
  11. that is my poopy typing and its meant to say cricket (it's a very old fashioned British saying).
  12. yes I agree I mean how dam well selfish of him, he really ought to stop living in London, it's sooo last year and he just doesn't realize how much he is missing, I mean I bet he is a parmo virgin (lets face it nearly everyone is a parmo virgin since it's a Teesside thaang anyway lol).
  13. I just can't stand him tbh I hate what he does to me at my age at your age at their age...it's just sooo not circket at all.
  14. I hate it when he wears hoodies, especially when the hoods up. I don't like his scruffy unshaven look, and I have raacked my brains but I can't think of anything else yet that annoys me about him, pffft how can one guy be nearly perfect.,...mind you...those hoodies
  15. do I see oinkies up there in pretty pink wings...oh no course not cos PIGS CAN'T FLY!! It was nice that you "won" but shame you only won NOWT looks like thats happened to you twice too eh and that is why I make the pigs comment, orgininization and Mika's lot just don't seem to speak the same language a lot of the time. (sorry but my negativity is cos I've been on the recieving end of it a couple of times as well) so no rose tinted specs for me, I now would enter Mika comps fully expecting it all to go t*ts up and if it didn't then hey.. bonus.
  16. :boing:woo hoo welcome to MFC neighbour, why you only live 10 miles or so away from me, and guess what... I am even MORE of an oldling than you.
  17. Well well no MFC winners eh, well none that have owned up to it, i am sure we had some French fans in the MFC too, oh well. My new plan now is that we should now all UNSUBSCRIBE so they cant spam our inbox with junk like promo only stuff, that'll teach em pffft (that would be funny actually if EVERYONE unsubsribed ha ha ha ). Well I wont be on the edge of my seat waiting to hear about the gig, I will be having fun bopping and jiving at a "do" in Lowestof and I shall get a little bit tipsy maybe too yeeey for a life outside the MFC Don't miss me too much, I'll be back Monday evening or maybe Tuseday if it gets too late, tata folks.
  18. well I was half right lol, and anyway I think you should defo do the pavarotti thing one day too
  19. ha ha well if it IS announced tomorrow and I won then I wouldn't know till Monday as I am away this weekend somewhere else (and boy would I feel mad) but I was gonna ditch the hubbys plans and go see Meeks if I won (but as there's no chance of that I shall carry on with plan A lol).
  20. fibber Babs, your just trying to make us who arn't going to be there and arnt a winning memeber of his team, feel better lol (aww bless ya cotton sox). I know you will be gently clapping your hands in time to the music and cheering in a polite British and demure manner, perhaps it will go something like this.....wuu huu (claps gently maybe 3 of 4 times to be uber polite) Mika yes how thrilling, wonderful wuu huu (I know you possibly may refrain from wuu huu-ing), you might then wave a flashing or glow stick once or twice (oh I forgot glow/flashing things are banned now), it will have to be your pants then Babs if your feeling more.... adventurous by then , anyway have lots of fun and give him my regrets for not being there, I know he will be disappointed at that as he looks forward to seeing me in the crowd, but he can't always have everything he wants in life now can he
  21. I really wish they would just post that winners have been selected or w/e just so as everyone else who HASN'T been lucky can breathe and leave their pc's and go eat, shower, get on with earning a crust etc etc. Even if they don't say WHO won, just say SOMEONE has and put everyone out of their misery. (it's unlikely to be a regular MFC poster I think). Ha Ha if I did win I am at work all day today, so that aint gonna leave me much time to throw things together lol, but I am gonna stop worrying about it now cos I think they MUST have been selected by now. Have a great time guys whoever you are.
  22. who? what? where? when? I was only usiing a popular saying here on MFC
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