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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I was shopping in York at the weekend and saw this in a shop window and it made me think of you Wonka so I took a pic of it for you, (it's a handbag ).
  2. more than likely they seem to work as a team in some of their adventures lol.
  3. oh she is she really goes for it onstage lol I like how she does that, cos it means she aint just going through the motions but enjoying herself yeeey, (she also has an awesome sense of humour dont you think?)
  4. lol yes I noticed that too, does this mean iMMa is stalking MFC
  5. so how do you go about re-sculptering a plastic doll? do you melt the parts into shape, cut them, and what paints do you use that don't rub off? (just curious cos I saw the last Mika doll in person at Saddlers Wells, you were sat a few seats up from us). I did send you the video I have of him receiving it have'nt I?
  6. Awesome and it sounds like everyone had a great time, the art was fab even from the non art students no wonder he wanted to go see it. I am so glad those naughty ppl didn't throw nasty things at him that would be just plain mean.
  7. Thats Mikafish (Vicky), yes she spoke really well, I just babbled as usual cos I'm just not good with things like that or tricky situations, so I tried to keep quiet but I might have babbled with the excitment of the gig lol, I appoligize in advance if I sounded or looked like a tw*t as I am fully expecting to (with any lucky they will edit me out lol).
  8. yeah it looks cool I love watching those things on youtube lol, I think I would love to have the guts to give it a go.
  9. Some ppl just love to sit behind the safety of the puter screens and hate ppl they no nothing about, it makes them feel less insignificant even tho in reality they ARE bloody well insignificant. ps. whats a flash mob?
  10. ha ha htey can't be nicked anymore since she put her own little "stamp" on them
  11. it's been covered earlier in the thread just go look for all the juicey details your heart could desire
  12. yes it's a good job I noticed this was going on and alerted Jazzy cos really we should ALL be more alert about it I guess, it's more just the cheek of someone claiming your stuff as theirs, (is this what breach of copyright feels a bit like I wonder).
  13. yes it's flippin' gawjuz innit. He looks to be having such a great time over there (apart from the mozzies likeing him a little TOO much lol.)
  14. hey..happy birthday :flowers2::happybday:

  15. that guy will flirt with ANYTHING alive, dead or innanimate, he just can't help himself tee hee he's too cheeky.
  16. try re-d/l real player, that is what my mate did and it worked for her.
  17. mostly tweets hinting that something fab had gone on that's all. It doesnt take a genius to recoginse private jokes or hints.
  18. Are you talking about BEFORE the big reveal or after, cos apart from the dropping of hints that I picked up on, I only heard about painting his balls on here and Babs coined the phrase which I immediately pounced on cos of my immature sense of humour (that I love ), So anyway if you felt uncomfortable about it maybe you shouldn't have revealed anything at all, spose you can't have it all ways realistically. awww you spoiled it, it sounds so much better if you get possessive about Mika's balls.
  19. Well I couldn't agree more, I mean for HIM he gets the best of both worlds, he gets things done a little cheaper, BUT (& more importantly) he knows that the shows will be better for the fans cos some of them have been or are a little more involved, and for THEM and their friends it makes the show and their Mika experience even better and more memorable. It's fantastic PR and fantastic for the fans, it's a win win situation. But no one said life was fair, you win some you lose some, it would of course be great to see good things happen to different fans and it will, just seen the vid of the girl who won the comp to interview him ( Liv) ...lucky girl he was really sweet with her. Like Freddie, I too don't like the hidden aspect of things but Mika asked for that and that is fine I can understand why he wanted that, but it wasn't such a secret by the time of the spillage cos enough hints were dropped, I think THAT tarnished it in my eyes, it made me lose interest. But hey ho it's in the past now I wanna know what the next exciting thing is to be...like the Liv/Mika interview, can't wait to see the proffesional version so I can hear it all.
  20. so does that mean she lives on the mikasmic thread then
  21. T4P lol yeah we all know how he likes to exaggerate everything for effect
  22. well not yet anway, and it's obv that the way to a fans heart is through her stomache though I would have prefered cream cakes since I have a sweet tooth and Freddie would have prefered a coupla pints. (not saying I would have said no to pizza mind you.)
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