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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. That would be the myspace competition from last year (its how I met Caz) and I also won the same thing but for a diff gig and my daughter won but cos they messed up the dates of the gigs on the myspace she was unable to make the gig due to performing arts auditions for a uni place in London, and if the dates were correct she would have been able to go to both. No they didn't publish any names and No she didn't get anything to replace it, not even another gig. she also won his bebo comp and that was also to meet mika and dance on stage with him at Hammersmith, YES THE CANCELLED ONE, well they changed the prize at the last minute to just gig tix, we spent extra money having to get last minute train tickets and had to take unpaid days off our works, and the gig got cancelled. so although it appears we have had some luck in these competitions, they have never been quite what they promised in the first place. We too were promised goodies sent to us and it never happened, and he was unable to meet us after the gig as he as unwell (though some people met him as I have seen their pics, it wasn't even mentioned at the gig about the competition or the winners, which was disappointing a bit).
  2. gosh Freddie since you came back from America you have a stunning Hollywood smile (must have cost you packet.....of instant mash or something)
  3. of course he will,.... top end of this week is my guess
  4. yeeeey I won .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. a pen at work today nah I can't speak French and I am not related to him I'm not even a close friend of his freinds either darn it, so I can't have won pffft! ah well I will live. PS, the girl with the zillion hearts....... she has a problem, she only speaks in symbols lol.
  5. It's not sad for the French though is it, they will be rubbing their hands with excitement knowing they stand more chance than anyone else in the whole world
  6. I hate this pic, it makes me angry. (mauling molesting invasive grrr)
  7. another "good" reason for the winner to live no more than 2 miles from the gig
  8. I understand what you mean Kata, I don't want to think the worst either so I look for reasons why he chose to say this, that or the other, why did we need the name dropping for example, I think it's cos HE feels this guy is awesome so that should make US feel he is splashing out and giving us what HE considers is the best. (I'm good at making up excuses no (or is that finding a reason?) lol). guess I'm not ready to stay out of the marshmallow casltle for too long just yet.
  9. Don't you think it's getting seriously bad when your HUSBAND has dreams of Mika, no not HIM and Mika he dreamed Mika was dressed as a policeman *faints* and I am also in this dream, I won't say any more but my hubby wasn't pleased with Mika or me at all.
  10. not me not yet. usually they tell you when you have won on the same day or if your lucky it's the day before or so. (seriously, it's happened this way in the past).
  11. 10.05pm: can't believe that Rebbecca on Big Brother, shock shock me, I was having my cocoa and hob nobs at the time, nearly spat it out on mfc screen while on laptop....I forgot to put it on block so I don't see those LIES they make up about me on the blogs. they think they are sooo funny, well either that or they are trying to bully me into making a daily blog just cos I said I would, WELL I NEVER PROMISED MFCERS NOW DID I ? so nurr nurr. 11.00pm: got into my posh slinky black satin p/j's now and am all cosy, (gonna have an early night cos I need to be in tip top shape for the gigs, I'm getting so excited about it now, can't wait). Gonna log off soon and spy on them in cognito cos it's much more fun that way. not got the hang of this blogging really yet cos I think I shouldnt be telling them EVERYTHING I'm gonna be doing, need more practice on what one actually SHOULD say in a blog. nite nite adoring fans big M x
  12. lmao so is this his new single? not sure if it will get to #1 though, what do you think?
  13. Have to admit he is looking sooo cute and reading what's in store for this gig is making me soooo sad cos I don't have tix or anything :crybaby:I thought I was gonna be strong about not going but now it's getting nearer and I'm feeling all panicky about not going. anyway thanks people for posting the lovely pix.
  14. mine too cos even though he is posing it looks natural and he looks relaxed like he is just sat there deep in thought, the others from this set are all too posey and cheesy compared to this one.
  15. I'll feel sad when I don't win tix to go but at least I wont know about it all till Monday or even Tuesday evening cos i am away this weekend, but if by some miracle i DO win, sod hubbys weekend away I'll hot foot over to France like a rocket ship on it's way to mars (with Kata, a promise is a promise after all ). (I think it may take some time for everything on the new site to come together but I think it looks like it will be all very sexy so far
  16. I'm partial to a nice tender bit of chicken
  17. Anyway back to Mika's blogs. 00.15: woke up and went to the loo, yes even I go to the loo ppl but mines very posh nite nite fans, muchMx
  18. As they say up in Yorkshire (though I am not Yorkshire really but I do live close to it lol), DIFFERENT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT FOLKS (but knowing me I have probably shown myself up by getting that saying completely wrong, I usually do lol. I do think though that there are so many people on this board with different views on everything and surely it's unrealistic to expect us to see eye to eye on everything, it's been said mika lurrrve is expressed differently by many and it's not unlike real life, some people can say "I love you" at the drop of a hat, others can only say it by coming through for you in a crisis, or by bringing you a cup of tea and choccy bar every evening before you go to bed, some let you warm you cold feet on theirs in winter, others have to hold your hand and show the world you are theirs, what's right for one is not right for all. And really no one likes to have another suggesting or telling them their way is not as good as theirs or w/e. (well thats how I see it).
  19. Don't worry these blogs are not real, I'm sure Mika has a much more exciting life that what we have painted here lol.
  20. well it's ok I guess (the lack of good lip sync put me off a bit), but OURS is BETTER mwahahahahha!!! (we have more locations and stupidity ) http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=CWk3tNiipFQ
  21. 11.30: got up really late cos i was on my laptop into the wee small hours reading all those things they say about me on MFC. I wont say what my ID is cos I am not daft, but I wanted to know if they all wet themselves in excitement after seeing my gawjuz face, I know they don't hear what I say when they see my pretty face and sexy curls, it works every time, (well apart from those apples, think I need to work harder to sweeten em up). 12.45: Yazmine curled my hair after my shower while I ate a pot noodle for lunch (well mum was at church). 2.30: got chauffeur to drive Yazimne, Paloma and my secret lover into town to the posh shops to get some really really seriously big shoes for Cherisse for the show cos I know the fans are gonna think it's soooo funny that she wears them and is STILL not as tall as me ( I like being tall cos it makes the girls go all week at the knees ha ha). 5.00pm: came home again cos we got stuck in a traffic jam and its Sunday and the shops close early so no big shoes for Cherisse yet,(oops that was a secret lol oh well never mind), looks like I'll have to use that swa-nky shoe bloke I mentioned on my blog after all (I don't really want to use him but I have been "advised" to from the powers that be pah NOT HAPPY BUNNY about that). 7.00pm: got all dolled up and I know I looked hot cos secret lover asked me to marry them....ha ha as if..... we went clubbing and I did the best big fish little fish cardboard box dance ever it was awesomeness. 11.30pm: came back home after getting tipsy on shandy (again ) then cuddled up in bed with cocoa (I'll be in trouble too cos it's bad for my vooice but so.... I wanted it so I had it), took my teddy collection to bed too the ones I got of mfcers, need to chuck some out really to make space for the million new ones I will get on Friday.
  22. oh I got this pic too I love it cos yeah I love Muse too
  23. he will have got up, perhaps had a good scratch as only a man does, demanded his breakfast in bed as only a star could, got dressed in really amazing if slightly wacky clothes as only Mika can, went to church with his mummy like a good catholic boy should, and chilled the rest of the day like all of us do lol.
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