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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. if a poem really touches me I can forgive it for having flaws I like imperfection and prefer it's message to it's correctness, but I am no expert and some poems even make my uneducated head cringe lol. guess I just don't like telling a person their art could be improved (even when they have asked for crit I am really pathetic at giving it), doh I am such a poo
  2. I dont think it had an ending date are they gonna leave it till hours before n expect ppl do be able to fly across continents in a few hours...lol maybe thats possible ha ha
  3. well how do you think I feel when it was born in my own mind
  4. yeey I needed this for my poem on babs poems for mika thread look see.>>> His little face upon my screen oh my I just cant hide it but when he does that apple pose oh hell I can't abide it. his shirt has lips his trews have hips his shoes are big and shocking his long long legs in those grey keggs look sexy in silk stockings It's just absurd we hadn't heard Frank Furter come a-knocking. Or was it clowns and Halloween oh dear my mind can't face it so many things he has in store perhaps a brand new bassist.
  5. yes I thought she was appalling, she looked drunk as a skunk, her *singing* left a lot to be desired, I am sure she hit a member of the crowd for throwing a hat at her (or maybe I was seeing things)
  6. no just hack them to death with random sharp instruments the bigger and noisier the better and usually in the dark during thunder storms.
  7. don't exaggerate it will be the top of the week and you know it.
  8. ha ha you can drink more often if this is the result lol. I think the whole of MFC are hidden poets lol.
  9. oh Kata don't do that it will stifle your creativity, hell just go with what comes outa your head sod the poetry rules, I mean your not a gal who follows rules anyway... and your a natural anyway (pfft poetry snobbery is poopy). I think lol.
  10. lmao!! it says u get travel too and hotel doesn't it or was I just in the land of mika daydreams cartoony sugarness again lol.
  11. well I have tried to enter 2 times using html and text option and nowt seems to happen, am I supposed to get an email to confirm it ow something ?
  12. good lord Kata I thought you followed him to the ends of the earth and back just to keep him in line it's a crappy job but SOMEBODY's gotta do it lol. And enter his little competition you might win I tried to enter but I didnt get any confirmation email so I dunno if it worked oh well if I win you can come with me ha ha but we don't have long to make arrangements cos hey... I am certain I will win
  13. hey does the winner get to go to a mika gig free...Pareeee maybeeee??? (aww too bad Kata, your already going, can I win instead lol).
  14. His little face upon my screen oh my I just cant hide it but when he does that apple pose oh hell I can't abide it. his shirt has lips his trews have hips his shoes are big and shocking his long long legs in those grey keggs look sexy in silk stockings It's just absurd we hadn't heard Frank Furter come a-knocking. Or was it clowns and Halloween oh dear my mind can't face it so many things he has in store perhaps a brand new bassist. (me likes this game lol)
  15. once again showing some of her awesome hidden talents lol.
  16. I think they could easily turn into top of the week blogs when he is overly busy, ( do you think he will do them even if he gets sick in his bed...awww a mika in a blankie with a mug of soup saying...soweee but I is poorly ( he might have to take up acting lessons) and he doesnt know me personally lol so I can all sorts of things mwahahaha!!
  17. nice (wish I cud enter the comp but they always leave them till last min and I am already booked up to go with hubby away for that whole weekend) I know I would rather go to see Mika but...dam it.
  18. (and another 1) Mika's got a magic wand so some people say although I've never seen it I hope it's here to stay. Don't want his magic spells to die Don't want reality wanna live in cartoon motion and hide his sexuality even though it screams out loud I really just don't care cos I am really not his type oh crap life is unfair.
  19. PMSL that makes you sound like Jesus or summit :naughty:or do I mean God?
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