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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. There once was a boy in gay Pareee wearing bow ties and braces, oh gee it went down quite well but what in the hell happened when they started to bully. Well he found him a celestial voice with fame and fortune, and the sailors choice some say they don't care while some just don't dare but hey what the hell lets rejoice Spray on the glitter let the confetti fly from way up there near god in the sky let my old knees go weak as people call me a freak who cares I want fun before I die! Our boys winning award after award round the world lets hope he doesn't get bored if he does please dont say keep it happy and gay or get banned from the cyber sound board. (got bored again so can't be *rsed to do more of it lol).
  2. no maybe not Babs but you can tell you meant them from your bottom......................................................................... .................................................................................. .................................................................................. ......................................................................... .................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................. .................................................................................. I meant the bottom of your fart...er I mean heart
  3. sorry to keep on sneaking a peek in this sacred place (i'll whisper so as not to disturb the apple cart), but...your really MUST look, you will be inspired and refreshed.
  4. erm...thank you very much I think lol
  5. I don't say much but Kata, don't go...just cos some ppl don't have the ability to look under the surface of a persons persona (out of sheer selfish, arrogance and lazyiness) that doesn't make it your fault, they can't help being inadequate in that department, maybe we should feel sorry for these socially inept ppl.
  6. I DID I DID!!! and I got all excited and told Jemma lol then I thought maybe I had been on the falling down water and misread it and thought perhaps it said I *heart* Mikey lol, but if YOU saw it too then I wasnt going graaaaazy:insane:
  7. (A bit of sillyness..or is it?) Tecnicolour wool Your lollipops were sugar coated how very well they were promoted I sucked it hard and still can't stop but it tastes just like a mutton chop and in the flock of rainbow lambs I hide like a sheep amongst the rams.
  8. Your lollipops were sugar coated how very well they were promoted I sucked it hard and still can't stop but it tastes just like a mutton chop and in the flock of rainbow lambs I hide like a sheep amongst the rams. (oh dear its so addictive, no change there then).
  9. Oh you the mighty BIG BIG M with your apple posing and hidden stem we made a thread to search it out but you hide it well there is no doubt We know you aint no saintly dude in those skin tight jeans shaking that *ss....how rude Tour again this great great Britian and stop having fun; get that new album written. then end ( I got bored)
  10. he went and set this head in a whirl made me act like a stupid young girl Dressed like a nun but looked like a tranny jesus I'm old enough to be his granny. yes he's pretty, giggley and kind but underneath all that goo he will rob you all blind steal your heart, sanity and soul but hey, it's just called rock and roll.
  11. aww Rose what happened, did Tesco run out of coconuts?
  12. "Spectrum Bliss" "pointlessly Delicious" "Life In Ruby Slippers" "yellow Is The colour of Smiles" ( I could just go on all night cos I have no idea what's on the new album but if he steals any of our ideas we shall sue him cos shouldn't be spying on our threads just cos he owns MFC pfft)
  13. Rose don't talk such crap, as if..... there is no such animal and you know it, now just own up and tell me the truth about you dressing up as a hula dancing carmin panda dressed as pavarotti ( we have all seen this type of character all over the place after all, it's not such an unusual costume Rose, I think you could have been more imaginative, ).
  14. "it's all about me...er you I meant you" "Don't mess wiv da boss" Can't do right for doing wrong" "Pinoccio Ring master of The Rainbow Circus" Not Enough...Kerchinga"
  15. I could throw in a Furby too and it still works, and if that doesnt clinch the deal, then I could be persuaded perhaps to give him our Gizmo Furby that still works also, but he will have to throw in some extra special treats to get Gizmo for sure. (In fact I made a Furby bday cake one year then a Gizmo one the year after cos I is a luverlee mummy lol).
  16. sounds like it will cost more than we could ever srum up even together. (unless one of us is a secret millionaire..OWN UP WHO IS IT!!)
  17. it just evolves to dining out with a nice violinist circling your table (bugging the hell out of you really but hey.... HE thinks he rocks ).
  18. erm, I lurrrve Mika cos he has a HUUUGE.............................................................................................. ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................ TALENT !!! :mf_lustslow: ps that must make me a COX 's Pippin
  19. :giveup:ok ok don't shoot me with rotten apple cores Oh thats not very useful, I used to sit the baby on the pot while breastfeeding to cut out the middle man (sorry Bumblebee_vix )
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