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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. come on Rose my last guess HAS to be right, it fits all the criteria or maybe its like a salsa skirt they are very colourful and maybe I was right with coconut bra then you can still be half nekked lol.
  2. Ive never posted in this thread before... does that make me a seed? what is this thread all about anyways :)as you can see I am a little bit afraid of posting in here and am hiding under the bed with my laptop, and tiny text.
  3. right Ive got it defo this time your a panda dressed as Pavaroti with carmin Miranda fruity hat and hula skirtunfortunately I can't find a piccy of this I have no idea why cant wait to see your version of this mind lol.
  4. omg I nearly peed my pants Kata, I think triple A would be an awesome name for you if you change into an album anytime soon, (angry apple album)
  5. thats a bit premature VS it aint even born yet, it's just in an incubator I think keeping warm and cosy
  6. I expect his new album to be ready any time the top end of this century myself, no rush Mika take your time make it a good 'un
  7. I'm HERE and you have the honour of being my 3000th post my guess today is 100% random, I think your gonna be (Q drum roll).... a topless pear bear hula dancing lollipop LADY woo hooo PS my pc is being a tard and it wont let me be my gawjuz purple or even txt size 3...how irritating
  8. "monochromed spectrum" well its hard when you have no idea what songs are gonna be on it. oo and only 1 more post before I'm 3000
  9. pfft like I would believe that have a really thoopah time I am sure you will, I feel really excited for you
  10. eesh the cheek of it I just happen to er.... post a comment before i forget what I was gonna say ( I am indeed rather ancient with the memory of a fish so need to strike while the iron is hot, a bit like when I see a public toilet ).
  11. Is Mika allowed to post then I guess he is allowed to promote himself on his own site...ha ha fat chance I think he has forgotten his password
  12. Oh Mika posts all the time, in fact almost daily, we just STILL haven't figured out what his MFC name is yet mwahahahah!!
  13. good point I don't really have a problem with it up till now, I don't feel used or bombarded, I was really interested in the insider info on the music industry and sellaband stuff etc. AND HE SAID MIKA'S NEXT ALBUM IS GONNA ROCK so I am uberly excited now. I think catching a few extra fans cant do any harm, it's not like we don't have enough luurrrrve to go around eh. (PS, ooo excitement I am on my way up to my 3000th post! I have waited months to get to this, I am more of a reader than a poster you see).
  14. I wouldn't say it's uncanny, but I can see where your coming from on the euro vision one, he looks like he could be a distant cousin perhaps lol.
  15. I heard thats cos he fainted with shock and didn't wake up till you got there
  16. I just realized what you said just then and I had no idea Caz had taught you how to play guitar, she is a girl of many talents
  17. Thats a bonus you being a musician and all mwahahaha
  18. ha ha welcome to our mad house, if your sense of humour is anything to go by you will like it here lol.
  19. as I said earlier it CANT be a ccare bear cos its fruity too so therefore its a PEAR BEAR
  20. no cos it's also fruity so that is why I came to the conclusion it is a pear bear , well a semi naked one anyway.
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