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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. NOOOO dont be getting him on the pics, pffft he is always poking his head to everyones pix he is such a HUUGE attention seeker like that (myspace wh*re) pffft.
  2. its........ a PEAR BEAR a CARMIN MIRANDA BEAR a POLAR PEAR or maybe its.... a POLAR BEAR IN A RAINBOW COLOUR HULA SKIRT AND COCONUT BRA (see how I arrived at that one, aah my mind is so imaginitive
  3. thanks you guys, I'll go take a look at those links though when Vix gets back from her weekend of work, dance acting and singing lessons I will see if she has already tired these.
  4. I don't think so and I think it's because the course isn't recognised in some way by them, it's a diploma not a degree, I guess they make it harder to try to put people off doing it as it's the hardest thing to get into already as it is. oh and Thanks Andi, I know it's a long shot to ask anyone of they have any ideas but we are at the long shot stage now.
  5. My daughter Vix (thats Bumblebee_vix on MFC), has been accepted into Italia Conti as of September 2008, she is very excited to be having this opportunity to work on maybe one day going into musical theatre, the trouble is, yesterday (her birthday ), she got a letter saying her course wasn't eligible for a student loan and she was informed by her careers advisor from college that it would be. The fees to be there alone are really really expensive and we can only afford to send her for the 1st year, and she was going to use the student loan to pay for accommodation, uniform, necessary dance wear, travel expenses and general living costs. It wouldn't have covered it all anyway so she was going to get a part time job to make ends meet, but now she doesn't know what to do cos she can't get a full time job as most of her time will be taken up studying. she has applied for various bursary's etc but has had no luck, she has 4 jobs on the go now trying to save up some money but a lot of it goes on dancing and singing lessons and travel to work etc. She doest drink (hardly), smoke do drugs....she's always been a good kid really she is a good, honest hard working citizen and always has been. so what I was hoping from anyone on MFC is, do any of you know of any places she can write to or apply to for financial help, she has written to the whole of Conti alumni with only 1 reply (a nice reply but not pointing us in the right direction for help), and the same from Kevin Spacey, supportive but they can't help out every single person who writes asking for help we know that. But we can't think of anything else to do as yet, I know she has been advised to go to our library and get some kind of list and then write to them, so if anyone else has any other ideas please feel free to add a comment or PM us. (dunno why she couldnt just do a safe job pfft these arty types).
  6. is it one of those carnival dragon things... see you would need HELP with that costume
  7. NO wait!!!! maybe its..... a panfly butteranda budganda panugie erm, thats all I can think of for now.
  8. eww thats just wrong she looks like a drag act of herself on this pic.
  9. awww poor you, it hurts like hell to miss someone, but it won't be so bad cos at least these days you can keep in touch online and with web cams and skype and such, it will be almost like she is still there (we didn't have such things when I was a lass) lol.
  10. This one is better (I didn't think the guy in the one you posted was up to the Mika challenge lol, the others were good though). seems it's really popular to do this with HE, excellent idea and I found lots of ppl inspired to do this. (that one sounds very British accent wise) too many others to post lol.
  11. oh and todays sparkly guess is.... NEANDATHOL MAN!!!! :naughty: Darn I need a new clue already.
  12. and you would need stilts and ppl would complain about not being able to see over the top of you lol.
  13. Thanks rose, I will just try to be less...shy about asking to tag along in future then I'll come prepared with my tent, sleeping bag, and er....huggies and I was thinking plain cos croissants are greasy enough as it is and I wouldn't want you to slide from your prime position of centre front when all that pushing and shoving starts not to mention how bad a squashed croissant would look after a Mika gig, and I really wouldn't want to picking bits of your costume out of my stilletoes for weeks now would I?
  14. well she may have been stalking us for months and knows us all very well indeed lol. Anyway WELCOME to MFC and I luuuurve your user name
  15. Thanks Caz i couldn't work out how to find it at first till I read that, it's quite good, I would like to see all the details, especially the toilet on wheels (he's nutz lol).
  16. Aww thanx Kath, I will keep that in mind for when my *kids* (well one is 22 and just finished uni and will start a job in the Liverpool area in aug/Sept time, and he will need help moving his worldly goods there at some point, and Vix is nearly 19 and has a lot on with her dancing and shows and is moving to London to go to Italia Conti end of august and I need to keep time free so help her sort things, and then hubby has a lot of army coming up so I have no one to leave the dog with). But once it's all settled I will feel like I can make plans and tbh a lot of it IS that I wouldn't feel safe going on my only lonley onesome, so I'll keep my eyes peeled in future for who's going where and see if I can tag along somehow lol. OH and todays costume for ROSE guess is......... a croissant.....Rose is going as a continental breakfast (bet she is too lol).
  17. all this talk of gigs and costumes...it's bringing it al back and making me want to go to a gig again...BUT....I can't travel out Uk ..... it's too scary, I can't do that all on my own.... anyway I have lots of excuses why I cant this time..... erm.... kids have too much going on at last minute for me to arrange anything around them and I can't leave the dog alone or with anyone as she isnt well enough to ask anyone to look after her....so I'm afraid Mika will have to gig without me this time. I know he will find it a struggle but I am sure he will cope ok in the end, I know he will get a small amount of support from some other MFCers and I KNOW it's not quite the same for him as MY support at his gigs, but hell he is a big boy now he will have to just get on with it and stop blubbing :naughty:
  18. and back on topic, I think ROSE IS going to come as a transformer, she will transform form......ta daaaaa..........*drum roll* a courier van that collides with all the other fans at the front of the gig, to...........er........ er.......er.......a teeny mouse. lol:naughty:
  19. Marvellous as I think that was mentioned by Jerry at the last Brixton wasn't it...well....not that he wanted the whole audience to wear huggies pull ups that is... just...no toilet breaks. But then again, instead of hot chocolate and do nuts next time in the Q's they will send out big packs of huggies...yeey how rock n roll
  20. :roftl:O.......M........B.......G!!!!!!!! I would NOT want to be responsible for the first Mika gig where seeing me in particular in the buff would make him throw up on the spot, that would NOT be nice at all, no not nice for anyone
  21. yes most certainly, it's a relief he finally got through it all, it wasn't always easy for him, he was always one of the cleverer ones at his school and cos it wasn't a private school he did receive a certain amount of bullying (though he didn't tell me about it until about a year ago) I knew the scally's in the school give anyone with even half a brain a hard time but I didn't know how bad it was for him, he kept a lot to himself, I think it's harder for boys to admit to bullying because they feel it shows them as weak. But it's cos he was an ok kid, clever, witty, funny but he also had a bit of a stammer so he got picked on a bit I guess for that too which will have made it worse. and in Uk schools it seems if you are a good kid your overlooked but if your a bad kid who isn't so bad one day then you get praised and given treats for being good, it's a stupid system that doesn't work and makes the good kids feel let down. (oh hark at me I have just climbed up on my high horse I think) eeek sorry lol I'll shut up. so anyway YES I am overjoyed he has his dream job he has earned it, and has been given no handouts in getting there. On top of that I'm proud that he is a good person, he has stable relationships (well 2 long term ones of over 3 years each), and he doesn't take drugs, or smoke anything, and drinks alcohol moderately (he is just really normal so far I guess...yep a son to be proud of
  22. No I'm not graduating (ha ha far too ancient for all that palarva) but my son is hopefully, he has just finished all his exams and is off on a 4 week traveling holiday soon to celebrate the freedom of NO MORE EXAMS after years and years of studying. He has been studying Computer Sciences with artificial intelligence for 4 years at Imperial College University London, (he was doing a masters and boy is he happy it is all done now). He has had 6 interviews since finishing his exams even though he hasn't had his results yet, and got offered 4 of the jobs so far, and each one offered him more money but he accepted one in Liverpool today even though it was £1,000 less cos it had a better package in other ways and he liked the people. So what kind of job is he going to be doing, I'm not entirely sure, his title is gameplay programmer and if my interpretation of what he does is correct, then what he does is makes things happen in computer games, like...if you want a certain thing to happen when you click your mouse then he programmes it to happen, or if you want your person to dress a certain way of have a particular weapon :starwars: or vehicle, he programmes it into the game. It's what he wanted to do for a long long time so he should be rather pleased for getting work in a field he has so much interest in. (We get to go to THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL for his graduation later this year so that will be great, if expensive lol).
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