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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. maybe Rose is gonna be..... a courier lmao its a BIG costume, and they can sometimes collide even on the continent
  2. that would also make sense so Rose could see over the crowds
  3. aha so.....(I'm loving this thread Rose it's a lot of fun making wild and cray irrational guesses lol), so anyway...more clues there eh, so it cant be anything you KNOW has been done by other MFCers, it's a costume you are buying and not making up yourself as you go along, and it's not a toucan and has to be big enough that you will need help to carry it (well that was Mika's specific wishes at Brixton, the cheek of that guy ), sooooooo....... is it a.. killer whale? T.Rex? (then you can just come in a black curly wig and glam rock sequinned flares with mega big platform boots (and then you could also see over the crowds GOOD THINKING ROSE lol). the loch ness monster? A Giant jelly fish? Giant octopus (cos I think it would look awesome lol)
  4. igloo but I still say it's an Island off the coast of Mexico
  5. yes chaffing would be most uncomfortable indeed
  6. no .... Iv'e got it now, your gonna be an Island off the coast of Mexico
  7. or are you gonna be an earth quake and shake all over, cos really.... thats already been done by all of us at some point
  8. how awesome rose, your gonna be ....... A VOLCANO s smoking one
  9. ooooOOOOOOOOoooooo matron I DOO hope so
  10. lmao oooerr I dunno though you tell me
  11. Hmmm I dunno Caz, remember how he winged about it chaffing in a very tender place when he filmed H.E lol wouldn't want him to chaffe himself like that every time he did a gig (unless I could be in charge of the 1st aid box
  12. well yes that's cos he is as much interested in himself and what he gets up to like we are , bet he's always on the mikagasmic thread.
  13. blimey Caz don't be so impatient, it takes 9 months to make a baby after all, unless your an elephant and I think it's 2 years for them...lets hope it's not an elephant baby.
  14. lmao yeah I agree even though buns of STEEL would be even better.
  15. oh yeah I guess I was looking for a yellow one, I thought chicks were yellow but then hens are white...hmmm oh the dilema.
  16. I resemble that remark jems, I couldn't get on to the magical chat room for some reason so I really DID have to go cold chicken (pfft just went looking for a chicken smiley and we don't have one... I can't believe MFC aint got its own chicken smiley. But yeah, this place is so special to us all and as they song goes "You don't Know Waht Youv'e Got, Until You Loose It"
  17. Forgot to say THANK YOU big time to all those who got MFC up and running again your all wonderful
  18. I couldn't agree more and this is also how I see him and what I find so attractive in him, he has a beautiful personality.
  19. MIKA super hero of the pop world, known by many as SUPERMIKA
  20. lmao yep a proper Mr. fix it a man of so many many talents
  21. yep Kata it's the "quite" in the sentence that speaks volumes
  22. well said Sarflor (and I want a RAH shirt too )
  23. yeey by then I will be able to get into the special part with my granny zimmer frame
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