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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I hope your right, and there wont be many people who get great pics and vids like they used to if he does big stadiums, think the first 20 odd rows will be taken by the chosen few, so I just see doom and gloom of just seeing him on a huge screen and that for me will be so disappointing and I don't know if I can adjust to that. But even though he said he prefers more intimate and smaller gigs, I guess that was when that was the size of his audience and now that has grown it will be a measure of his success and I guess that is gonna be addictive to him. RAH + Mika = bliss
  2. ha ha all this talk yet again, we all know he flirts like ..... a huge big flirty thing he could even flirt with a flag pole and probably does
  3. What a down right cheek, but yeah I think we have had similar thyings posted before, I remember from a long while ago we saw some art work we thought was nicked off Mika and Jazmine. Well I think it's up to them if they want to take it any further, they have been alerted by MFC so...balls in their court so to speak.
  4. sparkly1


    Hell yeah Muse are awesome my son has seen them twice and I am jealous he says they are outstanding live and they certainly look it. I have many fave songs of theirs but my all time fave is PLUG IN BABY...I LOOVE that intro.
  5. I think the truth is that he just can't decide what fruit he wants to be and has so many facet's to him that he just has to be a tuity fruity fruit salad or he so smooth he could even be a fruit smoothie but in all fairness surely it's safe to say he is the biggest nicest tastiest STAR fruit I have ever seen.
  6. woah thats awesome love it
  7. I couldn't agree more and how pleased as punch with himself does he look on this pic and deservedly so. WELL DONE MIKA this feels very like one of my proud mum moments lol. All the pix and vids are fabulous, they are such a good looking and stylish family. (And multi talented to boot).
  8. I don't know but he was brilliant and he was on a chat show a few days later and was so funny and seemed a really nice guy too.
  9. sparkly1


    I want to go see Avenue Q, its rather rude but very funny. I love musical on film too, my fave is Moulin Rouge I love Ewan Mcgreggars signing voice...*sigh*
  10. Be careful of sites, my friends daughter got worse by going on sites, it ended up like some kind of competition where they would take photos of thier wounds and scars like trophies, she stopped slef harming when she got a girlfriend and now she is left with terrible scars....so just a warning...be very careful, and if it looks like they encourage it then try a different one.
  11. I know that is why I wondered why they picked on vix's video, it was even sent to Mikas myspace for his competition last year and for the Bebo one too and they didn't say anything about it then...oh well it's no big deal if they want a copyright on it then I have done that but if its not a good idea to put it on the title then maybe I should put it in the paragraph...oh dear how confusing.
  12. rightyo I have put (audio UMG©) on the titles of any vids that I have posted that have Mika music on them even the live gig ones, will that do the trick do you think? I was wondering if it's only the videos that don't show it's Mika who is singing because they didn't mention any of my other ivds where it was live gigs.
  13. Yeah that's fine I have no problems with that but if it was just an imposter or spammer trying to use my vids for thier own advertizing I would not be best pleased, so I just wanted to know if it was real or a spammer or something like that. So is UMG Universal Music Group or something I get confused about who's who.
  14. no its vix dancing about like a loon in our hallway to Lollipop, but we have more daft ones like this and some with gigs etc on so I don't understand why it's only the 1 they picked on unless it was put on Mika's Bebo page for the competition ages ago. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=JnhlVKdTN-Q
  15. I recieved this today does anyone have any idea if its for real, it kinda sounds like dodgy to me so I havent agreed to it yet, what do you guys think? I mean it's not the only video I have on utube that has sound tracks on it. Dear YouTube Member: UMG has claimed some or all audio content in your video vix Lollipop Girl by MIKA take 2 (take 1 on Vix's utube). This claim was made as part of the YouTube Content Identification program. Your video is still live because UMG has authorized the use of this content on YouTube. As long as UMG has a claim on your video, they will receive public statistics about your video, such as number of views. Viewers may also see advertising on your video's page. Claim Details:Copyright owner: UMG Content claimed: Some or all of the audio content Policy: Allow this content to remain on YouTube. Place advertisements on this video's watch page. Applies to these locations: Everywhere UMG claimed this content as a part of the YouTube Content Identification program. YouTube allows partners to review YouTube videos for content to which they own the rights. Partners may use our automated video / audio matching system to identify their content, or they may manually review videos. If you believe that this claim was made in error, or that you are otherwise authorized to use the content at issue, you can dispute this claim with UMG and view other options in the Video ID Matches section of your YouTube account. Please note that YouTube does not mediate copyright disputes between YouTube owners. Learn more about video identification disputes. Sincerely, The YouTube Content Identification Team Copyright © 2008 YouTube, Inc.
  16. sparkly1


    NOW your talking I LOOOVE them this is a link to my thread about my favourite one http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14090&highlight=wicked it's amazing, have seen it twice in 6 months and would love to go again. I have also seen Rocky Horror show once Joseph twice Chess in concert last Monday (with Idina Menzel, Kerry Ellis, Josh Groban, Adam Pascal, Marty Pellow and many more I can't remember. Iv'e seen more but forgotten them for now lol I also see a lot of things like taht due to my daughter being a performer and she is going into musical theater in September in London (Italia Conti) so YEEEEY for musicals :dance_man::clap:
  17. aww thanks Liz I hope you do too even if it means you DO turn into a paperazzi lol.
  18. oh I also remembered just how old this news is.. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12111&highlight=bumblebee_vix
  19. she also looks a bit like that person he had in the back of the car that night he picked up the press woman who fell at his feet (like it happens all the time to him you see, women throwing themselves at his feet)
  20. I would like it if Mika got married to a pretty laydee and had beautiful babies and lots of them, and a dawg, and a nice house in the country and lived there happily ever after, (but only after he makes MFC officially official, makes a few more albums, gigs a bit more in secret locations in the Uk known only to a chosen few and of course I would have to be one of those....erm.... think that's it, so yey for Mika if he/when he marries I am sure he will one day when he is in love.
  21. I misread that last word at first and thought you said "and a few lesbians" I mean ...how ridiculous.
  22. Well I think he should make a drawing or arty thing of Mikaness competition and if you win (not that I would cos I really really cannot draw at all), and the winners should be invited to dinner with him and a photo shoot and a small inexpensive but rather pleasant holiday just for a weekend as we know he is a busy man.... I think that would be a rather divine prize don't you?
  23. OMG YES YES Mika PLEASE do a version of HALLELUJAH it would be beautiful. Stop hiding your gawjuz curls under hoodies your not a monk Come to my neck of the woods and we shall introduce you to the joyous sensation that is PARMO..... yum yum
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