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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. it certainly is and whats more it will have been made with love too.
  2. pfft is none of the artwork of him that his fans have given him not good enough then huh I can't draw for toffee lol but hell if he came and asked me personally and posed for photos n stuff I am sure I could come up with one hell of a good stick man.... of course it might take me a few months to perfects it's stick like proportions, but I don't mind that kind of effort for big M he is worth it to me after all and I don't mind him hanging around my place all the time till it's done
  3. too true that is why I am a one obsession at a time kinda gal
  4. oh yes his fans were really nice and telling us all about how they do things for his charity and how he mentions them all the time in interviews etc, he sounds like a thoroughly nice kinda chap lol (like some other curly haired amazingly voiced guy we know a bit about ). They do remind me of MFCers though.
  5. that is true cos my son graduates with his masters sometime this year in computer sciences with AI and we have to go there for the ceremony (it's gonna cost a packet too oh well still not as much as it's costing for vix to go to Italia Conti in September lol (kids are expensive to run). MIKA do RAH I was there on Monday to see Idina Menzel, Kerry Ellis and Josh Groban and more there and its a fantastic venue...DOOOO IT!!! lol
  6. I'm goona be a new Josh Groban fan after hearing and seeing him on Monday in "Chess" in concert at the Royal Albert Hall London with Idina menzel, Kerry Ellis (both elpeba's from Wicked), Marty Pellow of (wet wet wet), David Badella, and lots of others, it was awesome Idina and Kerry were BOTH awesome and have superb voices that compliment each other, and Josh did an anthem and it got a standing ovation in the middle of the show it was just THAT awesome. They had cameras there so I think it will be on DVD at the end of the year maybe, but if you can't wait to see clips then there are already some popping up on utube as lots of ppl had cameras out. Josh sneaked away so we were unable to get him to sign the programe and we already have Kerrys from when we saw Wicked, but Idina is Vix's heroine so we waited a long time but she came out got mobbed (no crowd orginazation) but Vix managed to give her her gift and had a nice chat with her and I got some head shots of her, she was lovley to the fans like Mika is and very polite and humble and even thanked Vix for buyig her album Oh a good night was had by all and it's a fantastic venue and Mika should DEFO do a gig there.
  7. Isn't he just adorable I love his sillyness and I DO want to know what he eats for breakfast (gotta make sure he is eating healthy you know ). OOooo yeeey we got a new piccy up there (just noticed) my excuse...i was at The Royal Albert Hall yesterday with Bumblebee_Vix to see Idina Menzel, Kerry Ellis, Josh Groban, Marty Pellow, Adam Pasque (cant remember his name properly) and lots of others in "Chess" in concert, so I was distracted and the show was awesome and Vix met her heroine Idina Menzel and she was lovely and sweet to the fans (like Mika is ) but she got mobbed cos no organization of the crowd really. I have to say I have never seen Josh sing before but I was blown away by his voice...boy can he sing and there were lots of mad American fans of his there (reminded me of us lol) cos they have a similar fan club and set up where they all meet up from all over n go to his gigs and wear yellow roses (like our MFC hearts) and he knows about them etc etc awww lol.
  8. not forgetting the queuing for 2 weeks the next round of gigs just to make totally SURE you get front row
  9. Oh er..thanks, mothers day in the UK was aaaages ago in March lol. but this way we get to have TWO yeeey!
  10. Babs caz called you and old hag AND a witch in the same thread have you been training her
  11. oh very pretty and sooo meeeeeeeee I am a sparkle-collector lol so have nicked a few
  12. Of course he is, even if they didn't come out in corsettes all he is saying to me is that people come in different shapes or sizes no matter what wrapping they come in they are beautiful and have a right to be and feel beautiful and it's about time we stopped pointing fingers at people purley for how they look from the outside. POSITIVE!!! hell yeah. Also not all size 0's feel or look beautiful, it all comes from your own self confidence and self worth.
  13. :eek: ARRRGH!!!! dont DO this to me I got all excited I thought we were gonna be taking in the UK again but its not troooo oh woe is me (can you tell I was dying to use the chicken smilie lol.
  14. voted for the one where her voice stands out more, (because of you) Slide didn't do anything for me on 1st listen though.
  15. Mika is in fact too dam cool to bother even trying to be cool, you know what I mean right. some people just try so hard to be cool they end up looking like they try too hard, whereas Mika just doesn't even try, he's too cool to try lol. This is my fave new smilie but due to major pc problems of HD errors and failure then this one is more me right now :throw:followed by :crash: so I do this to my puter geeky son and he get p*ssy at my nagging for help and does this. :laser:
  16. OMG!!!! I didn't even notice we had new smilies wooooooah they are fabulous luv luv luv them too
  17. yey da Fred's BACK, I hope the stars didnt get you down while you were out there in the back of beyond with no newkie broon. And there was us all thinking the "good" stuff was just a mere dream lol.
  18. Oh i had no idea there was any conflict going on, can't the forums just join together and be one or kinda sister forums at least, maybe it would solve the problem cos they are as much Mika fans as we are. I'm not sure if I am or was a member of MS cos when I joined MFc and Mika's myspace etc etc it was all such a blur and I had no idea how forums worked so I spent a long while lurking before even posting on MFC but I think my photograph may be on MS on the pic gallery part.
  19. Aww thanks guys for the support, I knkow a lot of you feel the same way too, and I know he can't tour 24/7 it's just odd missing someone like that, who really is just a guy who doesn't really now me but I know I'm in good company here on MFC. i wasn't having a winge or anything really, just felt a bit melancholic.
  20. I have been looking at our gig pix and video clips etc all night, it's after 3.30 am and I have depressed myself cos I am missing Mika so much :crybaby:what's worse is I have no mika gigs planned to look forward to as they are thin on the ground for the foreseeable future. *sniff sniff* think I better go to bed and try to sleep my Mika depressed drought off.
  21. This is the first time I have seen this thread, it's really interesting, I am not religious in the slightest, but I find these comparisons really interesting. I do think Mika probably does things on purpose, he always seems so in control of things in his life so I am sure he thinks deeply about how and what he is portraying to the public. I am definitely going to look deeper into these things in future, I normally do that with the lyrics anyway and I also the art work etc, but I guess I had my own interpretations, like....the tree to me also symbolized how important his family are to him, and the asexual person was him to me as I see him sometimes that way, that is why he appeals so much to both sexes IMO. I also like analysing, I think its really interesting, and harmless it's not like we are saying our interpretations are right, it's just interesting to wonder.
  22. When I 1st joined MFC I also thought the colours didn't represent Mikaness, so didn't like them, it seemed rather dull compared to Mika sounds, but I soon realized it is far easier on the eyes than most sites and loads fast enough (no "things" cluttering it all up). My only nit pick is that it looks really pale on my laptop but better on my pc. I like this ring masters pick much much more than that pic we had before, the one where he looks like a convict (well he does...its almost like a dodgy passport pic, I have never liked that pic of him, he looked miserable and not like Mika at all, so I like the ringmaster pic though I am sure we have some fantastic ones we could pic if people want a change, why not make vote on it, pic 10 pics and ask ppl to cast a vote, highest wins of course.
  23. Can't say as I find this funny in the slightest but then I rarely "get" American humour at the best of times, I am one of those rare people on the planet who hated "Friends" lol.
  24. maybe he just dyes his hair dark, he might be blonde I mean look at that "peachy" complexion, perhaps his granny is of Swedish origin or his fathers cousin twice removed.
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