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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Yeah I knew about his full name (think nearly everyone here does by now lol) No I wasn't shocked he kissed big girl, no I don't get shocked when he swears, and yeah he is sweet (sometimes).
  2. can my daughter Bumblebee_vix and I use this vid we made for this project? you can just nick the bits off it you want to use, it's pretty well edited as it goes already, if so can you pm her so she can send you it, or just grab it off the utube if you have realplayer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWk3tNiipFQ
  3. sparkly1


    and some were just plain sarcastic :naughty:
  4. WEll I am all for having BIG HUGE pics of M on my living room wall but I think I would need strong glasses to be able to keep up with the MFC gossip lol, maybe even binoculars lmao how funny would that look in your front room
  5. sparkly1


    OO Vix yor comment was ace I left one but I aint so eloquent as you.
  6. OooooOooo randomness I got a German shepherd called jazz she is fab and 11 years old. I have been trying to fix my pc for over 2 days, I need to go to bed for work but it's doing a final scan now. it was well f**ked dunno even if it's fixed yet, it wouldn't even boot up in safe mode for aaages, I finally got it to scan in safe mode following instructions from my very impatient pc tecky son who kindly informed me "you wouldn't try to fix you car engine by talking on the phone to the mechanic would you" pfft he does have a point. I am totally tecno dense lol but I am hoping it's getting healthier, I have ran various scans on it all day as it managed to stay on (it had been clicking repeatedly and turning itself off). RANDOM ends I must go see how the last scans doing.
  7. dam and blast it I HATE HATE HATE Facebook with the vengeance of 10 million scarab Beatles but I guess I will have to add it for emergencies. I find the dam site so confusing and annoying, all that poking people and bombardments of join this pirate group or here's a turtle and Agnes sent Mildred a dead fly rubbish...arrrrgh I HATE it!!!
  8. your NOT suggesting the big guy drags his feet now are you..well shock shock me and all that palarva!
  9. Here I another one I nearly missed leaving the party with Spohie Ellis Bexter (well sharing a cab anyway) though the sequence of pics and titles and who's who have totally confused me now I dunno who arrived or left with who now lol. http://http://www.isoimagesuk.com/viewphoto.php?&albumId=37812&imageId=1471391&page=1&imagepos=7
  10. MY thoughts too, especially on pic 1 or 37 depending on what link you click on. (maybe it's the lighting but...looks kinda like sideburns to me. maybe androgynous). http://www.isoimagesuk.com/viewphoto.php?imagepos=12&albumId=&searchField=ALL&searchstring=mika&sortorder=&orient=any&sort=&numperpage=20&source=search
  11. I wont be on much till it's fixed, I can't even get it into safe mode to have a look at it, it sounds seriously ill Hope I can cope without as much MFC, I'm using my laptop right now but I will have t share it with Vix.
  12. I like them lots cos I haven't seen anyone else wear anything like that before whereas lots of people wear real braces/suspenders, I think the ones on the shirts look stylish.
  13. how about a cute axolotl then Mr. M...does HE do the trick? He's smiling at you Mika all cute like how can you resist.
  14. If it's down to begging faces My Jazz had a good one when she was a sicky puppy look at her feeling all sorry for herself tucked up in her bed.
  15. Does Mr M think he has control of the weather now who does he think he is a witch or maybe a WIZARD :naughty:
  16. Oh it was good to see that again it was sooooo funny
  17. I also agree with kids having kids to try to obtain some kind of love from somewhere...anywhere...is just not the way to go, they really have NO idea at all what bringing up another human being is like, its hard from start to finish, from baby to adult being a mother is always with you. You don't get a manual with a child and each child's needs are different, each stage they go through is different for each child, the long and short of it is, it's NO picnic it's NOT what they expect, you can't switch a baby/toddler, teenager off and that is challenging. Both my kids were well planned (even the fact I tried to get a girl 2nd time and did so) But even though I was married, 25 and they were well planned and wanted, it was still really hard as I had only my husband for support.
  18. Because at OUR age we know we still don't stand a chance and really wouldn't want it to as it would be sooo wrong lol, (but it's nice to look at the packaging, we don't really want to open it and spoil the surprise). Or is that just me
  19. :naughty: this is EXACTLY what I was thinking lol.
  20. yesterday it was on animals do the funniest things and he had a little dig about Mika,(saying something like "at least it's not Mika" or something like that, then later on 2 YES 2! of the animal clips had Mika songs playing in the background. then later on during Britain's got talent they played Big Girl on the introduction to a woman who was going to dance (thankfully she didn't actually dance to Big Girl), but yeey and woop for MIka music on tv.
  21. aww he sounds like my Vix (not literally, but cos he wants to make it in that kind of business). Wish I could play the piano, I hope he makes it.
  22. Oh I think htey must have been sneaking a peek on MFc cos we were playfully planning a "Mika's magical mystery tour":biggrin2: with a big MIKA LiCM cover bus n everything lol
  23. lets hope so (she goes to a London based performance arts place in September so I have everything crossed for her). I'll worry myself even ore stupid than I am now once she is there but I gotta let her try to fly aint I.
  24. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=370875684&MyToken=a918ef70-bfcb-4d93-93ad-b7bd25e37f70 Well this is a link to her new music myspace she made 3 songs in a studio (these are before she started singing lessons btw), she also has her various performing utube vids up on this page too if anyone wants to see, you can say you knew her when she was a mere bee if she ever gets anywhere. I didn't think the 1st one sounded like her at first as she is usually a bit of a belter. It's called "I'm Not That Girl" from the musical Wicked here are the lyrics they are really nice. "Im Not That Girl" Hands touch, eyes meet Sudden silence, sudden heat Hearts leap in a giddy whirl He could be that boy But I'm not that girl: Don't dream too far Don't lose sight of who you are Don't remember that rush of joy He could be that boy But I'm not that girl Ev'ry so often we long to steal To the land of what-might-have-been But that doesn't soften the ache we feel When reality sets back in Blithe smile, lithe limb She who's winsome, she wins him Gold hair with a gentle curl That's the girl he chose And Heaven knows I'm not that girl: Don't wish, don't start Wishing only wounds the heart I wasn't born for the rose and the pearl There's a girl I know He loves her so I'm not that girl: The middle one is a little tune you might have heard of called "Grace Kelly" by a rather gawjuz and hugely talented guy called MIKA the last one "Therapy" from the musical Tick Tick Boom is quite comical once it gets going. here are the lyrics: Therapy JONATHAN AND SUSAN SUSAN: Are you saying we can't talk? JONATHAN: Are you saying we are not talking? SUSAN: What are you saying? JONATHAN: What are you saying? I'm saying I feel bad, that you feel bad About me feeling bad, about you feeling bad About what I said, about what you said About me not being able to share a feeling SUSAN: If I thought that what you thought Was that I hadn't thought about sharing my thoughts Then my reaction to your reaction To my reaction Would have been more revealing JONATHAN: I was afraid that you'd be afraid If I told you that I was afraid of intimacy If you don't have a problem with my problem Maybe the problem is simply co-dependency SUSAN: Yes I know that now you know That I didn't know that you didn't know That when I said "No" I meant "Yes, I know" And that now I know that you knew That you knew you adored me JONATHAN: I was wrong to SUSAN: Say you were wrong to JONATHAN: Say I was wrong about SUSAN: You being wrong JONATHAN: When you meant to say that SUSAN: The ring was the wrong thing to bring JONATHAN: If I meant what I said When I said rings bore me JONATHAN AND SUSAN: I'm not mad that you got mad that I got mad When you said I should go drop dead JONATHAN: If I were you when I'd done what I'd done And I'd do what you did when I gave you the ring Having said what I said --- VOICE OVER VOICE --- JONATHAN: I feel bad, that you feel bad About me feeling bad, about you feeling bad About what I said, about what you said About me not being able to share a feeling I thought you're gonna reacted shallowly When I reacted to you I'm not mad You got mad Go drop dead If I were you when I'd done what I'd done And I'd do what you did when I gave you the ring Having said what I said SUSAN: I feel badly about you Feeling badly about me Feel badly about you If I thought that what you thought Was that I hadn't thought about sharing my thoughts Then my reaction to your reaction To my reaction Would have been more revealing I'm not mad that you got mad that I got mad When you said I should go drop dead If I were you But I'm not you Said what I said --- END OF VOICE OVER VOICE --- JONATHAN: BUt now it's out in the open SUSAN: Now it's off our chest JONATHAN AND SUSAN: Now it's four am And we have therapy tomorrow It's too late to screw So lets just get some rest Those who have met Vix will notice that it's hard to imagine the 1st song coming out of her mouth lol. Oh and you can add her on your myspace if it so takes your fancy
  25. #I agree, if people start to expect things they are going to be very disappointed, hell yeah it would be great if got lots of goodies, but it's not up to us what we get if anything, so we need to count ourselves very lucky if we get anything extra (IMO).
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