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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I have had a peek but need a longer look and listen, though I liked her photies
  2. Think I should be embarrassed about posting this one but it's a contrast to the others I guess if nothing else (anyway this is just my little secret thread so I can do what I like lol). Treasure Chest I wanted to melt before your eyes, I could have died there in your arms, For a second I was in heaven, So safe away from harm. I wanted to swim right through your eyes, I needed to reach inside your soul, I longed to caress your lips with kisses, Until with two hands, your heart I’d stole. I wanted to bury myself in your chest, I would have stayed there till I’d died, You could have awoken the woman within me, And made love to her until she cried. I wanted our body's to be as one, I wanted our eyes to be burning with lust, I wanted our mouths to explore with hunger, Then explode with pleasure into tiny particles of dust. I wanted to stand there in your shadow, I longed to caress your soft black hair, I wanted to be dwarfed by your manliness, I wanted to feel “all woman” by your stare. I wanted to taste your presence beside me, I wanted to see your face when I’d awake, I wanted to cocoon you in my love, I wanted to be your soul mate. Vivienne B©7/11/1996
  3. no I just decided I might as well just whisper today but then I got bored of that and broke my silence
  4. Nothing Sheer terror entraps you And you have grown in fear Yet you lift up your head to scream your loudest scream And your whole body trembles with its force And the chosen hears… nothing Sees… nothing Feels… nothing. You thought you had found your soul mate You thought, hoped one day One day you would feel the love Your heart gave out till it was spent And now your glass is full to bursting With… Nothing You can hold no more emptiness You can hold no more nothingness So you live You exist Rotting inside your shell You breathe, you eat, you sleep…. And all along you have been and are just Nothing ©Vivienne B. 22/6/2005.
  5. I don't feel like loving today at all, I was ok and pleased to get back on MFC at first tonight cos my wireless router broke and i had to find out the problem then fix it etc etc blah blah boring, but it's not been much fun on MFC tonight I feel like I have wasted my time but hey...that's life.
  6. Thats awesome well done you clever thingy *virtually shakes hand*
  7. wish I could say the same...I have withdrawal symptoms if I don't get my MFC fix
  8. Thats really sad, it means you never did get to meet him...not ever
  9. Always look on the bright side of life do do do do do do do do I agree me too well I don't and I hate harps pfft well shut up and go away then fine see if I care
  10. A lot of really good points that I agree with there Christine
  11. I sometimes think when the atmosphere in here gets a bit tense especially of late, is due to the lack of Mika related things coming up, it's like a drought, and maybe people are feeling down because of that and taking things to heart and maybe some even getting a little prickly with each other. It's not really doing anyone any good but some people DO have Mika gigs to look forward to (not me, I refuse to go to festivals to see him and I'm not into travelling to other countries to see him either (not yet, lets hope I don't get that obsessive lol), I have no excuse really as he does at least do gigs in the UK. If he was playing somewhere I wanted to go to anyway, then I would make more effort to coincide the 2 maybe. Anyway I went off topic I think I just think it's the lack of all things Mika that is making people get a bit....tetchy.
  12. I kinda agree with you Caz, maybe I don't expect much (who knows), I mean don't' get me wrong if he was to offer us goodies I would try to be at the front of the Queue (though that proves very difficult now lol), and maybe since I don't feel about any other artist like I do for Mika, then I don't have anyone to compare him with or to. It would be nice to hear some news about the official-ness of MFC etc from MIka and co and I will be disappointed a bit if we don't hear anything at all, but I'm not letting the wait or even lack of news (even if it's forever) bother me otherwise it would spoil my enjoyment of MFC and I still love it here most of the time.
  13. OH MAI that IS cute (even cuter than Mika *runs away and hides under a rock quicker than Mika can pose in tight white panties)
  14. didn't you read my earlier post when I said think WIND SOCKS!!
  15. yes this is also what I was trying to say And Freddie, the reason you see it through blurry eyes is more to do with he glass of beer in your hand rather than blaming it on lights
  16. Jim Carey is awesome he makes me laugh soooo much and I dooo love to have a larrrf
  17. :welcomeani:Alexa you get fast replies here at MFC cos it's fast friendly and furiously busy most of the time lol have fun see you around .
  18. ah yess I remember those days Freddie, when I was a lass. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dyqEPgRc6IE
  19. OMG that's mean lol are you sure you didn't mean wind sock?
  20. when I listen to this song and see it live I find it totally exciting and waaaaahhh THE START OF THE SHOW!! and although some of the lyrics are sad the message I get from it is....don't worry there is always hope. I also see it as a kinda acceptance of something scary on a personal level and it's inevitable so no need to stress about it there is always a way.
  21. quite rightly so, Mika is a sophisticated kinda guy
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