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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. whats that got to do with painting balls jokes on Twitter tho, am I missing the point here or something, I find it hard to decipher everyones mannerizms at times.
  2. Acctually I think it was Daisylou who pointed out it was better to wait round the back (lol I didn't believe her at first, not till all the sw_anky (pfft had to try all ways to get that word in without it thinking I was swearing) cars had gone from the front lol). The security ppl were telling us all kinda cr*p that he had gone n shizzle pfft.
  3. Don't take it to Heart SS, it's yesterdays news, his pages now are all filled with eyepatchness & pirate jokes today, he already said on the OZ interview he doesnt like Twitter much so I don't think he takes much notice of the tweets he gets, he could NEVER keep up with them or read them all anyway. And I tweeted him about painting his balls and I WAS NOT nagging I was joking cos I happen to have a pretty good sense of humour even if it IS schoolboy humour (seems he does too if his farting on a record comment is anything to go on). So if anyone thinks I am gonna feel bad about having a sense of humour they can think again. Anyways...hugs xx
  4. I heard that he's having an affair with his imaginary friend one footed Dr. John who used to be a priest he met in the rain and hes got blue eyes, hes much younger than Mika...a Toy Boy really, so he's gonna be blaming that on the girls cos they think they are golden
  5. lol great stuff, I'm glad his eye is healing cos it's bad enough to be spraying insect repellant "on your bum" but you can't really spray it on your eyes poor fella lol. (the collar on his shirt would look better up like he usually wear them cos it looks a bit twin set and pearls the way he's wearing it on this interview lol).
  6. T4P and omg he's trying to KILL me how can he say "They can fart on a record and they seem to get good reviews." and expect me not to be in a heap on the floor I have schoolboy humour he KNOWS that lol I am now STUCK with the image of very popular musicians and singers doing that down the mic in the studio...IT'S NOT FAIR MIKA STOP IT!!! :lmao:
  7. DAM it I got found out and I thought my snowMAN disguise was a good one too T4P btw as if Mika fans are crazy pffft.
  8. Oo I fancy another go, there are some fab ones already lol Pick your Artist: AEROSMITH Describe yourself: Rag Doll How do you feel: Crazy If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Avant Garden Your best friend is: Downtown Charlie You and your best friends are: Drop Dead Gorgeous If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Dude Looks Like A Lady What is life to you: Jaded Your current relationship: Jailbait Your fear: Living On The Edge What is the best advice you have to give: Don't Get Mad Get Even I would like to die...: Once Is Enough Time of day: Darkness My motto: I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing
  9. SHCOK SHCOK me how VERY dare you!!! at least I'm not from Sorry (I know your not either but I enjoy saying it lol). ps. you going to Glasgow? if you are you booked up Hotel wise?
  10. gah I'm not, got all sorts going on before I have to think about freezing to the bone for hours on end probably catching swine flu and stuff, maybe I should quit all this malarki and take up knitting bun scarfs our something, at least I could keep warm.
  11. yes acctually I now see it this way, no wonder he works himself up into a frenzy by the end of it lol. naughty but niiiice
  12. awww I want to play but I have no idea how to use this lol. Aw poop, so I can't play with this then, if the deadline was 19th Nov....I was at work then and then had to go to LN the next day, sob cray wail, it looked like sooo much fun.
  13. nice one, ooo does this mean ppl are at work on MS....does this mean there might be a small golden announcement the top of next year maybe, or maybe they have to get replies from the emailed winners first (I am presuming here guys) I KNOW NOTHING I am no keeper of any secrets I have not been sworn to secrecy but I am so excited it's going to be the best ever.
  14. so the cat's out of the bag bigtime and it appeared to be clawing it's way out for quite sometime, we knew it was there cos we heard enough little squeals just don't like cats I'm a BIG DOG person myself though I do like BIG cats like panthers/tigers/leopards/etc little cats just sh*t in my garden and annoy me pfft.
  15. You have been soo great about your vids Jazzy, taking your time at the gig to record them, and then upload them here for us all to share, I think it's a disgrace that http://mikasounds.s04.pre.umguk.vvhp.net/profile/view/364354 has nicked them all and posted them on MS without your knowlege OR consent! after all YOUR hard work making them, uploading them so fast and for OUR benefit too, and you haven't even had the chance to upload them yourself onto MS yet to claim your OWN points I bet if you tried now they would be rejected since your not allowed to duplicate and they will think they are not YOUR vids as I am sure it says you have to OWN the pics and vids you post.
  16. hahaha some really apt ones in all those ones love it
  17. yeey a Facebook gamey thing, mine is rather nifty lol http://www.facebook.com/note.php?created&&suggest&note_id=196991648080 (for those who don't like to click on a link this is what it contains) my life according to MIKA Using only song names from ONE artist, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to some people you like. You can't use the band I used. Try not to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think! Repost as "my life according to (band name)." Here we go... Pick your Artist: MIKA Describe yourself: Lonley Alcoholic How do you feel: Stuck In The Middle If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Any Other World Your best friend is: Good Gone Girl You and your best friends are: Intoxicated If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: We Are Golden What is life to you: Blame It On The Girls Your current relationship: Erase Your fear: Your Sympathy What is the best advice you have to give: Relax (Take It Easy) I would like to die...: Overrated Time of day: My Interpretation My motto: Love Today it quite amused me this game lol. so if anyone wants to play along, then follow on in a new reply but you CANT have Mika cos I had him 1st
  18. sounds proper pervy doesn't it.. hey babeh :das:sleepies babeh sleepies. I never knew Babs was so sporty mind...being so good at paint balling and such like
  19. see now I just love this kinda stupid immature humour, in fact we gave Mika a fart cube at Itunes and I don't think he was as impressed with it as we were
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