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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Oh Asda's white n green box one is wayyy cheaper IMO I think he drinks that one.
  2. Mika drinks warm and wet tea if I am not mistaken
  3. Maybe he was just being all polite in an Irish manner and meant to say "to o' the mornin' to ya" and they all mistook it's meaning
  4. and..... (she goes on lol), I think it's totally disgusting that people have the audacity to shove their hands down someone else's clothing, if that happened to US we would have them had up for assault, why do people think that celebrities are fine with this, all this touching or asking for kisses and what not, (it seems a little (sometimes a LOT) invasive to me). I see it on tv a lot too when people meet a celeb, they ask to do the weirdest things, and that celeb can't always say NO on tv cos it might make them look bad, I saw a woman (audience member) having a really good rummage through David Tennants hair the other day, and last night some woman asked Elijah Wood for a kiss n stuff but luckily he didn't have to do it, they get more brazen by the day. I think if it's offered it's a different matter altogether. Oh and I would NOT want to go out on a date with Mika as that suggests romance and I would NEVER date a guy only 2 1/2 years older than my own son. If he wanted to meet up for a chat and a laugh that would be a different matter (I might just say yes, so don't be shy Mika I'm sure I could fit you in sometime)
  5. Agreed why do people NEVER at least have a quick gander at the last page of posts to a thread before leaping to conclusions pffft and no matter HOW many times earlier in threads it's mentioned they see ONLY what they choose to ...arrrgh irritates the rear end outa me . moan groan grumble mumble out the way now
  6. I wasn't sure if it was him at first, it didn't sound EXACTLY like Mika but I guess it was high ish and also I thought it was a duet or something cos of the other gruffer voice I can hear on it. But thanks Elanorelle for finding the link to DANIEL POWTER's myspace, the song is on his profile and its called "Lie To ME" not what the guy on utube puts it under,s o I left 2 messages but I don't think he will bother to allow them pfft. Weird why he he is trying to pass it off as Mika though (maybe he just wants more views on his vids).
  7. Oh you too, that happened to me along time ago, soon after I joined MFc I thought it was part of the requirements of joining and to show how much of a REAL fan you are.
  8. OMG how mean that kid will have nightmares forever now! maybe this one will cheer him up
  9. I agree Sariflor and also I think he will wear different outfits and style for different occasions, I mean there is always a time and place so they say. I mean he wouldn't for instance go to a friends wedding in his long blue shorts and white global warming T.shirt. ( I hope lol). I remember when I first left home all my old friends and family went right off me and accused me of changing etc etc, they were really mean about it, and I look back and thing hell YEAH of course I changed, I moved away from home with my boyfriend (now hubby) and moved totally away from everything I knew. They changed themselves when it happened to them (I'm glad I changed too because I grew up a lot more). It's like when your young and your mate gets her 1st b/f and you hate it cos she has changed...really your just feeling left out and not number 1 in her life any more, it happens to many many people, both sexes.
  10. ditto he is who he is inside he is bound to evolve, I have said on here MANY times that is HAS to be the way, EVERYONE changes and nothing lasts forever.
  11. I agree Babs, I also think the reason he stopped wearing braces on stage (IMO) is he nearly broke his neck on them a couple of times, I like the braces the fake braces the no braces, the skinny jeans the flared jeans the shorts when it's hot weather, the smart look the casual look, I like MOST of his looks, I liked his hair before, I thought it was ok for a change slicked back, I think it's nice now (it's not much different to me just a little shorter). I don't however like his hoodies UP look, or his combats with all the witting on, I also wouldn't want him to start wearing make up, but its HIS face and HIS body and HIS life so he aint gonna listen to lil OLD me now is he lol. As a person he seems much the same so far.
  12. That's rather lovely isn't he....er it lol
  13. yeah we are official, woo hoo :punk:don't tell me after all this buzzing about it no one has seen the new thread :naughty:
  14. My son just showed me this music video, and I have to agree with him that the lyrics are really deep, the tune is a bit monotonous though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnoaj8b2bGM
  15. I read this one a long time ago and enjoyed it then, it was nice to be reminded of it again.
  16. how'do and welcome to the mad house, I enjoyed your crazy introduction .
  17. If it was good enough for my daughter Vix all those years ago..... (She's the one stood at the back on the right next to Bonnie Langford). and in the one below she is the one facing us in red. Then SURELY it's good enough for Mika!!
  18. Sacred crushed velvet If I turn mine eyes To the grey, shame… Shame may go away. Frantically I sit cleansing With compulsive revulsion From sacred crushed velvet His parental seed, Selfishly planted Where I bleed, and… Without a care Ravished my spirit Beyond repair Admiration has ceased Oh She of same blood You are released. And I in your place Emotionally confined in His Blackmailing embrace. 23/4/2006©Vivienne B The art is not my own and it's not the pic that inspired this poem but I wasn't sure if the other pic would be classed as unsuitable so I posted a "safer" one).
  19. Denial Oh unfillable void... I'm destroyed Denial, The unspoken word, ...Absurd Denial, It's repugnant and vile my persona's on trial. I'm destroyed, internally yet visibly fragmented. This grateful penance is Self-fulfilling…and accepted. 20/6/06©Vivienne B
  20. YEEES and also that he wanted the costumes next time to be bigger and better and sooo huge we would need help to actually wear them (n or summit like that, I couldn't hear properly cos of the rabble).
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