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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. :lmao:OH NO OMG I just had visualizations of a whole stack og MFCers at the next gig running about in HUUUUGE ostrich costumes, like that guy who used to sit on a puppet one.... you know who I mean right? Mika would be like....WTF!!!!
  2. Oh yeah it COULD be, it's a LOT bigger and er...more unpredictable and scary too
  3. Maybe it was the fact he was getting fed up of hanging about for the translations of stupid questions and he gave that look of....I'm gonna ATTACK if this goes on for much longer!!!!!
  4. May I just point out that never has an ostrich looked so god dam handsome before ( I mean LOOK at those eyelashes and those big brown eyes...NOW is the time to start worrying
  5. it's no good Caroline, the damage is done now, you can't backtrack so easily out of that little beauty :naughty: (incidentally, I do see your point)
  6. No I really don't see a problem in that at all, strawberry's are a pretty tasty fruit. :)
  7. He ALWAYS seems to patient to me (wish I was) lol.
  8. I like those big ones with peanuts on the top
  9. Maybe he is easing us gently into his new look he has planned for the next tour...or maybe he really DOES wanna be like Grace Kelly I've always said he is pretty enough to get away with wearing a frock lol, his height would give him away though.
  10. I agree with you yet again Sariflor, lol and in Mika's case he soooo does NOT at this point in his life need anything other than his natural self to look drop dead gawjuz, he is just perfect as he is (but I am really too ancient to be spending any amount of time worrying about this too much)
  11. your not doing a very convincing "not all that bothered" here Babs
  12. I am not keen on PW's "image" at all, but I like a few of his songs, this Child-catcher one though, I really feel strongly about those lyrics, I DO find them disturbing, but they are meant to be, what he is trying to say is NOT all pretty flowers and bunnies in a meadow, those lyrics are brilliant, yet they make me feel so angry, so that is why they are brilliant. I write poetry (well try to) and in a some of my poems I say things that aren't "nice" I guess it could be classed as sorta darkish, I don't think I have posted many of my darker ones on MFC but there are a few). so sometimes you just have to tell it like it is, and those lyrics certainly do, sometimes I LIKE to be MADE to sit up and take notice like that from a song, sometimes I like to work it out for myself.
  13. This is not goodbye my friend just merely farewell as Arniw says...... YOU'LL BE BACK"!!!!!!
  14. Aha so it WAS a nod in our direction after all, I like it Mika..very subtle and the browns of course are your eyes and hair oh and of course he had his little red MFC heart on the shirt but not a flashing one (cos he doesn't like flashing things now..apparently).
  15. Ditto, I had just about got that out of my system and persuaded myself it was all in an innocent manner
  16. The way I see, NOTHING, he is a popstar NOT a politician.
  17. I agree Sariflor, and lets face it these days it seems impossible to turn around without someone getting the wrong idea, I dunno, I mean I just feel like there is a time and place and if Mika wanted to make a political statement about it he would do. I think he was out there visiting his sister which is nice he is close to his family and he likes this person he presented the award to so maybe he didn't even THINK about any political issues, as people keep saying he is still so young (Anyway he is a popstar NOT a politician). People still go to France even though they keep puppies piled up on top of each other so they can hardly move in pet shops, and guinea pigs in an even worse state...so it appears their idea of animal rights is a lot different to the UK's....am I making any sense ( I know what I am getting at but I am bad at putting it across). Too many things go on in the world for my liking I think I'll go hide under a bush or something.
  18. This is the name of his next album, didn't you know that already:naughty:
  19. I'm in the middle of watching these vids, THANK YOU sooo much for uploading them, the mika drought is getting a little quenched. The new hair niiiiiiice (makes him look even younger though) When he mentioned MFC.com *faints* I went all warm and fuzzy, it was like... he was talking about US (right , back to quenching more of my Mika thirst lol).
  20. what TIME is it aired? (not that I can get it but I'll have look all the same you never know there might be a blip hahaha)
  21. I love the sound of singing in old churches, they have amazing beautiful sounds, it would be awesome in a church.
  22. theres an awful lot of unnecessary BUMPING :fisch:
  23. awww she is such a sweetheart I have no idea how to pronounce that surname though lol. Thanks for posting:thumb_yello:
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