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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Well I wonder if Mika would like Teesside Tin Tin as he likes Tin Tin (it's on Utube guys but BEWARE!!! the language is baaaad but it's sooooo funny
  2. NO 13th June (it's vix's bday I could take her for her bday (sly move on my part eh)
  3. Vix says the dressing rooms are crap so that might put him off :naughty:
  4. OOOoooooOOO I WISH it was true, I was really and happy when I read the thread title then all sad when I realized it wasn't real...YET (mwahahaha). Bumblebee_Vix n I are going there in May to see Idina Menzel (Vix's heroine), she was the 1st Elphaba in "Wicked" (for those who haven't seen my "Wicked" thread lol. Vix has also danced there with her dancing school a few years ago. I was very naughty and recorded it lol, it's on her utube account.:naughty: MIKA DO IT AND MAKE AN OLD WOMAN VERY HAPPY (oh and all your other fans too lol).
  5. yeey it was good to see this video again, he is so dam funny and honest
  6. It looks a like fun Caroline doesn't it I'll show vix that when she gets back home on Saturday, it's good to know there are "ordinary" people who Do manage to make a living from the performing arts, I keep telling her it's all doom and gloom and she will have to get used to being and out of work performer. :S
  7. PS. did you notice we used YOUR clip at the end of this vid we made (she did credit you though, at the end on the err...credits lol) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWk3tNiipFQ
  8. Aww thank you and yeah I guess I am going to miss her no matter where she goes (she is my youngest and my son has been studying in London for nearly 4 years now, so I should be used to it), but I guess it's cos of when I hear of things like my sons g/f being sort of mugged (a few lads demanded her to hand over her belongings etc, but she did so wasn't hurt), and also when Vix went to stay at a friends who is also at a performing arts place in London, her flat mate came in and said she had just been mugged. She will have to learn how to get street wise but I can't wrap her in cotton wool no matter how much I really want to. (she souldn't let me anyway she is too independent lol).
  9. :naughty:it would be so hilarious if she ever DOES make it and people on here could say.... oh we knew her when she was a mere bumble bee, not the QUEEN BEE she is now
  10. I just left this message on your utbe vid: Your right it IS a beautiful song, have you ever thought of having singing lessons to expand on what you have, I am no expert but since Vix has been having singing lessons I have seen in a few months the improvement in her technique. I didn't realize before just how tecnical singing really is, (full voice, stomach voice, breathy, vibrato, reinforced falsetto, "break" etc etc there is so much more to it than I ever thought and I have even MORE respect for singers than I ever did before). You have a really nice vibrato going on there and it sounds really natural to me.
  11. I could SOOO see him on sesame street, he loves toys he would fit in so well and he has the most awesome sense of humour n everything (did I mention he is also drop dead gawjuz)
  12. OooooOo I might send you a piccy to go with my letter or even write an update to my 1st letter as I have MUCH more to thank him for now (the afterparty for one
  13. She is a tad obsessed with it, but it has given her a direction in a way, because her dad tried his best to talk her into going to university to do a "proper" degree he so he did put a lot of pressure on her to not to try to get into a performing arts college I was stuck in the middle, as I too know how almost impossible it is to get into the profession she is aiming at, and we had to get it through to her dad that she has to at least TRY because if not then she is going straight to her back up plan and not even TRYING to go for her dream. She can always go back to uni later if she decides it's not going to work or whatever, (he sees it as a hobby you see, SHE sees it as where she belongs, she comes alive on stage). Anyway, in the end we talked her dad round and she managed to get accepted into Italia Conti in London (she goes in August to London, I am gonna worry and miss her far too much) but I'll also be very excited for her.
  14. If you love "Wicked" and "The Wizard of Oz" then take a peek at this thread :D:blush-anim-cl: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14090&highlight=wicked
  15. Always look on the bright siiide of life :fisch:lifes a piece of sh.......wooooah hang on....no news is good news so they say so.... The sun'll come out, tomorrow, bet ya bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be suuuun etc etc
  16. OH I want to see it I have never seen it, I'm a sucker for sad films, I still cry at all the Disney films one of the defo tear jerker moments for me is when Dumbo's mum rocks him in her trunk and sings a lullaby to him through the bars :tears: I could cry for England, it's really embarrassing I just have to THINK about someone crying and it sets me off and once I tell myself I MUST NOT cry...then there is no hope lol (I'm in my 40's fgs I should know better). PS. I love a sensitive side to a guy (doesn't mean weak, just sensitive), it shows me they have feelings too.
  17. Hmm I'm sure I discovered these before on the dvd player when I first got it but it doesn't seem to work on the pc, Ill check out my dvd player tomorrow lol.
  18. I THINK I voted what does this mean Vielen Dank für die Teilnahme. Wir wünschen dir viel Glück.
  19. Hells bells (eee I've not said that in donkey years) Caroline that IS wishful thinking lol I mean who would he do that, what country? I know he can just to come to all our houses for tea individually that should sort it (now who's got the wild imagination lol.
  20. just saw 2 great pics of THEEEE t shirt Sari on the mikagasmic thread I hadn't seen them before you you probably have. and
  21. woah 2 excellent ones of the t shirt Sariflor made him she will be sooo proud (again...lol)
  22. ha ha my daughter and I do this a bit too, we saw a mini version at the train station on Friday (think I was more interested than she was ).
  23. wish I could write great poetry, ...ah well at least I try lol. I haven't finished a poem since I joined MFC lol it takes up too much of my time now
  24. oh yea seen them on here a while back lol beats the paper ones they had when I was a lass lol.
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