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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. 1=too dam cute to exist but DOES!!! 2=drop dead gawjuz in the most natural way a guy can be (DROOOOOOOL)
  2. I think Perez is gonna be posting a piccy of HIS little dog here soon he wont want our pets to upstage his now will he.
  3. well I have to say that for me this was a gigantic pile of steaming hot cow muck, I couldn't even manage to watch half of it, it's tripe and a waste of a cd. (just MO lol)
  4. Our Vix showed me him singing GK on Sat Night Project all excited saying "this is that guy I saw on tv the other day, this song is brilliant" then she decided he was really really cute and loved his flopsy hair (she goes for that kinda hair on a guy). I didn't pay too much attention ( I don't like that kinda hair on a guy...lmao :naughty:I DO NOW!!!). So yeah it's HER fault I am here now cos she kept playing his song and then I think we both started looking for things about him on utube, I have no idea why, I think I wanted to know more about what the song was about but ended up really fascinated by his personality, he was not like other musicians, he came across as genuine, kind yet a strong character, and his snese of humour I found very attractive. When I first saw him I didn't think he looked gay either, I still don't think he LOOKS gay, he does however have some characteristics that are a little more feminine, maybe that is one of the reasons why so many women are drawn to him, I don't care what he is he has the most amazing personality that intrigues me immensely, I think he is a beautiful and exceptionally talented human being, simple as that. One of my bosses at work is gay and really a bit camp but he is really funny and open about it (he thinks it's funny I go swanning off to Mika gigs and once mentioned how young he is (well compared to me he is lol) and "isn't he gay?" and I said, "yeah he is young isn't he and I don't know if he is gay or not, but he is sooo dam pretty" lol and my boss agreed lol.
  5. Walt a cute dog it's nice too that you love your dogs neighbour and that she doesn't bit you, (or was that meant to be you love your neighbours dog )
  6. Dear Mika, I think I shall do a serious comment this time (well I'll try lol). I have been to 8 of you gigs since May (and have taken my daughter Bumbleebee_Vix to 6 of those). I thought that going to one gig would be enough but somehow it isn't, I think it's because when your there (especially at or even near the front, where I have been at all but 1 of those gigs) the feeling you get is so uplifting, it's like being on a wonderful colourful roller-coaster, the songs take you up on a high some bring you down the sheer beauty of the lyrics and feelings inside of them, and then end on that higher than high we all know and love...Lollipop oh how I adore that part of the show, all those balloons and confetti (I miss the bubbles too lol). I have met you very briefly at Somerset House, Manchester, Doncaster, Newcastle (where we gave you our Mika giggle bear dressed as you with your giggle inside his voice box, and where we nearly wet ourselves in excitement when we saw you had displayed the quilt we took part in on Cherisses drumstand). Also managed to pass you a gift I had made you over the top of the car at Hammersmith (a black shirt with silver lines down it and silver chain like braces and stars on the collar and cuffs, oh and really sparkly:)buttons). I also met you briefly at the after party at Brixton but only because you came and stood right next to me to make you initial speech so I was able to quickly ask you if you liked the shirt (I had to describe it to you cos you get sooo many gifts these day lol). I wanted to thank you again for the afterparty, we didn't manage to speak with you again after that but I did ask John to pass on our thanks to you for such a beautiful gesture, it felt like a gift back to us and I know so many of us were truly grateful for that. So to sum it all up, I won't pledge my undying love for a popstar 23 years my junior (that is too weird lol), I'll just say, that rightly or wrongly in my head you are a wonderful, warm, exceptionally talented, funny, lovely, person and there are so many things about you that fascinate me. I am so excited about the new album and when it's released I will NEED to go and get it immediately lol, and I really miss not having any Mika gigs to look forward to yet but then I have to remember how lucky I am to have seen you as many times as I have in such a short time anyway. Be happy, be healthy and be safe. :shocked:good lord a serious comment on this thread from me, none of this "its under the patio palarva this time...shock chock me"
  7. Carrie your dogs so cute I loved the vid of her being scared of the balloon :naughty:(cruel woman). Sarifour I didn't know you also had a shepherd he is a pic of mine...JAZZ (as a puppy) waiting to be told she can have her dog biscuit (she flips it in the air then catches it once told she can take it) just chilling in the garden she has a beautiful face don't you think she also loves to play in the snow and swim in the sea. she is nearly 11 and is the most wonder dog ever, she has a fantastic temperament, is well trained (in her youth she loved playing games like find the toy, fetch the ball/stick etc roll over play dead when we pretend to shoot you, etc). she is now very very skinny and picky with her food, we think she got poised a few years ago by a farmer who put down poisoned meat for foxes, as she became suddenly ill and stopped eating, was skinny as a rake and ended up having a week of fits. the vet said to put her on pills forever but they would destroy her pancreas or liver of something, so we gave her them until she stopped having fits, (about 2 weeks) then weaned her off them and she has never had one since. She is still picky with her food (she never used to be you see and would scavenge on walks that is why we thing she ate poisoned food), and we just take it a day at a time with her now but she is still here and has good days and bad days, but is STILL the most well behaved dog ever. PS> NOOOO NEVER GIVE DOGS CHOCOLATE is IS poisen to them your right.
  8. OH mai I have not seen that one, she WAS indeed very brave and Mika was taken by surprise but he gently led her by the hand back to her place lol (maybe he was worried about what her next move was going to be lol).
  9. I totally agree with that, I can understand why though as its going to be a lot easier for him than doing lots of gigs, but he did used to say back in the day, that he preferred to do smaller venues. Oh well time will tell what happens there, but I just don't know if I will enjoy a huge venue after seeing him at the other gigs. I went to a big one to see Meatloaf and even if he had been brilliant (he wasn't I was at the gig he walked out of half way through and said he had quit but he is touring again now), anyway, I didn't enjoy the atmosphere at all there, there wasn't one.
  10. I also like really tall dark haired guys with artistic looking hands, nice teeth a warm smile eyes that can look at you enough to make you putty in those artistic hands and I like em to have an artistic nature too. (don't ask much do I for an old bag lol). ha ha you should see my hubby...he has none of those qualities . :naughty: OH I tell a lie he has lots of nice thick dark hair
  11. "so after Patrick did his act, we were chatting in the gents ...as you do....and NO KIDDIN' ya guys, it was THIS big........... ..........and he screamed and ran away like a proper nancy, it was the teeniest spider ever..... he is such a mummys boy"!
  12. Lol yeah it's kinda like watching one of your kids grow up and make it into the big bad world and know they are doing good (YOU wont know how that feeling for a long time yet though Caz lol). I kinda got into Mika by March time, but it grew so much that by May I had soaked up all the utube vids on him and found my way to MFC I am sure it was via you telling me about it on his myspace comp).
  13. Oh I have, I love Mika's hands but then I do notice a guys hands as I like long artistic looking ones and on that HUUUGE pic on the mikasmic thread the other day when he is on a chair in white (an oldish pic), his hand looks really nice, sorta tidy and artistic, his nails are all neat Sometimes his hands show his emotions more than his face does.
  14. you are probably the MFC future telling persons I guess once we get "the" announcement I shall avoid the winging about it threads then, I mean what's the point in moaning about it, it was fine before we were official and if it is just the "official" tag we get, then that's fine...it's not like my arm just blew up or something lol.
  15. When I look at the vid of this I think it looks like Peter is a bit put out that mika didn't shake his hand or w/e it is your meant to do when you get presented with the award, (that is why he is scratching he head), but I don't think it was deliberate on Mika's part at that moment because Johnny and Denise came forward to shake his hand etc so distracted him. (that's what it looks like to me anyway). I don't know if they dislike each other or not, but I think after all this they will do. But then I have to remind myself how gossip mags and the like always say rubbish and exaggerate incidents between celebs and try to cause rifts, they do it all the time (though I know Jordan/Katie does seem to enjoy picking a good fight with people quite a lot). It's not really all that important really and I am sure when Mika doesn't play along with "argument" then it will die a death and she will move onto someone else.
  16. that is so random Babs can we put it on his head though with the holes for ears and a bobble on the top (my mother in law knits them)
  17. OK OK so you can stoop even lower than Babs, this one makes me feel suicidal, it's positively demon like.
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