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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. That is bloody disgusting, it's making me nauseous. Babs is there any need to stoop to these levels...REALLY
  2. I thought that would be the hold up, we ALL know what lawyers are like And it's such a BIG thing it has to be done as right as it can be.
  3. I would imagine a ton of researching and having to study millions of pictures of Mika's butt and I can only imagine what torture that would have been...hats off to those poor lasses.
  4. wooah that is a HUUUUUUUGE ..................pic of mika, I have never seen this pic this big before. I was very drawn to his .............HAND, it looks so lovely on that pic all neat and artistic. (I do like a nice hand on a guy, well 2 preferably:naughty:).
  5. I think we should move all those threads because it kinda feels like we get spied on by people who don't join and just come to be nosey, if it's Mika only they are interested in and Mika facts then that should be available but if they want to be PART of the forum then I think they should be proper members (or am I being paranoid) I just don't like the idea of non members just watching our conversations etc it feels odd.
  6. My Strongest Suit In life one has to face a huge assortment Of nauseating fads and good advice There's health and fitness Diet and deportment And other pointless forms of sacrifice Conversation? Wit? I am a doubter Manners? Charm? They're no way to impress So forget the inner me , observe the outer I am what I wear and how I dress Oh now I believe in looking Like my time on earth is cooking Whether polka dotted Striped or even checked With some glamour guaranteeing Every fibre of my being Is displayed to quite remarkable effect From your cradle via trousseau To your deathbed you're on view, so Never compromise, accept no substitute I would rather wear a barrel Than conservative apparel For my dress has always been My strongest suit Overwear Underwear Anytime Anywhere Staying in or hitting town wards From the top and working downwards I ensure that every stitch Is stitched in time Whether wig or hat or turban is stitched in time Whether clad boudoir or urban Not to strut your stuff Outrageously's a crime And the few who are invited To my wardrobe are delighted As they wander through my things To find en route We're wandering through your things Ooh negligee That in negligee or formal Ooh anything but normal normal I am anything but normal Ooh ah Oops sorry got carried away with non official boredom just then and had to break out into fabulous songs from musicals to wake me up
  7. much the same as it is now (apart from Mika will be bookable for childrens party's and as a wedding singer)
  8. coolness it's April already guys, only another 8 months or so to wait :punk:woo whoo
  9. well to be fair, I think we are having to wait so long because well we ALL know what builders are like and it's obvious that Mika's new place for the big MFC official-ness party isn't quite ready for us yet, maybe there aren't enough balloons or something
  10. http://www.mikayoga.com/ is this one of his pupils?
  11. There are some things I like about her, but not everything I guess. And I think she will be one of the 1st one to be bitchy about someone else if THEY sang bad or whatever.
  12. This is my random thread of WHATEVER its for anyone who get's hacked off with anything on MFC but doesn't like to be confrontational for WHATEVER reason, so you can just pop in here and say WHATEVER it's not for details of the who's what's or why's , its just a place to come in and say.... (and here's mine for today) yeah yeah whatever!
  13. I have just posted this poem in this thread http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14193 because it fits in there really, but thought as I had it "out" I would post it here too. Barbie Dolls Take a broken mirror Syndrome, of our times Stick it back together, Hear alarm bells chime. Take a broken woman Fix her up with glue, Silicone her breasts up WELL DONE western view! Take that broken judgement Sucked from her tiny hips Inject it in her brainwashed mind And collagen those lips. Take her broken heart Patched up with Bottox Numb out the emotions, trap in Pandora's box. Take her broken image Stitch it up with thread, A pencilled caricature A beautiful pill head. Take her broken soul-- mend with, surgeon's knife. She's forever now your Barbie doll, in this bizarre fantasy of life. 04/01/2005©Vivienne B
  14. Thank you I'm not so sure (I used to be a member of this online site that helped us to strive to always improve on them but it vanished so now I have no don't know how to gauge them any more, but still...I enjoy expressing myself this way.
  15. Oh the little lady he did the sig for cos you had come from so far away? that was sweet of him wasn't it
  16. Here is a poem I wrote quite a few years ago (though just edited some parts) that I think sorta fits into this thread, I'll post it into my poetry thread too. http://http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5969 Barbie Dolls Take a broken mirror Syndrome, of our times Stick it back together, Hear alarm bells chime. Take a broken woman Fix her up with glue, Silicone her breasts up WELL DONE western view! Take that broken judgement Sucked from her tiny hips Inject it in her brainwashed mind And collagen those lips. Take her broken heart Patched up with Bottox Numb out the emotions, trap in Pandora's box. Take her broken image Stitch it up with thread, A pencilled caricature A beautiful pill head. Take her broken soul- mend with, surgeon's knife. She's forever now your barbie doll, in this bizzarre fantasy of life. © 2005 Vivienne 04/01/2005
  17. normally I would agree with you there, I kinda like Jordan in a way because she, if nothing else makes me laugh with some of her banter. But it's when she does this kind of thing I get put off her because she likes to try to grab headlines or at least be in the papers all the time, because she has a heck of a business head on her and it's all about that for her, I'll give her her due, she knows how get in the papers. It's her bread and butter I guess. I have never thought much to her public "look" her make up is disgusting and too much and she looks much nicer without as much, and her *assets* were grossly sized compared her to her petite frame and yes make her look like a barbie doll, so for putting across THAT kind of image for young people to aspire to angers me a bit. Oh and just to reinforce the part about her media seeking wh*ring, (not calling HER a wh*re btw it's a figure of speech), there was an on on tv just this second about this only she has also got her face in OK mag with this story I suspect she will have tried to get this story in as many prints as possible. so I have my doubts that Mika did this without good reason as we all know how accommodating he has been and usually is.
  18. Well maybe Mika didn't want what happened to Gareth Gates after he made the mistake of getting too close to Jordan, happen to him, (professional suicide almost).
  19. Oh I'm not so sure about that, her *hits* can't seem to decide what size they wanna be I think they have a mind of their own and grow and shrink depending on how much rain is forecast, AND she has just had a nose job (think Peter bought it for her birthday), maybe for Christmas he will buy her a brain implant. (I used to think she was kinda ok cos she seemed at least honest but no one..... NO ONE disses the big M )
  20. OMG yes I forgot about that HOW DARE SHE, how has she got the b*lls..well actually I think she DOES have some if you ask me
  21. :naughty:you said that twice in the same sentence...you MUST be angry at her lol.
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