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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. :naughty: I thought that too, she probs fancies him like crazy (she MUST have done if she had GK on her profile thing last year..yeah defo had the hots for him) who wouldn't.
  2. Ooooo me too I write poetry too (see my poetry thread on MFC) AND bake birthday cakes for my kids..even though they are NOT kids they still demand me to bake them spectacular cakes ( I try to but its not always easy) I posted pix of a few on my myspace. I can also sew a little and my best achievement was making a proper ballet tutu for Vix (unashamed pride ). I think not!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiX3PsJmzTI
  3. I also knew it was a collaboration but I thought there were a lot more involved in it, I thought Caz (bless her I should've known better than to think she would be so devious lol).and Kata knew as well but there were too many people backing up each other and getting really.. I dunno sorta supportive about it that it smelled of fishes to me, big huge fat one too lol. I dunno why I thought it was a loada codswallup (look fishes again lol), I just didn't believe the the cutting was real at all, especially when I see how great people are at photoshop here and how talented they are at writing and how creative they all are, so your see guys...I just KNEW you had it in you to come up with summit just like this lol.
  4. I KNEW it I'm just too good for you guys mwahahah wasn't fooled for one second. (still....had to read the rest of this thread tonight though just to see the outcome ha ha).
  5. fair nuff I just never take notice I guess...too busy in my Mikaworld to notice...nosy "bots" and such like.
  6. So I guess I aint missed anything by being at work all day n half the night then and how come there are over 100 GUESTS online tonight:blink: we don't normally get THAT many guests do we (nosey beggars pfft).
  7. I think he will be too uneasy about going back there after this happened a few years ago I'm not very good at hunting things down online so this blog has moved so the link wouldn't work (you know...I always thought his brother was YOUNGER than him lol).
  8. well I cant find anything about this online so therefore its an April Fools joke :naughty: I can find the paper but not that article. (I aint buying it just yet guys)
  9. heh heh is this the 1st of the April fool jokes :naughty:
  10. Thank you, glad you enjoyed them, I don't profess to be good at it, it's just something I do now and then when the feeling grabs me lol. :blush-anim-cl:I'm embarrassed to say this but I can't picture who you were when I met you in London as I met a lot of MFCers lol, and my memory is really poo, so er any clues to help me along would be nice lol.
  11. I really don't have ANY expectations at all, so if anything is going to change I just hope it's all going to be for the better (cos Freddie has been bigging it up so I trust him
  12. HEY I have worked out Freddie and Mikas MEAN MEAN April fools joke...we have in fact been official for about a week or so...since they opened this thread again and then tomorrow they will say HA HA Jokes on you lot we have been official all this time mwahahahah (I am clever I am)
  13. is that a clue Rose? its more of a confession if you ask me (ps we all know what bunnies do best too)
  14. and now we are the anxious family waiting to hear if mother and baby are doing well, what the wait is (not a typo lol) if we need to buy blue pink yellow of PURPLE and we will want to hear all the gory details and then celebrate...gets ready to pass round cigar's. Oh and not forgetting about the new arrivals name of course
  15. if that's what a worst dressed bloke looks like then YUMMY delicious tasty phwooooaaarr!!!
  16. yeah I know, we still have the one we did at work to do yet once I sort those files out (when I say WE I mean YOU cos your better at it than me ).
  17. I agree, I mean how are we supposed t believe its not a wind up
  18. I think you SHOULD...I have been off work for nearly 2 weeks and MOST of it I have spent on here with baited breath, I go BACK to work tomorrow and wont be back home till 9.30pm :crybaby::crybaby:but I am off again on Wednesday, so yeah, tell them to hang on till then.
  19. NO I keep trying to delete it its driving me insane with its 60's hypnotizing- NESS of it all, but it's got a mind of its own it is UN-DELETABLE I have taken every dam thing out of the boxes in my profile and ...ITS STILL THERE!!!! arrrgh:insane:
  20. wow your English is wonderful, I really envy people who can speak other languages I am so bad I can only speak English (oh and Geordie, but only Freddie understands me when I speak Geordie) lol. *wye I man cum owwa hea n giz uh geet massuv smakka on thuh kissa.* (wonder if Freddie can translate taht for anyone :naughty: ).
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