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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I am not sure if anyone in here is interested in this but I have gained a stone and want to shift it before it turns into 2,3 or 4 stone. So I have just joined this online site http://www.sparkpeople.com/myspark/mysparkstart.asp it looks quite promising as it goes, you make yoru own profile etc track your nutrition and fitness etc, its got a community, it looks a bit like weight watchers but its free and you can do it all from your own home, anyway I'm gonna give it a go and so is Vix (I prefer to track my food intake etc rather than strictly tell myself I CANT have a food cos that just gives me cravings). anyway if anyone joins it my profile on there is sparklyme, so add me as a friend and we can support each other
  2. blisssssssssssssss (though chilli nuts would make the night)
  3. a chicken song maybe a remix of that classic "The Funky Chicken"
  4. Thank you, I have inner depths that I like to sink to now and then
  5. yes I remember that pic, they made the t.shirts and had pics with the whole family and yes they are on MFC. He does suit the look though I think he should seriously consider having children.... I am sure he could find a little help on here with that
  6. U more (ok ok we will shut up now)
  7. well next time he comes to tea I am just gonna come right out and ask him, well I;ll first try to sneak a sniff of his wiff...then I'll just pass it off as having a really bad ENT problem then ..... I'll get arrested for being of the dodgy sort who goes round sniffing people, but hey... it takes all sorts.
  8. :lmao::lmao: PS. I like my hearts too)
  9. awwwww (lets have a mass group hug... feel the luuurrrve.... same here hun, you got a good soul/heart)
  10. if they are sold at gigs then non MFCers could get them...I thought it was to identify MFCers. I know we are all Mika fans, but I like to know the difference and that there is a way to know that person is an MFCer as we kinda know each other and "the rules" etc etc. (I'm probably not explaining that well). But it would be a good idea to be able to get them via MFC.
  11. in my dreams it does (see I'm a dreamer too lol) yeah I am a closet diamond lol inside this hideous shell I am bright sparkly
  12. Oh dear, poor you I am sorry...it does appear that festivals for Mika are a risk, I don't think I will EVER go to one, I don't like taking risks.
  13. maybe it wont be so cut and dry as WHO you live with, you may be able to spend equal times with BOTH of them, and that would be nice if you could, (if that is what you wanted), but who knows....maybe they have an agenda of their own or will have by the time it comes to separate houses. People change all through their lives, and their needs change, I think this is why far more marriages break down these days than stay together (in fact its more normal for people to get divorced than stay married if the stats are anything to go by). It's sad but true that NOTHING last forever even if you want it to and it feels like it's going to, it may still be there but it changes and evolves (hell I'm waffling on now arn't I? I'll shut up lol). Anyway, both your parents will have their reasons for what happened, there are always 2 sides to every coin so they say (well usually) lol...I'll shut up:blush-anim-cl:. apart from I hope you keep your optimism as I think it is a lovely quality to have, yeah it may get dents in it but sod that... don't let the *bleeps* grind you down as they say.
  14. I'm not even gonna SAY what I thought she meant but Mika knows the score
  15. Oooo it's quiet in here today, I wonder how long for lol.
  16. oh sh*t Caroline, I don't know what to say, it sounds to me like your mum has grown a thick skin too and has been unable to express to you how things are for her in her relationship with your dad, but she MUST have her reasons for not being responsive to your dad, people usually do. Maybe when you have time and your on your own with her you can ask her to talk to you about how she really feels (if you want to try to understand the breakdown of their relationship). It is one of the hardest things on earth I think to keep a relationship alive. Falling in love is the easy part, a lot of things go wrong when people stop communicating, I don't know why they stop talking but they do. I have had times in my own marriage to question why we are still together on many occasions, and have felt like splitting up on a number of occasions, I still don't take it for granted that it is forever because reality kicks me hard in the face now I am older and realize that NOTHING at all lasts forever, especially relationships, they really do need the most tremendous amount of work, sorry guys but love alone after 20 odd years, isn't enough to pull us through it. If you need to talk, rant, sob...anything you know where I am, you have my email, myspace, IM etc. (couldnt find a proper huggy one).
  17. Yeah Vix has read the book too (she got the grimmary and the globe and umbrella and all sorts lol), but she says she prefers the Musical too.
  18. :blush-anim-cl:lol well when I first heard her sing it and she managed in 1 of her singing lessons to get everything perfect it reduced me to tears (so the saying goes lol). But your a dancer Caz you can appreciate how hard it is to sing AND dance at the same time, so the rest of the troupe did really well vocally (think I am a closet performer lol).
  19. (sorry guys but this is a proud mum alert so leave now if you hate proud mums or parents etc, bet there are some proud grandparents out there somewhere too). Hi Vix... I knew this thread title would grab your attention lol. Anyway here are some pix of Vix and co and a link to the performance too. My daughter Bumblebee_Vix and I are a bit obsessed with the musical Wicked (her more so than me, and she also hero worships Idina Menzel, who was the first Elphaba (witch) in USA and UK). Anyway, if you haven't seen it I suggest you go, it's totally awesome, we saw it twice last year (one of those being the day in the middle of the Brixton Mika gigs), it took our breath away the singing Kerry Ellis makes a fine Elphy (witch), and I had to pass her some of my tissues nearly every time they sang. It affects ME because I can appreciate the power of the vocals, the atmosphere and also because I know how much this musical means to Vix. She managed to persuade her dancing school to do a performance of this show, and she was the only one brave enough to want to take on the role of the witch Elphaba, her first performance of it was...in tune (mostly, apart from 1 really hard note), but lacked power, but after a few months of singing lessons she improved on it enormously, her singing teacher says she has a vocal range of 3.5 octaves (which is apparently rather good), she just needs to learn how to use it and develop her technique and dynamics (all very technical to me, I thought you just opened your mouth and you either could sing well or not lol). Anyway, if anyone would like to see HER (and her dance school S n N's performance of Wicked then here is a link to part 2 (and part 1) (there are a lot more of her performances on her channel too for those into performing arts side of things, some are funny as they are with her stage school, some are better than others lol, she isn't professional yet...but maybe one day her dream will come true to play Elphaba on the west end (fingers crossed). We were talking to Saranayde at the after party at Brixton about performing etc and what it's like etc (not that I know I was only ever in a school play at 14 many moons ago lol). ps she doesn't mind if anyone wants to leave feedback or rate it. (Actually she doesn't know I am making this thread lol, oh well she will have to get used to this kind of thing if she ever makes it. (ps, the story is about how it was BEFORE the Wizard of Oz and explains a lot of things, we didn't think it would work..I mean how can it be that there was a BEFORE the Wizard of Oz, but it's awesome) GO SEE IT!! part1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHW51sg6mlM but part 2 (below) is more vocally challenging lol. She had started to have some singing lessons so this time she was trying to use some of the techniques she had learnt. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhsYhK4ap3M
  20. Ok thanks Christine, like a lot of us I suspect all this copyright stuff is a bit fuzzy to us
  21. I'm not keen on his look but I really like THAT particular song, and I liked Both versions but the 2nd one is better. I haven't heard anything else of his but wouldn't go searching for it randomly, if I heard something he did and I liked it I would.
  22. course not and I understand what you mean now, I just thought as it's MIKA it should be HIS material, I mean it seems weird that someone ELSE has the rights to YOUR material, and things YOU have said or done, but I guess that is just how it all works.
  23. Maybe the NEW MFC is going to open up its OWN utube account *hopes* or perhaps they will be on MFC itself, so that new (and us older) Mika fans can still watch the vids when we want to, because they are a HUUUGE influence on becoming a Mika fan so many of us liked his music but also found his personality sooo warm, honest, those interviews have given him a heck of a lot of loyal fans who like HIM as much as his music. (Think I am going to put this into MFC suggestions as soon as I can find the thread).
  24. she could also be very immature or just young. But don't let her bother you because if she sees it does she will do it all the more, some people get a buzz out of annoying their friends like that. (just think to yourself, HER LOSS).
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