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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. nah it has just been more often than on (dunno who is the main culprit though) :fisch:in fact one of us got called a post w*hore
  2. Iv'e got very common blood too, (as you would expect ) I used to give blood regulary and got a badge off them so I think I must have got up to 25 pints or so. I only once had a problem and got a huge bruise on my arm (in Manchester when I lived there) they must have been vampires or something lol. I havn't given any for ages, I think I moved house and forgot to tell them so they don't contact me to remind me, I ought to start again though, that is if my bloods still ok and I'm sure it will be as I am fairly healthy etc (for an oldling :wheelchair: ). I also carry an organ donor card and am on the national donor register, cos the way I see it, I wont be using it when I bite the dust, kick the bucket etc etc and why set fire to it if someone who is still alive can get some use out of it (guess I just hate waste, I am sooo green lol).
  3. well fancy that babs lol. Seriously though, well done all you guys who work secretly in the shadows...unseen, but NOT unappreciated, we luvs ya !
  4. :naughty:yep still nowt happening (Freddie will understand what I mean by nowt:bleh: ), didnt reach my 3000 posts before I went to bed at about 3am but hey...roll on today .
  5. Everyday Angels How do you give love so freely? In the darkened room of trust Where peace and tranquillity twist And swirl in warm hues of twinkly dust. It’s where an angel kisses hearts With her pure unconditional love, Gentle harmonies and soothing sounds Infuse the cradle of hand in glove. She wraps shards of glowing plastic Into small and helpless hands Takes them from their poisoned bodies To a warm and special land. In the psychedelic womb of Delicate fragrances and bouquets She gently whispers through her caring smile as Precious cargo peacefully plays. And she is a very special lady With the patience of a saint, Radiating cheer in a cave of rainbows Cushioning all the angels she paints. 19-21/11/2004©Vivienne B I wrote this one after watching a programme on tv that touched me (The pic art is not my work).
  6. found another one lol, bit darker though. No-Mans-Land She wears a dark purple cloak, With a satin sheen inside, Some days she pulls up the hood, And this is where she hides. Her head is bowed towards her feet, As she musters all her strength, “Hold on hold on, do not let go,” She’s keeping it all at arms length. There in the shadows where cobwebs hang, And her inner fetal child still weeps, Are mocking echoes that go un-silenced, They suffocate her; even while she sleeps. She sees the child in much distress, But cannot quite outstretch her hands, Unable to forgive or love her, She leaves her chained in no-man’s-land. 18/6/2004©Vivienne B
  7. I love poetry that comes straight from the heart like this one, it's such a beautiful way to express yourself.
  8. dug this one up (it was published a fair few years ago now) The Lords My Shepherd. I was taken quite unawares, While I sat and watched T.V, A congregation singing in the distance, As a part of my life remembered itself to me. I sang along to every word, I was back in song with my class, I pictured it so vividly, It was like being frozen in the past. The song rang out all around, And I felt happy and yet kind of sad, A melancholy hazy daydream, With every friend I ever had. Then all too soon it was snatched back, Leaving an aura of a nostalgic hollow, And a little worry at my brow, Of how fast come those tomorrows. 1994©Vivienne B
  9. What makes me me... dunno really, but I did used to be a virgin too once..no honestly I was one once (till I was nearly 20 but my future husband got impatient) still I guess we have been together for 28 years now (blimey I would get less for murder) my childhood affected who I am in a bad way really, it's left me with no confidence which is a shame cos I am a closet show off http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiX3PsJmzTI and even more recently http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWk3tNiipFQ I like to try to write poetry http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5969 and have had 2 published (but have only ever sent 2 off to BE published lol this is one of them The Lords My Shepherd. I was taken quite unawares, While I sat and watched T.V, A congregation singing in the distance, As a part of my life remembered itself to me. I sang along to every word, I was back in song with my class, I pictured it so vividly, It was like being frozen in the past. The song rang out all around, And I felt happy and yet kind of sad, A melancholy hazy daydream, With every friend I ever had. Then all too soon it was snatched back, Leaving an aura of a nostalgic hollow, And a little worry at my brow, Of how fast come those tomorrows. Vivienne ©1994 I have somehow managed to make it a tradition in our house to bake birthday cakes that kinda fit in with what my kids were into at the time and THAT has been a right pain at times, here's one of those as well lol I have also made numerous dancing costumes for my daughter and have not really had proper training I just make it up as I go along lol but my proudest thing I made was an ice blue ballet tutu ( it looked like a real proper one). I havn't seen my parents since I got back from my honeymoon 24 years ago so I miss not having any family and that has shaped me too. I used to go to gigs with some mates in the 70's and followed the same band around the UK (oh those were the days lol). If I could afford it and wasn't afraid I would have a me transplant and be someone else lol. I didn't have a job from being late on in my pregnancy with my 1st child (who is now 22) until about 3 years ago then I plucked up courage to get a job and I like meeting people cos I had turned into a bit of a hermit, come to think of it since Mika burst into my life I am a hermit again living on MFC oh well I guess it keeps me happy lol, and I don't feel as alone as I have made lots of new friends and have been out to different parts of the UK to meet them etc. I passed my driving test 1st time many many years ago but was terrified to drive for years, I still hate driving but since I got a sat Nav to go to Mika gigs I feel a LITTLE bit better about it now. Iv'e written waay too much cos I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve too much pfft.
  10. I knew there would be some interesting stories behind peoples MFC names lol. I often use the word Sparkly in front of my other net names, I have been Sparklycinders, and SparklySinders to name a few on poetry sites I also started my own poetry site with Sparkly in the title but thats deleted as I stopped having time to post on it since Mika over took most of my time lol.
  11. erm... after Diana Rigg princess Diana after Diana in the Del Shannon song or er... Do I Always Nick Apples
  12. :naughty: well I have sat faffing around ALL day and evening on this pc on MFC
  13. bet he does, but bet HIS faffing is fabulous :naughty: I'm in a hyper mood still he can do no wrong today (even though I have sat at this PC almost all day and stuffed my face with chocolate to distract me from this thread but it didn't work)
  14. I want to know what you coming as next time Rose you might have to PM me the answer just in case I DO do what I was gonna do for when I next see him lol.
  15. pah well I left here at 7ish to take Vix to her singing lesson, came back 3 hours later, caught up with the thread and Mika is STILL faffing about getting it all perfect... gotta love him though
  16. So I was just wondering why everyone chose their MFC name, (yeah I guess I am nosey), I mean it's obvious that Freddiesdouble is just the spit and double of Freddie Mercury so no need for explanations there. But I'll tell you about mine. Sparkly1 I just happen to like all things that sparkle, like a minor bird I am attracted to glittery things, from sparkling jewels to the sparkles on ice, the sun hitting the sea, the particles they sometimes have in tarmac etc etc, I have had this attraction to it for as long as I can remember. I used to walk home on a night and feel elated at the glistening raindrops in trees. So how about you guys.
  17. yeah and NOW I can go shower, I dont think I could make ppl in this house suffer my stench any longer
  18. heh heh I found this silly (reminds me of my mother in law (don't mean it she is lovely lol).
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