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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. great fun liked those so here are some I just uploaded, dunno if they are smiley or gifs or whatever but anyways here they are (useful on here these ones lol)
  2. pah I have to take Vix to her singing lesson for 7.30 bet ya that is WHEN it will all kick off into hyperness
  3. sigh...I go away from the thread a bit and hope something marvellous was gonna happen when I get back pfft!!
  4. hey I already told you what i smell like today, though not for long cos I r gonna go showerage very soon I cant stand it any longer
  5. :naughty: or maybe I'm just a rotten apple (sure smell like one right now)
  6. his album is getting lots of ads just now on tv too keeps making me stop in my tracks till the ad is over lol.
  7. is that all....havn't you done a 6am on the MFC yet...pfft young 'uns today have got No stamina ( I am out of control I need MFC rehab, I often do 3-4am-ers nearly every night
  8. if I was a total post w*ore I would KNOW the answer but I dont even know how to use the search function properly :naughty: so I cant check cos I wanna make one if not.
  9. ha ha awesome, do we have a thread where you can only talk in Mika lyrics and Mikaizms yet?
  10. I just got called a w*ore..... ah well, takes one to know one :naughty: nurr nurr etc etc blah blah. (how I love being childish in times of uber hyperness).
  11. I think is sooo last season...this is what you should be looking at these days
  12. yeah you could, I am usually quite a quiet member of MFC I read more than post but hell...I'm all hyper now cos of Freddie (Ooo he is nearly as big a tease as Mr.M)
  13. EXCUSE ME but what I have had to say has been utterly brilliant and all in exceedingly good taste
  14. pah NO problem I am aiming to get to my 3000 post by the end of today on this thread
  15. what the MIKA are you CHICKENING about LOLLIPOP, you do LOVE TODAY some utter BRACES.
  16. :blink:have I been sat here 2 hours doing sweet F adams? oh dear I am so bad I need sending to the naughty corner of MFC or summit
  17. dam it now what excuses can I give the family when the EXPECT!!! yes EXPECT!! me to have tea ready on time
  18. ON NO as if its not bad enough we are compelled by some unnatural forces to stay staring at the pc screen whenever MFC or Mika fill the screen without loosing 15 mins of our lives all the time too (how do we do it...we are martyrs)
  19. don't forget the HUUUGE ass and keyboard imprints on your face when you fall asleep in the wee small hours.
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