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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I read that as, she will request A lollipop, now THAT would be funny hahaha:naughty: her maj sat there sucking too hard on her lollipop during the whole gig oh and battling ppl with her septre to get a huge balloon. OH god had another vizualization, there is a lull inbetween songs and up from her Maj's Royal box you hear "Mika we LOOOOOOOVE you" lmao Queenie must be SOOO thrilled she is going to a Mika gig FOC too, wonder if he refuses HER a personal piccy when she is at the stage door afterwards
  2. oo nice and I liked her better with her hair down done it
  3. your right of course, he gets distracted quite easily, I have seen it in Blackpool and other places, it can't be helped he is only one guy after all. PS. good to see you Kath
  4. was he really? I didn't know that, he came out after the gig round the back to smoke a ciggy and probs chat to the fans, maybe he was hoping for some posative feedback from them, I think he got some he was well recieved.
  5. I had hug envy of Allegra cos Mika acctually moved in for a hug off her not her off him *green* lol, don't think I would have been able to let go so fast if it was me lol.
  6. So did we by 30 seconds, ended up on the right bus unknowingly terminated in the op direction so had to get a taxi RIGHT back past the gig etc (it was only 2 tube stops to out hotle too). Didn't get in till after 2am
  7. yes Mikafish suggested this after seeing it at another gig I think it might have been that nutini bloke. I think it would work so much better, and when the last person is seen by Mika then his car can pick him up, he doesnt have to move, he doesnt have to be crowded or mobbed and he doesnt have to be grabbed/hugged/kissed or mauled against his will and unable to say p*ss off out of politeness, also if HE is faceing US then it will be harder to ask for pics WITH him (I know I am shooting myself in the foot here but I have given up hope of getting a pic with him, it aint the end of the world tho I am sure I can live with it loL).
  8. yes Fred wish you had been there, your always so chilled (or it could be drunk) acctually Fred THERE WAS A BAR!!!! AND IT WAS CHEAP!
  9. OMG I know Perez would love to see Mika as a Queen but perhaps not like this
  10. See Mika's trumpet playing is SOOO good some people even thinks its for real lmao cute and deserved review
  11. just want to show you these,( so I am stalking you now lol) she is from M.bro but check out her vids lol (local stuff, one even at Redcar or saltburn beach I think) and apart from her fab voice I wish she cud hurry up n make it, I want OUR area on the map lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpkzLc5v9J0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u7Hpux0kwY
  12. couldn't agree more, Yelle yuk Palladium woop woop, no one else has has really stcuk in my head lol. OH and I liked BOTH Daisy Dares you (she is only JUST 16 give the girl a chance) I think she came across as a bit nervous cos she hid behind her hair on purpose, and I thought her voice was quite sweet, and she was a pretty little thing. And I liked Alex too, I liked his voice and hes personality came over as a nice guy after the gig too ( he went upstairs to watch Mika and sang his praises, they guys got taste lol). I wish he would have a local lassie... Catarena Rea (aww her vid is shot inlocal places here (Soaring Simpson will recognise the place lol). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u7Hpux0kwY OH why not this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpkzLc5v9J0
  13. yes it IS sin't it, shame it's waay to late for us to get a ticket and shame it might have been waaaay out of our price range anyway (unless we re-morgaged our homes), I am sure some might have gone to those lengths but I don't think my hubby would appreciate being chucked out on the streets lol.
  14. Mika is a gent she can't FAIL to fall for him, are us mere mortals allowed to buy tickets or do you have to be related to Her Maj OMG!!! Mika's mum is gonna be beside herself with pride....wow awwww how fab, I WANNA GOOOOOOO If we can go do you think we can get Lizzy to sign the MFC flag EDIT: no we can't get tickets, they have suspended them cos inundated with orders so NONE left http://www.eabf.org.uk/royal-variety-performance/ticket-sale-information
  15. so am I and my hubby was just bemused by me shocklingly stating to him that I would like to paint Mika's balls at his next gig, in fact he thrust a paint brush in my hand and said.."wanna practice now?" (JOKE JOKE GUYS) maybe we should change it to chicken sleepies or sleeping chicken "Mika come hither we have sleepy chicken for you" PS. I hope your impressed that I am trying to remember to multi quote for you now PPS. I often also misuse the smilies cos I don't know when some of them are appropriate, but hell no one has died cos of it yet lol.
  16. your right, it's like a total cop out cowards way of bullying, I DID think about joining to have a go back, and read the other sh*t they have there on Mika, but A. I would find it upsetting and don't want to stoop to thier level B. I don't want to give them the time of day let alone let them think someone is remotedly interested in their crap. I was very strong today (usually I go in with barrells on full and regret it later lol).
  17. yeah I hate rap too and agree that it's not singing it's crappy rhyming for the sake of it often about horrible subjects, I think it makes my ears bleed. I take it you like Rice pudding babs...or is it the custard you like?
  18. lol I just wanted to say lol and be fast short and not bore you with details...but I just couldnt manage it
  19. ok, I guess I am just used to talking to myself on here so if no one replies when I post I don't flap and have always just posted randomly on threads to whatever coments make me laugh etc wether anyone reads them or answers me, guess thats why I didn't notice no one else was on this thread.
  20. yeah I do know but I was reading through the thread, I cant help it if no one else is posting, it's probs cos it's very late, I could always make a new message and try to cram all my replies in it if it's that bothersome, tho it might take some time and it's rather late here now.
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