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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I am sure he IS cos he likes to know that his fans are only human after all just like him, and also just for the record I smell like washing up liquid and english breakfasts with a hint of bleach:puke:
  2. again! just cos I CAN I REFUSE to move away from this thread in case I miss something so I will just mention it here instead of the "what does Mika smell like" thread, that I NEED a shower desperately but until I find out the goss I am glued and stinking to high heaven summit rotten. Just wanted to share this with my lovleeeee MFC buddies
  3. oh she will be sooo thrilled your generosity knows no bounds Kata
  4. I agree but he doesnt have my number (oh darn it I forgot to throw it at him while he was singing love today and yell "MIKA I LOVE YOU" and shizz) at the gigs, so I will have to just sit here on my ever expanding rear end and WAIT! But to be fair waiting is a thing MFCers get accustomed to, I must admit I don't think I will EVER break the Cynthia 1am record...but then....I am sure someone else will do that next time.
  5. my aim is to reach 3000 posts by the time the exciting stuff REALLY starts
  6. only that Mr M wanted this thread open to drive us all into a frenzy for the grand opening oh and that Babs says it was def CHICKET!
  7. OK OK just in case someone "important" may be reading...it's been killing me not knowing this....Was it chicken of chicket???
  8. Ha it's official the news ppl just said "she does seem to have the sound Americans like"... seems it takes guts to step out of the norm over there then maybe.
  9. ha ha gotta take my mind off it for a bit so.... did anyone see that guy/gal from USA on the news who is er pregnant and the babys due in July? how peculiar but these days I guess it's possible (if you don't like this post mods just delete it)
  10. pfft just gave her a special mention on my daily dose of "Loose Women" to announce her being the only UK female to be #1 in USA since Kim Wilde 20 years or so ago.... pft like that is some BIG news (arrrgh its on the bleeding news about her being #1 in USA ), I am soo pee'd off about it being HER and not Mika I mean I'm sure he could wear a frock (he is pretty enough to get away with it) and have Cowell :mf_boff:behind him like so if that is what it takes...naaah 2nd thoughts Mr.M has got more class (so nurr nurr).
  11. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your av.... OooooOOooooo it's sooo pretty (darn it I'm getting all hyper now, I need to *RELAX-take it eeeaaasy* a bit more like Babs-da-kewl-one
  12. it's no good I need to go on the proper pc and off this laptop, I need a biiiig seat for my ever growing rear end, a mug of tea brewed to perfection and maybe some...er....CHOCLOATE!! (need rations cos this could take some time)
  13. now that I would love to see...Babs fairly excited.....would go like this "oo Mika, yeey *waves arms about chest height*
  14. Oh thanks a lot guys..... I was just about to get my fat butt off this laptop and off MFC and go and do some much needed exercise this afternoon before I turn into one enormoooose bottom on legs but now I got THEEEE perfect excuse to just stay here, so c'mon chaps...make it quick.
  15. yep your not alone and all she seems to have is a well trained voice, lots of wailing (vibrato that annoys me), a pretty face and Simon stuck to the back of her frock yelling "ooooo look here's one I made earlier":sneaky2:
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