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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I agree Babs, although I can't be bothered to like her music as it's sooo samey and boring, even though it cant be denied she has a good voice I just don't like how she uses it as so many others sound the same to me...all that excessive wailing and trembling (vibrato isn't it):naughty: So I get annoyed too that the main reason she is doing so well is cos she has got behind her (Simon cowell, don't think I would fancy him behind me ).
  2. blimey my hairdresser (who quite likes Mika) just asked me what all this Mika gets death threats is about, she says it was on the local radio this lunchtime
  3. and now I cant stop visualizing the next time fans meet Mika they will forget about getting his autograph and the like and will all just start sniffing him like little doggies Mika will be like WTF!!! (sorry but I do tend to visualize situations and end up in fits of giggles when I really ought not to be lol).
  4. Freddie it's unfair to blame your pong on innocent pop stars just cos you fell into the bog of eternal stench when you were a kid.
  5. well I am sure one of his multi talented family could make it (Vix used to make some out of rose petals and water...niiice wonder if he wears that ).
  6. :lmao: I am sure he does, he isn't some kinda super being (sorry Mika but ya just like the rest of us and on occasions will have been known to pong summit rotten).
  7. smelling him didn't even cross my mind when I have met him, but I am sure he will smell of er.... honey and lemon (and other such concoctions for his voice ).
  8. Nooo she is quite small, i am 5"7' nearly and she is a lot smaller than me, I think she is probs about 5"4ish
  9. I never come on this thread even though I am ancient but I just wanted to run in and say BOO!! before I get my silly carcass into bed at its after 2 am again and not even a hint of Mika in the news or anything so what's my excuse no idea I am just dumb.
  10. She is great me likes her lots and those pics of Missionary man back there were soopah fabness
  11. You are allowed to at this but do rate it and leave a silly comment on your travels http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWk3tNiipFQ
  12. aww he is soo cute, we used to have one years ago called Holly (we have pics of her looking very square in the face as she was storing full cracker biscuits in her cheeks lol).
  13. I'm not a veggie or a big meat eater, I have a veggie mate who is often ill (she has 2 teenage kids and both are not big meat eater but not veggies, neither is her hubby), and I know of quite a few veggies who are always ill so I guess they have little idea how to do it healthily even though they have been doing it for years n years. I can't decide if man is supposed to eat meat or not, but a lot of animals and insects eat each other... so it can't be morally wrong, just because humans have the ability to feel guilt etc doesn't mean that its wrong cos it's a way of survival for a lot of animals etc, so if this is gods doing then it's how he wants it to be. I find the way man treats another human being more disturbing as they know that humans feel and have intelligence etc. Not to say I am all for man being cruel to animals as that can be downright disgraceful and shameful also. I just think there are better ways for some things to be done I guess. If I wanted to I think I could easily become a veggie as i can live without meat easily and eat alternatives, but I don't have such a big issue with the whole thing but I also believe it's a matter of choice and we all have things we won't or cant do that others have no problems with. For instance I might be able to eat meat but there is NO WAY I could ever cheat on a person I love, or allow a person to cheat on the person HE loves with me..it's a no go area simple as lol. (I think I wandered off topic but I know what I was getting at lol).
  14. AGREED lol like it's gonna be ready already...perleeeeeze!!! Anyway I'm off him already I can't be waiting about forever at MY time of life for Mr.M lazy butt to get his cute ass into gear and shove out a new album by the end of the month just cos I so wish it :mf_rosetinted::naughty: OK oK Mr M I fibbed
  15. Well it's HIS head, HIS hair, HIS life.... we all cut our hair/nails/bathe etc etc from time to time, no big deal (unless he IS bald now lol) then I will have to buy him a wig He probs just wants something easier to deal with and maybe fancied a change or even just a cm off the length :naughty:
  16. I agree with that, a lot of "macho" men are really FAAAAr from macho after all as they can see just how much of a threat Mika and men like Mika are to them, women (and men) these days don't want, need or appreciate the macho types like they used to, they want emotion, love, gentleness etc so the days of macho man are numbered and they are cringing and squirming trying their best to hang onto it for as long as they can. (well thats how it seems to me anyway).
  17. I did and I wanted to write back to them but I know that wont do any good and neither is what I DID do which was to contact them and report the group and left a message as follows But I felt I had to at least make a bit of noise to Facebook, you never know they MIGHT think they have gone OTT and remove at least one of the groups.
  18. Hmmm without hearing the albums content that is a hard question but i think I will plump for.... Chicken in casserole motion
  19. there is too many to look at ALL of them lol but one has to give it ones best shot but how come he didn't get annoyed at being snapped, he has patience I'll give him that.
  20. I miss him hell yeah cos now I got no Mika gigs to plan for or anything...it's like a bit of a void, but hell I won't die over it cos I know he will be back with a vengeance soon as his albums done Ps, cool new Love Today fan vid getting uploaded to Utube by Vix as we speak so I'll come back and post link for y'all soonish.
  21. I know but how bloody annoying is it that even half dead he looks fab (well on SOME of the pics anyway)
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