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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I agree Cath, he didn't seem his usual bright bubbly self but if he HAS been doing demos, then he could be up till all hours with that perfectionism (is that a word lol) he has. and as he says going to unusual theatre shows to crib ideas and stuff lol then maybe he is just a tired bear.
  2. hey when's the next edition
  3. he sure does he is even mouthing the word "MINT" :roftl:
  4. nice piccy, I bet HER fave Mika song is RING RING:roftl:
  5. yep it sure was I hope he got a copy of yours or someone's at least as there WERE many flashings going on at the time MY camera DIDN'T ppfft lol oh well never mind.
  6. It will definitely keep down the numbers, but part of me wonders if some people won't be able to afford them but then when I think of the money people are spending anyway zooming off all around the world for Mika gigs and having to pay for all the travel, tickets, hotels, food etc etc, then I guess another hundred quid will be peanuts to them perhaps. Still don't really like the idea though but if it was a nicer environment than what happened at Brixton then perhaps it would be worth it, but then I would be totally furious if the same thing happened again because you just DON'T know who is gonna be buying them really so I don't know if it would really keep the mobbers numbers down, I doubt it because they seem to be able to find the money to do all these things all the time. so I dunno unless some of them have learned some lessons (that would be nice).
  7. lol nope not ours cos I haven't worked out how to take it off my phone onto utube yet but I will soon (I hope) cos it's CUTE!
  8. Apparently this is a conspiracy http://home.att.net/~solos_holiday/2008/_011/egg.htm WWMS?? is this even in the right thread?
  9. yeey it works thanksphew I'm not #660:naughty:
  10. how do you find out what member number you are I forgot?
  11. gosh I hope they weren't meant for a soopah doopah celebration for the officialness from mr. M well he should have said so in the 1st place he will just have to get some more
  12. I think they should really put their money where their mystery is and send you 660 brand new cars that you can drive and stop this messing about with lollipops
  13. what kind of lollipops were they, nice posh expensive ones or really cheapo nasty ones lol (wanna know if you have a rich friend out there Wendi) lol. You havn't unknowingly entered any Mika related comps have you that gave these things as prizes by any chance?
  14. that thought has crossed my mind several times on here
  15. I was just thinking...how do you know there were 660 lollipops? did you have to count them all? edit: just read the whole thread and now I know the answerer lol
  16. this sure is a mystery, I've not read the whole thread but I am sure there has been many suggestions as to what's going on. sooner or later I'm sure it will come out in the wash so to speak (curiosity is killing me though)
  17. WE did this at Newcastle after giving him the giggle bear (on my pic), he giggled at it back, it was really fab cos I'm addicted to his laugh and his sense of humour. that sounds like it could be workable.
  18. does that mean you can BUY your way into his party in France? that seems kinda....I dunno it just sounds distasteful to me, I relaly don't like the sound of that.
  19. I would LOVE to know how they plan to keep the Q's under control, after partys of the future though.... nope can't see any more of those happening, he may not be able to share himself with an even bigger fan base so it may be a case of sorry guys...just too many of ya, and also this was to celebrate something special to him, he won't need to repeat it in the same way. Imagine the scrum for tickets if people thought that after every LAST gig on a tour he would hold an after party for the fans!!! it would cause chaos.
  20. well not really Christine because JOHN was telling everyone to go back to their place in the Q so they KNEW the score, they just seized their chance I'm afraid.
  21. I agree with the highlighted in particular, it's kinda like you just "LIKE" him from what you know about him so far.
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