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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I agree with the highlighted parts, he certainly "hooked MY loyalty" after seeing him in all those interviews etc.
  2. yep that is what I needed too "wasn't me"I tried to sort of hint at that in the other thread but cos of the bannings I had to be very subtle. In fact as soon as I could I left a myspace message (not that he would have seen it) but just in case lol, more or less apologizing and that not EVERYONE mobbed him. I was really angry in the first few weeks and worried about getting tied up with the same brush as those who's behaviour shocked me and left me with a bad taste in my mouth, so I tried to keep out of the threads about it as we had to hide the truth and it felt like it was to protect the ones who appeared to be getting all their own way in the first place which was yet another smack in the face for us. Petra how you described the Q-ing and the John and wristbands was exactly the same as how it was for us, you must have been near to us in the Q cos we also did what John said and waited for him to work his way down the Q but he hardly moved before the wristbands had gone as you say. So we felt the same as you and I am glad you voiced what was also in my head. At the after party, I did manage (oh bless Mikas cd ad has just come on tv ) where was I? I get so easily distracted by him lol. Oh yes, at the after party I managed to utter a sentence to him immediately after his speech but only because he came and stood right next to me to make it, and after he replied to my question about the shirt I made him, I smiled and moved away so that he could go and mingle then my daughter, me and Liz went and had a very long convo with the lovley Saranayde and then Cherrise and then it was over he was leaving, at this point I was stood next to John, and Vix (my daughter) went to try to ask Mika about the picture she drew him and left for John to give to him at the cancelled Hammersmith gig. Anyway I said to John "I can see I wont get a chance to say this to MIka (indicating the mob) so will you PLEASE thank Mika for doing this for "us" as it is such a wonderful and beautiful thing for him to do" (and I still think it is, it brings a lump to my throat when I think about the gesture even now). He said "I will do and not many others do this kind of thing" and I said "yes I KNOW, it's just beautiful" Then there was that mass crush at the idea of a last pic, though FD managed to get one with him and someone even tried to get on that pic too. Anyway FD was supposed to take it on MY camera and Vix was near Mika after asking him her question so she kinda was on it but the pic didn't take so I don't have it and FD wanted a copy but there were others who took some at the same time too so he will have to snag one of those. (sorry Freddie you really ought to learn how to use a camera ). To sum up it was frustrating at times, annoying, fantastic, disappointing, upsetting, infuriating, (especially when the mob even mobbed him again after the gig instead of allowing the ppl who had waited that hour outside in the cold for him, that disgusted me a lot). Then when I sat and thought about it and re pictured what had happened it made me feel incredibly sad, but defo NEEDING the label of "wasn't me"
  3. That's plain selfish do you really want to see women pee their pants in public cos they can't get past the mob to the loo's (incidentally it has t be dangerous for ones health to be so close to others in these gigs, there was someone letting off a ghastly pong near us at the last gig, it really wasn't pleasant, perhaps there should be a gig etiquette booklet).
  4. well I saw everyone rush to John, but he said to go back to our places as he was working his way down the Q but if they literally snatched them out of his hands then no wonder he never managed to even get as far as the barriers. Thats pretty disgusting when I know some of those ppl had pushed in anyway, I feel ashamed for them really, but there you go they probably don't. BTW it always makes me smile when I hear on the videos teh girl sheepishly saying "Lebanon" aww.
  5. Don't be mean that was the hobbo mind you this means that while we were all making fools of ourselves he will have been with Mika's family looking down on us :naughty:
  6. Thats so true, I mean what would they DO with THAT kind of information, INVITE THEMSELVES FOR TEA?! so really there is no point to having the info unless you want Mika and his family to to view2 you with mistrust and suspicion. I think the problem must be because it seems factual that some people have information and others want privy to it too. Perhaps if those who DO know stuff kept it to themselves and not drop hints about it on MFC etc then no one would have been the wiser. We have seen how some fans behave disrespectfully around Mika already without making things worse for him his family and in the end ourselves. BTW, I only ever get these types of messages off ppl "Hi I'm new is Mika gay" I of course know the answer to this information because the 3 second conversations I have had with him outside gigs he just blurted it out to me.
  7. :thumb_yello:Yeey it's kinda cool when others "get" Mika like we do.
  8. Exactly some ppl are just wrong in the head I mean its one thing to dislike someone's music/voice public image even sexuality/religious beliefs or political views but for the life of me I cannot understand the NEED to go to such crazy lengths, I'm sorry but...they are just a sandwich short of a picnic in my book.
  9. Don't get me started on idiots who think they have a right to actually take their hate and make actions of it just cos of their own inadequacies, they want locking up...total bloody fruit cakes they are *mutter mutter grumble mumble*
  10. ha ha my memory is poopy I knew it was at ONE of those gigs we went to she takes much better pix of him than me but she got stroppy and wanted to enjoy the gigs and not take great pix I mean c'mon how SELFISh is my daughter.
  11. woo isn't this Bumble bee Vix's piccy we luuurve it he looks really mischievous on it, think it was taken at Newcastle
  12. I do I can't stand the mystery it kills me
  13. seeee you are NOT wrong WE are not wrong http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13833
  14. oh give me MUSE any day :naughty: I want to see them live so bad (my son has seen them twice and I am jealous I just entered a comp to see if I can win tickets cos I would have to re mortgage the house to go and see them
  15. I hope that's NOT a glow stick in his hand cos he winges when WE have flashing things at gigs (or so I was led to believe).
  16. OMG OMG Bumble Vix is gonna looove this she was obsessed with" the wizard of Oz" as a kid and her very first little teeny tap shoes she made me spray them red so she could have Dorothy slippers and now she is obsessed with "Wicked" which is the story BEFORE the "Wizard of OZ" lol *saved*
  17. I know what you mean, sometimes he seems just too good to be true and yet I still can't find anything on him to make me think anything other than what I do now.
  18. Oh yes he is a very organized drunkard when he has to be, chairs on his bed with paracetamol's and glass etc....fwd planning at its best
  19. yep I agree I have thought that for some time too, he's too lovely all round to be on his own for long anyway.
  20. yes but if we planned it so that when he says a certain word or....one of US says a "code" word like..say...hmmm let me think.....CHICKEN!! then every single one of us faints to the floor I think he would crack up laughing his head off :naughty: good joke yeah lol.
  21. I didn't like her music at all, it was just a loud background noise when I saw her in Brixton, it's not as bad as rap but I still found it irritating, and now I have more idea about what she was actually singing then I like her songs even less, not my cup of tea at all, I can see why Mika likes her and Andy totally freaked out like a loon when she was on. Her music when you don't understand a word she is singing is just a a sort of rhythmic loop but rather boring after a few mins. But hey it takes all sorts to make a world and we can't all like the same things, I also didn't like the 2nd Brixton support band but Palladium is in a totally different league cos they are brilliant.
  22. This one is just perfect I mean if YOU were stood with Paris then YOU would pull that face too lmao!! :naughty:
  23. That class one is fantastic I just love it ha ha a class full of badly behaved Mika's :naughty: oh what joyous fun
  24. aw that was a nice trip down memory lane for me there, that cute giggle of his, his sense of humour, THAT is what I find so attractive in him, he is just so natural and genuine and is the same in almost every interview I have seen, THAT makes him awesome
  25. This is a nice idea for a thread but it makes me sad too, cos I first heard Mika on the Friday night Project in Jan I think last year and spent until may reading as many interviews and watching all those lovely utube vids of him and just getting more and more into him, I even used to come and lurk on MFC reading bits and bobs until I finally gave in in May and joined, but I wish I had joined as soon as I got into Mika but I didn't know about MFC until I think it was Cazgirl pointed me in this direction after the my space competition thing. so my first Mika gig was May 13th at Leeds but I wish it had been sooner.
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