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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. OMG NOOOOOOO that is just sooo wrong just cos that other mika who cant sell any records looks like this it doesn't mean UK mika looks anything like that, I prefer him as the kitty sooo cute and I could spend all day petting him
  2. He looks gawjuz on the pics (dunno where you lot find these things) but THANKS lol and I hope he enjoyed his evening and I love how he picked up that papz who fell for him head over heels, I know I shouldn't but he was as always soo gracious, but what annoys me is did anyone print anything about that saying how marvellous he was for not using her as a stepping stone, I bet not they are only interested in dirt and THAT annoys me no wonder the world is going to the dogs! *mutter mutter mumble grumble* I want ppl to REALIZE what a good guy he is and give him the credit he dam well deserves!
  3. OOooooOo I hope he does I made him a black and silver shirt and gave it to him at Hammersmith, I am sure he would look fetching, dashing, suave, sophisticated and ever so slightly SEXY in it lol.
  4. seems such a long time ago now :crybaby:but here's mine too for those who aint seen Cynthia nearly getting her arm ripped out of it's socket by Mika lol http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xdI--CVI7fU
  5. yep sure does, as does his smile, his jokes, his cheekiness his...need I go on
  6. hey I just read out your dream to Vix cos I was reading it and went AWWW bless her and she said "what" so I read her it and she was well chuffed that someone else actually dreams the same as her and that you are viewing the dream from another's eyes and seeing yourself kinda thing. I also think this dream had big significance and I'm glad you woke up feeling glad to still be alive lol, I think dreams are fascinating messages from our sub-consciences.
  7. Not really he needs SOME privacy where he wont be bothered by fans and can speak to his REAL friends, otherwise it would turn into the same as the other one and that one is really a kinda business one in a way.
  8. They seem such a good looking and talented lot you just have to look at his sisters too, they must have been at the front of the Q when talent and good looks and good manners were given out lol.
  9. meaning he fell asleep while munching on some food and the package has dyed onto his arm. seriously I have seen mika's naked arms lots and never ever a hint of a tattoo or a cover up so it's just transfer out of a bubble gum machine you know what a big kid he is after all lol
  10. looks like he fell asleep in the middle of a snack attack to me and when did he hurt his arm?
  11. Oh I dunno why but this brings prickles to my eyes in a kind of wooah SOOO proud of him kinda way, it's like YES YES that is a MIKA gig experience, and YES memories (go see my Lollipop vid on utube if you want to see Cynthia getting yanked up on stage after the security tried to yank her back lol). GREAT review and WELL DONE MIKA!!
  12. CHEEK I just meant I kinda act the same as Sarifour in that instance as mentioned in the past posts
  13. is there not some kind of communal notice board where you can leave a message, I think its really great that you and this person are communicating via Mika music lol, also try putting up a big MFC and MIKA poster in your window and hope they see it and make the connection
  14. finally just to let you all know My Lollipop finale vid is finally up on utube now it's lost a bit of quality cos I had to rotate a few sections at the start but I still love it cos it feels like your there again woo inside the crazy balloons, confetti and streamers etc, go rate and comment it for me PS hope this is the right place to post this btw. PPS. sorry the pic quality is really naff compared to the other vid I put up I'm not tecky so I dunno how to put it right. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xdI--CVI7fU
  15. CHEEK I just meant I kinda act the same as Sarifour in that instance as mentioned in the past posts
  16. This is me too, and probs cos I loose the power of speech and can't think of a dam thing to say when he HAS come up to me and asked me "how are you" like at Newcastle, I already had his sig twice and pics were not allowed so I just smiled said "fine thanks" and he moved to the next person lol:blush-anim-cl: At Hammersmith when he stuck his head out of the car I happened to be near the front of the car so just leaned in his direction and offered him a gift bag (shirt I had made him) and said "can I give you this please" and he just took it ans smiled and I sheepishly moved away, happy that I had managed to hand it to him. Yes it was disappointing that he didn't hang about more but hell, there were a LOT of ppl there.
  17. I totally agree with every word you said, on your big post before this one as well as this one, I think uninvited groping of Mika be it his hair (you know who you are:sneaky2:) or any other parts of him is just that; UNINVITED and I think not only is it bad mannered it's quite creepy. I also think ASKING his family for passes is pushy and puts them in an awkward position, if they OFFER you them I think that's a whole different ball game and I would accept them gratefully. I find the whole q-ing situation now not very pleasant it's too long (especially when you have to stand for 2-3 hours while you are in the gig too) and it's a constant battle to keep your place from the rude "pushers" as well, and if there are to be no toilet breaks etc then it will be totally unbearable. You have people who just turn up trying and often succeeding to push in front of others...well it's just selfish behaviour and not only is it annoying and unfair it's disrespectful and rude and it's becoming a really bad atmosphere, it totally spoiled my experience of the 1st Brixton gig. I hope these people sort out their consciences before his next tour for everyone's sake Mika and the band included.
  18. I shall quote myself cos I said just the same a little further on only in different words lol
  19. exactly, and also sometimes ppl can cope with one thing but not another and sometimes they can cope with a lot and at other times hardly anything at all, it's really quite a complex thing as each person is an individual, sometimes it's so hard to think positive but it's better all round if you can try your damdest cos the alternative is not a good one.
  20. That's because I don't think ANYONE goes through a whole life without suffering in some way, I mean what some of us have been through is dire but then I kinda have to put it into perspective sometimes and think about those who for instance have lost a child to a murderer or worse, or those ppl starving to death, those who see death of their loved ones and communities all the time, I wonder at how they can pick up the pieces to carry on but they do, I guess I have a lot of respect for their inner strength.
  21. voted but I hate how they don't let you know if you have won until it's too late to get cheap fares or rooms so it ends up costing a packet if you DO win (wonder if that is why so many people from London win and hardly anyone up t'north and beyond don't. Mr.M should put us all up in his spare room methinks :naughty: it's just for 1 night after all and we DID do him a favour
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