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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Now that was a great gesture to get John st0of Christine, ha ha all these thanks in the air can you feel the luuurrrrve in the room/thread. (oh no I have just had a flash back of Darius)
  2. phew I am glad there is still hope I also am a bit naive cos I believed it all doh!
  3. I admit it I d/led Mika st0ofs cos I loved what I heard and I couldn't wait till it was all out properly, I NEEDED to have it with me at ALL times and to play it to others as I felt sorry for them being so deprived and not hearing Mika music, but then I did buy the cd and I keep it for best lol. I also got the dvd for Christmas and he signed it and I will buy his next album unless its full of rap or tecno rubbish or something I hate but I just can't see that happening lol. I also bought 6 x 2 tix to see him live (yeah I gotta pay double everything cos my daughter Vix comes with me). (seen him 2 extra times but we won those tix. :naughty: gotta admire the honesty.
  4. OH NO that is so sad poor thing
  5. Yep she IS a sweetheart, every time I have met and spoken to her she has been so bubbly and fun, so how could I NOT like her, I have never had a problem with what she did on stage, I loved her costumes, her voice everything, Mika made a great choice she fits in like a glove is very beautiful, has a super figure and have you seen her legs!!! (to die for pft) She also has a fantastic sense of humour, she just laughed at herself when she fell over in her elephant costume bless her and when she couldn't get changed in time and ran on stage trying to do up her frock lol. She's great and Thank you Saranayde for your nice msges (yep she has been busy on the old pc cos we got a nice reply too), and thank you again for such a long conversation and all the advice you gave to the bee at the after party. Hope your gonna be there next time cos.....cant you feel the luurrrve in this thread lol.
  6. it happens to me and you know how old I am it happened when I discovered "Ov*ra*ed" and kept it on in the middle of the night on repeat in my headphones :crybaby:still happens now when I listen to it or when I think of the beautiful things he does or says or just think about what a beautiful personalty he has *sniff* look your gonna start me off again.
  7. hmm yes it's loading another one right now but being picky about the Lollipop one, darn it it's got all the people getting up on stage on it and I videoed the audience getting covered in confetti and streamers and gigantic MEGA balloons and everything it was fabness
  8. so all I want to do is upload my vid of Lollipop finale onto utube but it says It's to large or something (it's 6.23 mins long)...any ideas guys?
  9. NO NO not THAT Allegra the its the one on MFC lol' date=' and he also made a joke about the flashing bunny ears on a vid somewhere that the audience all looked like little aliens with them on lol. Perhaps if he REALLY wants ppl not to wear them he could make a nice gentle request for ppl not to wear flashing things and then ppl wont feel so bad as it's coming from the horses mouth and that is better than notes being passed around willy nilly [/color']
  10. Oh ring ring is one of my very first faves and it's even better live, I get UBER HYPER when eh does it live and so does the audience lol.
  11. Thanks to the guy who came dressed as a hobbo who annoyed ppl with his assertive begging....oh hang on he WAS a hobbo wasnt he
  12. Allegra said he doesn't like ppl wearing flashing things at gigs as it puts him off (so she told ppl at the gigs to take them off). It looked really strange when I looked behind me to see no things flashing lol.
  13. words...I just can't find the right ones I guess we just KNOW he heart is as big as his star.
  14. I asked John to thank Mika at the after party for us, I said "I can see I am not going to get a chance to say this to Mika so will you PLEASE thank him so much for doing this for us as it is such a huge and beautiful thing he is doing here and we are soo grateful" John said "yes I will, not many other ppl do this kind of thing you know" and I nodded and said "yes I KNOW, and he is sooo patient with them all isn't he" I just stood back and watched him getting mobbed and was in awe at how he handled it, I could hear myself sighing because I was so overcome at the whole thing, he was as has been said so gracious and kind the whole time. I am glad I behaved myself and didn't get carried away (cos I would have beaten myself up about it otherwise) and I am glad that lessons can be learnt from any of the mistakes made as mistakes are meant for learning from. Luke made me laugh a lot when he shushed the crowd every time Mika tried to speak lol (funny guy). And Mika is a natural speaker and very funny teasing Cherisse about being small (again! lol). So as well as thanking MIKA for everything he has enriched my life with (that he has no idea about lol) I also thank the band for always being so friendly and sweet, I thank Saranayde for such a long conversation and her bubbly character is sooo lovely and also to Cherisse, (we loved your hair). I thank John and co for all the nice hot chocolate that was well needed in those cold Q's and the doughnuts, and basically THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART for THINKING about us and treating us to far MORE than we could ever have expected. Your ALL great and so here is my award to the BEST team lol.
  15. ahh bless her this was a really good insight and yeey we knew he was NICE all along all the band are great they all have something about them that is endearing.
  16. there were more people trying to sort out the Q too like Sariflour, Bumble bee Vix and also even Rose on the 2nd gig (in fact even I got brave enough to try to keep people from sneaking up the inside of the Q, I mean when the people play fair it would work but many don't and that is when things will get messy, and it's annoying for everyone when you get some ppl who don't care and are selfish like that. (Thankfully most ppl have more manners than that but you always get SOME). I did suggest making a big sign at the front of the Q saying "get your Q number here" but no one took that on board ho hum oh well. I think we need to defo identify the MFC when they arrive and a list of who is going to be there sounds a good idea. If there are any more after party's (and after the last one I have my doubts), then we need some kind of system to make it fair so ppl don't get to go to every single one while others may not get to any. So I guess that needs some thought. I don't think those who have travelled the farthest should automatically be entitled to a pass because I consider Cazgirl one of his most loyal and caring fans and she has only been to 2 of his gigs and one of those was a rescheduled one, and this is purely because she is young and doesn't have the money or time to spare from making money to go following him to every gig in other countries etc, so ppl like her IMO still deserve their chance to the same "treats" as those who can afford to swan off to every gig, it doesn't make her any less of a fan just because her circumstances prevent it. Bumble Bee Vix wouldn't be able to go to any of his gigs if I didn't fund everything for her, she is a student as well. Anyway I think lessons were learnt hopefully (at least by some), and we have a long time to try to get it better.
  17. Saranayde is very lovely, each time I have spoken with her she has been so bubbly and nice, on Thursday at Brixton she was even more so and had a really helpful convo with vix about performance st0ofs. She is very attractive too and I love her costumes and what she does on stage, I hope she sticks with mika for the next tour but she wasn't sure what was happening yet when we asked her, we would miss her if she wasn't there now as we have gotten so used to her and I love how she does Missionary man ( I used to not like it before much but I love it now, it's grown on me).
  19. still is as far as I can see and it aint hard to mix that up on THESE pix thats for sure.
  20. I know it's not THE end but I am sooo gonna miss him till he gives us more to get our teeth into. What has he given me since I joined the Mika madness, he helped me out of my comfort zone so I ended up doing things I was too afraid to ever do before. He makes me feel happy and proud and sometimes sad for him and all kinds of up and down emotions but I love how he can do that...he can make me FEEL and to feel is very human indeed. He gives my eyes a really good workout daily while they scan pic after pic of his gawjuzness (and even at the afterparty I just sat in awe at his physical beauty) it cant be helped I am afraid... he is just totally as beautiful on the outside as he is on the in. He has given me back some fun in my hum drum boring old existence and a lot of excitement, I tell people he is MY mid life crisis and how glad I am to have him as mine as its so much more fun than a sports car lol. He makes me feel like a blushing young teenager sometimes even when he hasn't even looked at me lmao (god I need help). I loved when he put our quilt on the drumstand when he giggled at our Mika giggle bear and took it onstage my first gig at Leeds uni (mixture of pleasure and pain in one cos of the lack of meet n greet but I got over it lol). meeting stax of fantastic MFC ppl (I have so many new friends now) discovering Overrated (sigh) falling in love with his humorous side and st0of (well being strongly attracted to as I am too ancient for all that other palarva) watching him in awe silently, while he had the patients of a saint while getting mobbed. many more things that I am too tired to think of as once again Mika keeps me up till 3 and 4am many nights and he doesn't even know it lol. I have to try not to sink too low into MDP so I shall play my awesome Lollipop vid I did at Brixton number 2 as it's from the inside sorta thing and I love it
  21. well look at Adel's hands and Mika's maybe that is what made him blush :naughty:
  22. something like this by any chance? yes I think it would totally SHOCK SHOCK Mika if we ALL came in this kind of get up :naughty:(shame he didn't get to see this outfit or maybe Andy gave him a laugh at it on the video)
  23. I was disappointed with one of the London gigs, I liked the Hammersmith one cos I hadn't seen him since November and was looking forward to it, but I was expecting more from it as he did say these cancelled gigs were going to be something special and they weren't at all, and he didn't even come out to meet anyone that night he just stuck his head above the car for a few seconds, and that was really disappointing, (I know he doesn't HAVE to meet us I think it's just from what he said before that I was expecting it to be more special in some way but it just felt so rushed and I have never felt like that before in any of his gigs). The 1st Brixton gig I had got myself into such a stropp I hardly enjoyed it at all. the whole Queueing experience had spoiled the whole thing for me, I also didn't like Yelle cos I couldn't understand a word she said so it was an irritating noise for me, This gig also felt rushed but as I wasn't having much fun (apart from Ring Ring and Lollipop and probs Love Today that got me bopping about a bit), then I wasn't even bothered much about it. He certainly made up for everything on the last Brixton gig it was nearly as good as the Newcastle gig, The Queueing was a little better this time but some people still insisted on jumping in front of others which really does infuriate me and they were ppl from all ages and some even from MFC who DO know better! But the gig itself was really really fun and he seemed to have more energy for it or maybe he was just putting a lot into it as it was the last for a while, he said this about the 1st two but there was certainly a difference between them. (wasn't keen on the support for the 2nd Brixton gig either but I think I have been spoilt by seeing Palladium so many times and they are by far the best support he has had that I have seen). So to sum it up I think the 2nd gig that I had to try to force myself to enjoy was more to do with my own mood than how Mika was really cos he wasn't that much different to the 1st gig (Hammersmith) but as I say the last one was def a different gig all together and I loved it all. ps I don't think Mika sings with his eyes closed much at all and he gives a lot of eye contact usually I guess he does it when he concentrates on trying to hit the right notes maybe, and he always leaps all over the stage (apart from when he is at the keyboards but even then he can hardly sit still on some of those songs lol), I like that he moves a lot, yeah it's poopy if your trying to take his pic but it makes it exciting that he moves about and not just stuck to the spot, but no matter what he does someone somewhere is gonna winge about it cos you can never please every body all of the time so he may as well please himself that is my view on it.
  24. I am sure you will find out on other threads soon enough the fiasco of what happened, I don't really want to make myself angry by thinking about it.
  25. Is this the right place to say that after these last few UK gigs especially what happened at Brixton on 29th that I AM SOOOOOO PROUD TO BE BRITISH after what I witnessed!! I've never been on this thread before so no idea what it's meant to be about but THANK GOD I AM BRITISH is all I can say!!
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