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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I'm pretty certain he got the valentine project as I was sat next to the girl in the Q who had that and so she will have gotten it to him somehow I'm sure.
  2. Sorry guys, I saw Freddie yesterday at the gig and as I expected it had not arrived so it hasn't been delivered. It would have been SOOO perfect too guys if you had got it to me sooner as I had THE perfect opportunity to give it to him face to face, sorry guys. I got chatting to John and told him about it though, but it wasn't really the same as having it there to pass on.
  3. I totally loved his acceptance speech, he was soo excited about it, the others were all too cool to show they were pleased to get an award, I guess that is what comes from always being shunned by the "in" crowd. It shows he is a much nicer person than any of that lot who just come across as having their heads too far up their own jacksies.
  4. same here, I have so much to do and so little time to do it as I am leaving for london on Sunday
  5. you didn't look close enough, his mouth is trying to smile and if you pause it you can see the look in his eyes, as if he would be bored at THAy very moment I don't think so.
  6. I think they are just lazy and feel the need to compare him with somebody and Freddie is the closest thing for them I guess, Mika is Mika and he does have a lot of stage presence like Freddie and at least he is getting compared to someone awesome, which is bareable I guess lol.
  7. someone was wanting the vid of when Mark Ronson won best male (poor Mika I just soo want ot hug him when I see his little face), I some how taped over that bit on MY vid but I found this one on utube, its at about 1.50 ish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVCtB6v8fXk get it quick before they take it off, I did
  8. I think MFC would go into meltdown if it was announced so that everyone in the members list could see it at the same time, ha ha in fact that would be darn well impossible, so I don't have a problem with how it's done, we all come on here at different times and we have diff time zones, so chill ppl it's gonna happen when it happens, it's exciting yeah but no one will die if they hear it 3 hours later than someone else will they.
  9. reading your post caz really cheered me up (not that I was feeling down) but it was just so nice to read from a young person with a good healthy happiness bug for a change, its true that a smile is something you give, costs nowt and 9 times out of ten you get one back . I'm loving your positive attitude I guess I just gave even better customer service today and saved a fair few customers money, time, etc etc, and I will be sewing a dress for Vix tonight so she will be pleased about that.
  10. OMG I am coming down to London on 12th May with vix to see Idina Menzel in CHESS at the Royal Albert Hall cos she is obsessed with her a bit lol. We are staying at a Travel lodge and it was only £29 for a twin or double room, they are quite nice hotels really (sometimes if you time it right you can get rooms for £9 the one I am staying in this Sunday was only £19 for a twin). https://www.travelodge.co.uk/saver_search/results.php?search_type=4&search=City%20of%20London%2C%20Gtr%20London&id=5449 if you go on the 11th or 18th May you can get rooms still for £29 for a twin or double and there is still quite a few hotels in the center-ish that still have some, but get your skates on or they will go in he blink of an eye.
  11. blimey they seem to have removed them already cos it says they are unavailable
  12. I agree with the highlighted parts here cos even as I watched it for the 1st time I noticed the differences in his performance to what I have seen live etc. However it didn't spoil MY enjoyment of it and I was still PROUD as punch he was the opening act and did as well as he did do with bronchitis and on antibiotics, oh and nervous as hell to boot.
  13. aww even if he had known what could he have done, he is quite an honest genuine person and sometimes he reacts like we would, like when he went up for his acceptance and gave out that squeal of joy......nearly everyone else played it all cool. like they get awards every day and so it's no biggie to them and as if it's uncool to show your really genuinely pleased to win one, he came across as probably the most genuinely pleased to have won an award than anyone else, pfft they are all jaded!
  14. true I agree lol he's just a daftie but if he wants a drinkie then he can have one lol.
  15. what a fantastic idea come on guys...lets do it ha ha it would be soooo funny. and of course if its raining it will keep us dry
  16. Ha ha thats awesome I have added some more in there for you
  17. I watched this episode too and I was a quivering wreck also, I'm glad I could just have a bawl though and not be embarrassed at people seeing me. I have not suffered a cot death but when my kids were babies I was so paranoid that they had stopped breathing I would sometimes end up waking them up while checking they were still breathing. I end up in tears all the time when things come on tv, I think I am just a big bag of tears sometimes, it can be soo embarrassing, I think it's cos I tend to kinda put myself in their shoes and so can feel a bit of what they feel to a certain extent. I thought the acting was outstanding.
  18. PS if he flaming well cancels those gigs next week then he better have a big living room cos we are gonna storm his house and even if he is too unwell to perform then we can all just chill out with him and watch dvd's and eat popcorn and play nursemaid (ahhh fantasies are great, I'll bring Vix to rub into his chest lmao)
  19. Thanks freddie a great interview, well as far in that Mika had the twerp (wooah not used that word since I was a kid lmao).... er yeah he had him squirming ha ha. My fave thing was when Chris (uggbug) Moyles had the audacity to say big girls arnt beautiful and they smell and Mika came right back at him with "coming from a big guy" go Mika he could have said it in a much harsher way ( I know I would have lol but mika has nice manners, unlike the Moyles slob). Also I could tell his voice wasn't in full health in his performance either that or my tv is on the blink lol, but he gave a great performance all the same, and yeah he gets a lot of throat and chest probs (vix's singing teacher says a lot of singers do), guess it's all those deep breathes in rooms filled with other peoples bugs, I get more colds when I have to speak to customers lol, some of them have terribly bad breath too (URGH). And I am still narked that hardly anyone has mentioned that MIKA was there, performed or even WON (apart from one of our LOOSE WOMEN today, who even started to try to sing Lollipop to prove she knew who he was cos the others were taking the P out of her saying she didn't even know who he was lol awww at least SHE mentioned him and she said he was handsome or something like that (YOU DONT SAY)
  20. nope its still in my camera i am very very slow cos I am not babs the utube queen
  21. That after party was well sh*t and I got really annoyed at it, no MIKA and they all seemed to brush aside what he did, no one mentioned his performance they just kept going on about bloody Rhianna and the bleeding one. No wonder he sticks his middle finger up at them all, I do too, they have annoyed me cos they seem to be snubbing him like it isn't cool to say you like him, I even got that impression from the guy who gave him his award cos he said Grace Kelly wasn't his fave song he said he liked the love one better (didn't even know it's name pfft) I bet he has gone home, (or to Kylies party, she likes him so I bet she invited him) I don't even think they showed any clips of his performance or anything I am pretty hacked off at them all to say the least.
  22. GOSH Leona even has someone else's hair as well as someone elses songs...no suprises there then, (MEEEEOOOWWW)!!!
  23. yeeey I'm all cheered up again now, and lets face it if he was only up for 1 and only WON 1 we would be happy, so he was up for 4 that is even better just cos he didn't win em all doesn't make his win any less. GO MIKA :punk: waht channel is best to watch now for any extra Brit bits?
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