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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I agree, yeah it would have been nnice for him to get another one, but the powers that be aint seen how awesome he is live, he could kick every single one of those other acts asses into the ground live, he is also a wonderful, kind, thoughtful decent human being and by the behaviour of most of that lot there tonight, well he could certainly show THEM how to behave properly. The papers tomorrow will be full of all the bad behaviour that went on..you mark my words that seems to be the only thing they deem newsworthy, no wonder the stupid celebs try to out do each other to get on the front page by behaving like animals. (does it show that I am slightly miffed?).
  2. so its all OUR fault...:crybaby: we are not real fans is it not cos TT have so many in the band so much more fans and fans from their 1st time around as well as their 2nd or maybe they got a sympathy vote or summit. And we gotta face MIKA at the London gigs he is gonna hate us
  3. what did he mean by that "if your wondering what I'm doing at the Brits I came to meet MIKA"???
  4. not foregtting bobble head and hair lol shame though cos she used to be lovley and curvy. oh dear they just blurred out sharon she must have said summit baaaad lol. yes I finally found my way over to this new thread lol.
  5. awww POOR guy I can understand the worry but you did great, we are all so proud of ya here and well done for Brit (mark who? got the best male...as if pfft) I reckon there are more to come got fingers n everything crossed.
  6. NOOOOOO im gonna turn it over now LEONA I REFUSE to watch her!!! I'll turn back again in 2-3 mins. jeez I cant stop eating...ive had a pkt of doritos a pkt of malteezers and now I'm onto a pkt of rolos (I'm gonna save my last one for MEEEEEEKA)
  7. haha as if any one else stood a chance up against Kylie
  8. ha ha I know this must be one of the fastest ever threads we have ever had.
  9. I just tried to vote for MIKA again but the dam thing is busy and I couldnt remember the number to ring doh!!! we should all do a mass vote for MIKA again pic up the phones guys it's only 35p (again lol).
  10. awww poor baby he looked so *sniffs and he should EASILY have beat that motley crew!!! it's and OUTRAGE!!!
  11. he flirts with everyone he just cant help himslef hahaa awww I wanted Rufus to win that other award pfft
  12. OOoooOo he it comes....... I'm soo nervous for him... WAHOOOOOOOOA!!!!! I couldnt message fast enough cos I was taping it on my camera lol and all you can here is my squeals when he won woo hooo I'm soooo proud and happy for him.
  13. any one know what time they will be telling us if Mika has won anything cos I want to upload this vid to my laptop but I'm scared to do it incase he comes back on and wins and I miss it lol. OH HE IS SO FAB I'm getting very excited about the gigs too now next week.
  14. haha take that just don't understand that MIKA has the best fans in the universe not them pfft.
  15. OMG OMG OMG :wub2::wub2: I missed the first 30 seconds cos I went to the loo then decided to video it on the nearest thing near me (camdorder so I missed about 1 min of that too lol but I did get summit at least . oh he looked so fabulously delicious I could eat him all up yumm yumm!!! I've come over all proud and mumsie and silly lol.
  16. what have I missed I am reading the thread backwards as I have only just come online
  17. ooo just saw a short interview on ch 4 he has a nice silver jacket on
  18. looks like I totally missed this and so was hoping for someone to post a link to the exact page or maybe even a d/l of it or something cos I totally cannot work out where the heck to find it on that site, I saw pics of Mika and just clicked on those but nope wrong place dam it. oh well ho hum soon it will be the REAL thing yippeee and I voted and voted and phone voted too.
  19. unless it arrives to me but I think it IS going to you in case the postal services are poopy and slow as I leave on Sunday and last post delivery is Saturday so we wernt sure if it would get to me in time so if it's going to you and I have to come and find you and get it off you for delivery to big M. so in a nutshell lol, if it aint at my house by Saturday then I will assume it's going to yours I'll PM you my mobile number in case you need it.
  20. I'm sure he is in that new movie with Helena thingy whats it called again...oh year Sweeny Todd or something.
  21. we shall TRY as long as we don't get that mean old security guy pushing his big fat hand over my lens
  22. I think he is a bit of an oddling but I like him all the same, his voice is wooooah but I kinda like it for shocking me lol. I wish I could understand teh lyrics but I can just about speak my own tongue lol
  23. Hmm if Im gonna be a good girl and donate then I am gonna have to sort out my paypal cos I think the card it was set up with has expired and I think it looks like paypal is preferred to a bank transfer, is paypal faster than a bank transfer? I didnt realize MFC needed dosh so much (dunno what planet I live on but I think it must be in la la land lol..shhhh I can be naive sometimes right!).
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