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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. ha ha devious as well is he, slave labour, he will be hiring 5 year olds for lollipops next we know of it pfft. Or maybe he can train some monkey by offering htem monkey sex or bananas or something or that ilk. OH I just had a thought, he would get locked up in UK for getting 5 year olds to pain his big balls, maybe he will go to Thialand or somewhere like that where it might be legal, and extremely CHEAP.
  2. oh I don't know he sounds kinkier than I first thought, monkey sex with an army of miget fans, or is that an army of small fans or a small army of midgets...hell I am soo confused, but to cause him pain and he asked for it...what a weirdo
  3. but what about your place in the Q (not that busy pah the selfish bastard) I bet you ended up standing right at the back by the time you finished
  4. omg that is hilarious I gotta tweet him on that now hahaha done pmsl, he will never see it but it made me chuckle knowing I offered to paint Mika's balls
  5. holy cow not another one, this place is crawling with them, it's like the secret service in here arrrgh I'm NOT a celebrity, get me outa here anyway as if ppl in here can keep secrets for long, there's always someone with a "secret" or 2 in here, oh it must be hell lol.
  6. perhaps he just likes genuine honest ppl better than a looker (I SAID LOOKER NOT HOOKER)
  7. congrats I had no idea too so thats how your privvy to the latest goss then harr harr it's getting worse than a soap in this place lately
  8. hahah oh my, Mika really knows how to spoil us lmao (pictures butler in white gloves with plenty of food on trays)
  9. that is exaclty what I was trying to get at in my last post...yeey someone else gets it lol (or gets the same thing I do lol).
  10. or maybe he just needed MORE from the relationship, like... it had reached a point where it was kinda stalemate and he needed SOMETHING from the relationship but nothing was there, so basically he might have felt numbed by the lack of "something worthwhile" in the relationship. (sorry but it makes sense to me).
  11. excellent idea how orginized, go suggest it to them next time Caz, in fact just sort it out, make a barrier and a Q lol.
  12. Well since I was over the road with you Babs for most of the time I can't really tell how it went, but I certainly wasn't going to try to push my way into the hoards, so I made my way to the open car door so I could just quickly pass him my small gift bag and leave him alone, that is what I did, it WOULD have been nice to have had a proper moment but as I said before I kinda had move out of the way quckly cos Fanny came in for a hug and Mika was certainly up for a hug from her too and they had a little chat, dunno what about cos I moved away, I wasn't really dissapointed cos I have given up on the idea of a pic with him now, I had given him the gift bag with the letters and usb stick, and I never say anything sensible to him anyway so job done, move on. But it did look like he got circled at one point, but he must be getting used to it by now as it never seems to phase him and he just seems to have the patience of a saint.
  13. Oh I forgot that bit about the lady crying at the tube station and how he said he didn't know what happend to her and she might still be there or even here tonght lol. PS, how was your drive back to sorry
  14. Oh I am soo pleased to hear that, we chatted to him I think was he behind us? cos the press guy behind us seemed really into Mika. I hope someone mentions it to the culprit who DID accuse Mika..AS IF!!!GRRR
  15. oo thanks WOnka, great quality, sounded different up there and to the side than it did from center. Oh and sorry you can't have been there, lets hope he does more of this kind of thing in future, he is just sooo versitle.
  16. are you sure I could have sworn I had seen them on tv last year, but not the whole gig.
  17. yes I think so, but probs not whole gig I think it will be chucnks of them cos there have been a lot of them, you CAN however buy a usb or order, I think of the best bits of the sessions from http://www.littlenoisesessions.org.uk/
  18. Here are the only pix I took ( I deleted about 3 really BAAAD ones lol) and took no vids (sorry). PS. Donal walked in front of me while I was sat in my seat, he looked down at me & I smiled cos I "knew" him, he smiled back (confirmation that we "knew" each other lol), then I realized WHERE from lol PIX mmmmm niiiice Love his facial expression on this one probs my best one smiling like he means it doing some signing for fans afterwards, (not me I didnt ask for anything lol).
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