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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. mine was quick lol if I had known at the time I would have wrote him an essay, but maybe there is more chance he will read it if its short (lives in hope lol). and now to bed I got work tomorrow and its 2am no wonder I look like Frankenstein's grandmother.
  2. erm, somerset House I shared my one and only pic with him but hey...at least he put his arm round my shoulder Manchester he wasn't supposed to have pics after the gig but he siad Oh go on then to my daughter (Bumblebee Vix) Doncaster, he gave me a really dirty look cos I was front row and this girl next to me yelled at a really quiet part "GET YOUR KIT OFF" and he glared at me in disgust (well I'm old enough to be his mother dam it) lol, and then I did the sterio typical thing of pointing at her as if to say IT WASN'T ME but his look to me said it all (as yeah right) Newcastle, he beamed a HUGE grin at us in the front row when he saw the moment we noticed he had put the QUILT on display on the drum stand and when we gave him our Mika giggle bear (in my pic) and he giggled the same giggle at it and asked to keep him, and then at 2 other gigs that I didn't go to and have no pics or utubes of he actually took that bear on stage and showed the audience it and tried to make it giggle. There's more too but they are other peoples interactions I was just there and loved them also (like the trying to give him chicken tonight at Doncaster by HJ and Mikafish lol). oh he is just so fab.
  3. I can't argue with that, and also there are times he has to save his voice for the singing so maybe he is doing that especially when he has a sore throat etc.
  4. This is to jack, I understand what you mean when you were talking about Bowie etc but I DO think Mika tweaks what he says at certain gigs, cos at Newcastle he got people up in the balcony even though the security kept making them sit back down, and then at one of the UK gigs after that (I didn't attend but saw it on utube), he told THAT audience all about it and told them not to be mean when they started boo-ing the Newcastle audience cos he hadn't finished telling them the whole story. He also took the Mika bear (see my pic) that we gave him at Newcastle on stage at 2 gigs after that and told the audience about it and tried to get it to giggle for them a few times, I don't know if he just liked the bear or if he thought we would be in the audience and was trying to please us (like happened with the Quilt in Newcastle, he saw our reaction to that and beamed). Either way is a plus though. So unless Newcastle was a turning point as far as gigs go for him, (cos at that gig and lots after, he seemed to REALLY get into appreciating the audiences and showing it on his face), then I do think he adds things, I just think maybe if it gets back to him (via MFC or whatever) that the reaction of his latest "ad lib etc" has a big impact on the fans then maybe he wants his next audience to feel some of that too. (am I making sense?) lol. I guess what I'm getting at is I think he DOES try to ad bits here and there, but maybe you want him to do more of this and maybe he will in time as he seems to be trying to do that now.
  5. yeey I say let lots of MFC Brits gate crash the French gigs woo hoo and any other non Brit gigs :punk:lets just follow Mika to every single gig no matter where (leaving out naff cancellable festivals of course)
  6. out of curiosity how many times have you seen Mika and how many times have you seen the same "other" people (just wondering if "their" unscripted banter is really all that unscripted after all).
  7. I agree with most of that especially the last 2 paragraphs, I do wonder at times though how each show seems to be "THE BEST ONE YET" I dunno it's just at Newcastle it was the 1st time we had seen him so overjoyed at the audience reception of him but he then seemed to give that reaction a lot more after Newcastle, it kinda doesn't look as genuine after the first time, unless of course he REALLY does feel that way after every gig now (maybe he just can't believe it sort of thing), or maybe he just wants the fans to feel appreciated, so I can't dis him for that cos he really tries sooo hard to please his fans and for that I am truly thankful. (Anyway when I go to his London gigs I will soak up everything he says and does like a sponge and love it, apart from the OI OI OI!!! bit cos I don't like that makes me feel like a bleeding sea lion lol).
  8. yep it's a silly n daft idea and even if it melts it will be funny :naughty: and also runny :naughty:
  9. I think he looked fab, and as has been said he got noticed for looking different and that to him will be a good thing cos if he was dressed in those designer clothes that get GIVEN to the artists he would have blended in...NO I take that back Mika NEVER blends in, I LOVE how he has the guts to do his own thing in every dam way he can, he is unique and who gives a sh*t if some people cant put him into their nice cosy categories so have to dis him for it, what they say wont do him any harm at all cos at least it got them talking about him and lets face it Mika is shrewd and knows just what to do, say and wear, he is very astute ...woooah he is just too awesome, in fact I think he looked really REALLY dashing.
  10. lets keep it simple and inexpensive and all just buy an Elvis wig lmao or er....all wear our big pants on the outside of of jeans, not that one is too silly. lets all buy a Leona t shirt and wear that (think I would rather cut of my own toes and pop them in a barbecue than do that one.
  11. Me too and I even have some original vintage ones but if you think I am queueing for 3 days in stiletto heels and a full circle frock with scratchy net petticoats then I think NOT ( I can jive a bit though so I guess I could keep warm). Why can't he have his UK gigs in summer than at least we may stand a teeny chance of not freezing our cashews off. or at least provide us all with a shelter
  12. I just saw an advert with Mika, he had green jeans on and was shooting some toys, it was on channel 4 and advertising something but I missed what as I was in shock as it was unexpected, it was about some music channel coming or something like that, did anyone else see it, I want to see it again now cos it went in a flash, I was trying to find the mika on tv thread but I couldn't find it and didn't know how to search for it.
  13. nah sorry, each to their own and he is just nowt special for me, so I defo find him overrated. Now Amy W though, I find her very interesting to look at and I like her voice and the fact she sounds and looks so unique, I DON'T like her lifestyle at the minute but I guess I am just very against drugs of that kind.
  14. :thumbdown: how utterly boring, that bloke does NOWT for me in every way, sorry I just find him boring and tedious and overrated.
  15. erm I'm sure I posted in here earlier today (yesterday depending on time lol) and i sent you an email did you get it?
  16. Isn't there already about 2 threads on this subject? so now there is 3
  17. Eh what do you mean where did you hear this?
  18. YEEEY you seen it!!!! vix is now obsessing over that film and has got the sound track n book n all sorts and she wont stop singing the dam songs!!! When we went to see it half the audience burst out laughing when Parelli came out, I can't say what we were laughing at one here its too rude but er....yeah. "Try a little priest"
  19. just to make sure you are first in the Q I suggest you buy a tent and camp out for at least 2 days but don't tell anyone else your plans or you will end up having to camp out for a week or more.
  20. Perez's dog looks like he needs some serious training pfft, I'm all for serious training of dogs no matter how small and cute they are they ALL have teeth (well nearly). I'm not into cute dogs, I like dogs that have intelligence or other character traits that rely less on dressing them in stupid ppl clothes, dogs are NOT meant to wear clothes (I can almost allow a dog coat for the cold), but stupid dog clothes are pathetic and make the dog look like a fool. I think there are a lot of people out there too that need training pfft (grumpy moany mood after watching idiots on the news).
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