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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. for asking for the costume at least you tried. I think they were awesome costumes and lighting etc, it was faberoonie, shame his skating wasn't as good but it sure looks hard. Did you see Suzanne's!!!!!:shocked: her hair was scrapping the floor on that head banging one bleeding 'eck I could hardly watch. Bet Mika n co will b e really chuffed when they see what they did with it though, the lighting n costumes etc. All good advertising if you ask me.
  2. Well sort of yeah, cos I thought of Johnny Dep when I saw this outfit tt. I also like the little angel wing he is wearing, I thought about getting him one of those ages ago cos Ilike them but I didn't think he would ever wear one.
  3. it's gotta be a big "up yours" losers who didn't believe in me (record companies etc who wanted to mould him into someone else) cos now this record is the one that is the MONEY record and you LOST out bigtime.
  4. hope you get the Birthday BOOGIES and have ball :yay:
  5. maybe I can be Mika's 2nd stupidest pear shaped ugliest fan with crappy hair and really bad dress sense then.
  6. oh dam it that makes me Mikas STUPIDEST fan then.... and I'm gonna become even MORE stupid at the next 3 gigs, but I still don't think I beat the stupid fans who start queuing at 3 am...now THAT'S stupid so maybe I'm NOT THEEEE stupidest fan after all.
  7. How very presumptuous you are Jems you know fine well its ME ME ME and I can PROVE it! I am his BIGGEST fan therefore I am.
  8. hey ho and welcome to insanity
  9. love the keyboard squabble they really WERE short on instruments eh? lol They look quite relaxed though, and I love this pic, you say he was trying to quiet the audience down...now he know what its like for US (he normally has those headphone earpiece things in doesn't he lol probs his bluetooth phone adapter if you ask me lmao).
  10. MELTING MELTING (Mika and kidddies ooooo knee weakness occurring). Love this one, it's just really sweet and natural I love his hair au naturelle like that all flipsy flopsy softy softy
  11. OMG that is hysterical :lmao: I can just visualize him saying that. This sounded like such an awesome and unique gig wish I could've been there. your T.shirts were awesome what did you use and how did you paint them?
  12. So sorry hun, I liked Bluesky's suggestions above because you gran must be a very scared old lady to have this looming over her, so I guess if you can help take her mind of it you will be doing her a great favour and it will be a comfort to know someone who cares about her deeply is near her and spending time with her so she wont be alone. It's going to be a hard time ahead hun but... there is no way out of it so we have to try to deal with it as best as we can. I'm glad you at least have a whole bunch of people here at MFC you can sound off to if it gets too much. *hugs*
  13. Hmm I thought I had already posted in here but obviously not lol. Well same as Babs n the rest us us I spend lots of time n dosh turning up at his gigs n bought his cd n dvd n t. shirt etc etc blah blah. When I have met him I have given him the gift of being a total prat with my dumb practically silence approach (I almost wanna run away and hide lmao what a stupid woman I am). For Doncaster I made 2 patches for the Quilt and sent them to Carmel, (That quilt was awesome!!!) was really pleased to have been part of that one, here are 2 pics of my patches. and here is the quilt and MY patch 3rd left top making it's début in Newcastle (I was well chuffed). At Newcastle I made him this bear (in my piccy too) and I let my daughter Bumblebee Vix give it to him, he seemed to like it. At Hammersmith Vix gave John this drawing of Mika she did to give to him. I had kinda bought him a gift and tarted it up in my own way but decided to give him it at the next gig (or at least TRY to) but I'm not sure if to leave it how it is or to add to it, dunno if it will spoil it or not. It is really hard to think of gifts for people you don't really know personally let alone those that you DO know and I think I could be out of ideas now lol.
  14. I see what you mean it's uncanny really I dunno why I never noticed it before
  15. It would be nice in an official way too if Mika and co got know just how grateful the fans at SLC were that they put on their THE SHOW MUST GO ON attitude and gave them something unique to remember them by. Credit where credits due is my motto lol.
  16. OMG OMG OMG I adore his version of that *melts away with you and back into my weird Mika gushing day*
  17. bursts into song *it's all about M it's all about M babeeeey*......lol oh go on it's not such a bad song.
  18. I knew that people on here would understand it, I'm sure he has a magic weapon that hypnotizes us all (maybe that is what the kind and fine wizard thing is all about, I keep meaning to ask where that came from lol).
  19. .....for this thread but I have had a weird Mika gushing day all day and it just won't go away. It started after a really long dream about him this morning where I was in the ocean but he was nice to me lol, so it was a really nice dream where he was a cutie pie sweetheart etc etc. Anyway then I just kept reading things, being on MFC, looking at pics of him and just in general had one of those weird gushing Mika days, I'm sure you must have had one or two yourselves, it's embarrassing to admit it but my eyes welled up just looking at how beautiful his face is and what certain expressions on his face say, then reading things that make me go "ahhh" like the sto0f about the gifts he gets from fans etc. I'm sure I will be back to normal again tomorrow cos I am too old to go fawning over him for any length of time but to be fair it's his own fault for being so god dam appealing lol (jeez his mother must be soo proud of that lad). See my motherlyness (new wordie)is coming back I'll be fine again soon.
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