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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Yep she WAS lovely at Newcastle, she spent a long time with the fans signing and getting her pic taken, she was also the same at the Hammersmith UN-gig. Seems a nice enough lass to me, who does seem to really enjoy her time onstage.
  2. That is just plain sickoizm (new wordie...goo innit ). But seriously I would HATE HATE it sooo much if ppl tried to take pics of me on the lav, it's just NOT NICE at all, very distasteful and I would NEVER sneak peeks at Mika in that situation, I would die of embarrassment in fact cos I had walked in on a private moment.
  3. Oh that pic you posted shows up that mark on his ear lobe that I was CONVINCED was a freckle but it looks so much more like it IS pierced on the pic cos now I have changed my mind and I think it's pierced lol. About the neck thing, it's a sorta protective thing I reckon, I do it when I feel uncomfortable and I also fiddle with the rings on my fingers.
  4. Oh and Bumblebeevix and I are arriving on Sunday sleeping at Travelodge kings X then Monday we have to go get a new room at Earls court (pfft dam and blast it I didn't wanna have to swop and change but got no choice in the end), so when we are allowed into it we will get ready and go to the gig probs be about 4.30 or so. Tuesday we go to the gig WOO HOO Wednesday We go to lunch at Mika's pad........OK OK so I live in a fantasy world lol, what we really do shop till we drop and go to see WICKED in the evening, Thursday we go to the gig WOO HOOO Friday we go home to T'North again. BOOOO no more mIkaering for aaaaaages.
  5. I think I heard Mika say you were bunking in with him for the night Babs.
  6. That sure looks like flirting to me but then I aint no sexpert...oops Freudian slip.
  7. I've seen him 5 times, (3 more to come) met him 4, not managed to say anything other than the show was fantastic kinda thing, and could you sign this please (lol), shared 1 pic with him, (so half a hug I guess), and I know if I met him again I would still go infuriatingly dumb. at Newcastle we gave him our Mika bear and he was entertained at its giggling & asked to keep him etc and he came to me after my daughter said " HELLO HOW ARE YOU" and I said "fine thanks" and clammed up (arrrgh) so he quickly moved to the next person, well I had already had things signed at the other gigs I guess. I would love to be able to say something other than when/IF I see him again. (I should know better at my age but I kinda get embarrassed and flustered easily I guess), maybe that is what you call shy.
  8. yep I noticed it was used in USA and posted about it on one of the threads (gotta admit OUR UK Holy Johhny fits the part more with his grey hair n all But as soon as I saw the bumble bee on the purple bit I knew it was HIS.
  9. :naughty: I hadn't seen this so ta for posting and that andy guy was soooo way off the tune lmao. I love it when Mika pops up when your not expecting him to.
  10. oh I can't be bothered to read this whole thread I need to get to bed for work in the morning, so just tell me who made it and how many?? I know Vero did (is that sunshine?)
  11. That's the UK for ya, you would think we should all be hardened to it by now but IM NOT!!!! I hate being cold.
  12. what does this mean :S why would he be evil and who is he putting down?
  13. No I doubt they will bother having this for the London gigs cos each time they have tried it all goes boobs up and ppl get disappointed when it doesn't happen, so even if they did I wont believe it till I see it with my own eyes.
  14. OH MY LORDY LORD!!! thank god I got to the end of this thread its taken me about 5 hours I'm exhausted I've been UP Iv'e been down....it's been a really interesting read some great pic some super reviews, and some honest thoughts and feelings. So THANX guys my eyes hurt from all the reading lol glad most of you had a great time. My 2 penneth of thoughts....queueing at THAT time of the morning is just ridiculous and the surge of fans on-stage at the end of Lollipop was not such a good idea in reality, I don't think he will make it a regular thing, he may have just wanted to build the atmosphere of the gig for Perez and Katey perhaps. I also noticed he used the HOLY JOHNNY robes that HOLY JOHNNY from UK gave to their promoters in Doncaster, but UK HOLY JOHNNY is having more made as he is making his comeback. :punk:
  15. I'm suprised the security didn't throw those ppl outa the gig for crowding the stage, am I over reacting if I think it sounds to be getting out of hand...maybe even dangerous, we had idiots in UK (from another country) who were chasing his car..what is gonna happen next? he is going to definitely get whisked away and it will be the fans fault.
  16. hey GROUP HUGS guys and high 5's all round wooo hooo lets paaaarteeeey. (makes making my mfc style sig T.shirt for the London gigs even better and I'll be sooo proud to wear it).
  17. god forbid...hell no but I would hurry and get extra supplies of the gum cos once more ppl on here find out there will be panic buying so we can all chew the same gum as Mika. :naughty: ....It was the BLUE once wasn't it (puts it on shopping list) NOT! ha ha.
  18. :naughty:yep that HAS to have been it (hope he never offers me any) maybe he was after a snog but it put him off cos Leon has halitosis :naughty:
  19. Same day I want to dress for wedding Same day while i want married What happened, He's go married another girl While he was married another girl, I was very very sad I can't walk like car hit my legs How he's married different lady, I no believe. After one month i am send out to balcony Some bomb, come for my eyes. My eyes gone. My eyes gone in bomb, now i have only one eyes. I am sad, until now I no married any man after. and I made a purple one cos I always thought it said "like car hit my legs"
  20. hello and welcome to a world of mikamadness that is MFC lol, sure you know all the groove by now lol. (groove did I just use the word groove like some 60's throwback lol).
  21. of course Little Richard is er...LITTLE and Mika is.....bleeding mahooosively awesome :naughty:
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