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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. OH I just remembered the the best fantasy I could ever have about MIka, that would not be married and that I could be HIS age and beautiful then all my other fantasies wont seem so sick. :naughty:
  2. thanks for posting and translating Vanessa it was quite interesting, a couple of things I hadn't heard before (Mika V Mika he won round 1 for example).
  3. I often wonder about this, maybe that is why there isn't so much about him in the papers cos the paps only seem to like to print the bad stuff (amy winehouse, britney etc) and so Mika is just to good and clean for them (well he manages to keep stuff out of their gaze which is amazing lol). If all they print is the bad stuff then I would rather NOT see Mika in the UK press all the time cos that would mean he is up to no good.
  4. DONT GET ME STARTED on political correctness rubbish, I think the whole thing is just pathetic no wonder poor little ?? (cant put a name here in case I offend a person who just so happens to ahve the same name)!! thinks the world OWES him I'm sorry (NOT) but it's a big bad world and it's not all pink and fluffy, ppl DIE ppl are mean life is NOT always fiar and it's NOT good for you to ALWAYS get what you want in life arrrrrgh whats the world coming to!!!! goes off muttering to herself in a right paddy now at the stupidity of it all.
  5. I would love to be there when there is a birth of a new song, I would adore to see him get all chuffed and excited when his talent is flowing and he gives birth to a new song thats a good un. (well I like all his songs that I have heard so far). I would also die a happy woman if he let me help on on some of the lyrics cos I made a good job (I try to write poetry myself), but I would just love to see how he goes about making a song) I can't read/write music and I play no musical instrument so all I could do would be to give lyric suggestions , and lyrics mean so much to me in a song anyway so it would be just awesome. (I would have to overcome my shyness and my habbit or just staring at his beauty, but I am sure he could help me get over that in a few mins of daft chubby bunny games or something lol. Then when we are done we could go and have a beer:beer: to celebrate and a good old giggle (MIKA GIGGLE *FAINTS* oh dear) lol.
  6. this is has to be why the word CHICKen means so much here on MFC
  7. YEEY FABNESS at last you managed to make it lol, the thread that is. The large pic is clickable right? hope ppl will realize it is lol.
  8. I just heard a bit of Love today on the wife swop prog that was on earlier this evening with Pete Burns I think his name is (he was on celebrity Big Bro one year and has had lots of cosmetic surgery and looks a bit odd, sorta feminine faced with lots of make up and plucked eyebrows etc). Anyway it was on that, I am always hearing Mika on daytime tv too hope the chaps getting his royalties off em.
  9. oh I'm almost dreading the Brixton ones, no good foodage places no loo's UK in Feb.... the cold makes me wanna pee more what shall I do, if I go without food or drink all day so I wont need the loo then I will faint by the time the gig starts oh woe is me, I think Mika should provide a nice warm cafe for his fans the thoughtless man. PFFT!!
  10. yeey how fabulous and who knows where it could lead...remember to dance your sox off like it's your last performance lol.
  11. oh yep it sure can maybe MIKA is the cause of global warming, no wonder he wants us to theme the gigs now he feels guilty pfft too late mr HOT HOT HOT. ps. great pix girlies
  12. heh heh Humphrey ol' bean your a lucky elphylump cos you get 3 mfcers in one day on Feb 26th by the looks of the list
  13. asked Freddie so we shall see if its a go-er lol.
  14. I'm going to ask a mod if they can use one of Droopsy's sig's as a banner or on front page till after the brits and make it clickable then NO ONE should miss it and it will remind them to click it and vote daily.
  15. I tired that too and it wouldn't let me so I had to leave gaps like so... 3ws brits at co uk and I hoped they would get my meaning, maybe even w w w dot brits at co dot uk sorta thing
  16. awww maybe he went thinking it was going to be a really nice civilized drinking of tea and tiffin' kinda do (and we all know he is a tea nut lol), and got there and was like... so left straight away lol.
  17. you mean the ones where he tells us EXACTLY what he wants us to know
  18. I hope:crybaby:you all have a really really :crybaby:great time and that you all :crybaby:get to meet mr fabness I even hope you ALL win a :crybaby:Fiat , (even though my cars been taken away today to repair the damage it got when it was rea ended the other week, and I have to go pick up a courtesy car later today). I also hope the rain stops cos it's peed down all day so far waaaay up t'north.
  19. did someone say CHICKEN?? hey if you see the angel/darling/bigguy/adorableone/ whathisface, ask him...even though we all KNOW it was CHICKEN
  20. It means an awful lot to me and probs all of you when he makes a gig more personal to the audience or when he does something memorable than usual in it, like when he put our Quilt on the drum stand (a reference to it would have been great too, but just seeing HIS reaction to OUR frenzied reaction when we noticed it was fantastic). When he brought our Mika bear on stage sounded great (oh why did I miss those 2 gigs when he did that and no one has any vid evidence of it) He dedicated a song to that little boy, he tries to speak the language of his audience, he just does his best and that's why we adore him. I love how he tries to spare a bit of time after the gigs to meet some fans. I fear him doing big arenas as I feel I'm going to loose what I got out of his gigs before, but understand he probably will have to do them for his own health and he has to earn a crust too.
  21. When I first saw the utube vids of him getting his shirt off in LT I thought OH NO!! what's he doing that for, I thought it was unnecessary, then I saw it live and at the front of the stage 4 times....that soon changed my mind, it's electric, he expels so much energy that it doesn't feel wrong of him to remove his shirt at all for that part of the song, he needs to move freely and it works. I am a lover of his OWN material too but if I had to choose between Missionary Man or Sweet Dreams then it would be Sweet Dreams. I think Mika has to just do what he wants to do because there is no way he is going to please every single one of us all of the time. I guess the only way he could get any true feedback is when it's more a huge majority feeling the same way.
  22. he must NEVER stop the confetti, balloons and lollipop stuff, I adore that part of the show cos although it means it's coming to an end, it's like pretty crazy anyway then the cannons go off at a certain point in the music and it's like a crescendo moment when it all goes MEGA crazy, you look up.... all you see is a rainbow swirling about in front of your eyes, your heart goes PIIIING the excitement is awesome, it makes me feel like a kid again, I love it its sooo much fun.
  23. I also posted a comment on the bands myspace's and Mika's myspace so any other fans dropping by will see it and hopefully VOTE so all you can do the same so it stays on his page as I'm only allowed one comment on the page at a time.
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