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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. erm...I still dunno how to make the pic I got a clicky linkage one though can you explain it please?
  2. how did you manage to post the link, it wouldn't let me I had to beat about the bush leaving spaces pffft
  3. right guys it's nearly 3.30 am now I have been bombarding utube vids for hours now, with a big hint to go vote for Mika at the brits....and now i am tired out so I am going to bed, can anyone maybe nag Perez to chuck a link on his pages, I can't I dunno where or how. but I thought if he aint done it already then he better do it or we will beat him with a feather duster or something.
  4. awww bless him how on earth did I miss that bulletin on my myspace
  5. hey any chance of you putting the url thingy linkage onto this piccy now as I got it as my default on myspace n all sorts trying to rally up some more Mika supportage and I am not puter whizzo so cant do it myself.
  6. I tried to leave about 20 comments on utube vids to vote before I realized it doesn't let you post a comment with www. in it hope you don't mind I borrowed the piccy but I LOVE it and I think it might JUST grab a bit of attention lol
  7. The ones I have been to he has taken anything from 1 to 4 hours, but others have known him to rush off straight away so I guess it depends on how he feels at the time, and if he has somewhere he has to be in a hurry or not, in other words, luck of the draw I guess.
  8. yes I think it gets etched into our souls forever...wow gotta love it, I sooo wish I could play a musical instrument and be able to write songs.
  9. I don't find her humble either, I think her "image" is of that purely to sell her. She/they used to play on the "oh I don't know how good I am" stuff, yet she attended a well known London school for performing arts stuff. Apart from that it gets on my nerves when we are almost pushed into corners with how it's gonna be and it all seems to boil down to money and who has the person with the most weight behind them. pffft annnoying!!
  10. I see what you mean, and that guy's voice just doesn't cut it when it comes to Freddie, but then he is irriplacable, but i guess people do still like to sing Queen songs. I love that song too, though this one always makes me feel so so sad but it's obvious it would do. http://youtube.com/watch?v=YOJPvxgkvn8
  11. forgot this one, it doesn't make me cry though it did when I first head it but it's still a lovely song. It's got the lyrics as subtitles on the vid UGLY ~ Jon Bon Jovi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mhbDKUm9_8
  12. Well I can't possibly not mention Mika and the one of his that makes ME cry is OVERRATED (especially this part) " Can't you see my life As something more, And paint me In a color That You swear you've never seen before" I also adore the line in my sig "I feel as if I'm bleeding from a thousand miles away" ...I mean you can just FEEL that line so much. that part gives me goosebumps it speaks volumes to me. I also like The Closest Thing To Crazy ~ Katie Melua beautiful lyrics that I can feel. This one of course by Sinhead O connor is hauntingly beautiful too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN0ssW0YBwM There are many beautiful songs out there that hold special meaning to me and then there are those that can bring tears to my eyes, and I love that they can reach inside of me and grab my emotional strings. Sometimes I will end up liking a song I wasn't so keen on at first purely because of the lyrics, when it's got the whole thing going on then it's perfect of course.
  13. come out guys and be counted...no need to be shy or ashamed, say after me...I AM A MIKA FAN AND I AM PROUD COS HIS MUSIC IS AWESOME!!!
  14. If you observe that part more closely you will see the guy in front puts his hand over his mouth, so it's obviously just a man joke thing they often do. (well they do over here anyway but just for affect really as a joke).
  15. yeah I saw it tonight it was a total surprise I wasn't expecting to see, was just making tea with hubby and live lounge was on tv and I thought to myself (hmm if only it was Mika's one on it) when lo and behold his name scrolled across the bottom saying he was on after next......I literally squealed with delight and leapt off the floor (hubby>>> ) lol Then I was wishing I had known cos I would've recorded it. But yeah that cardi is minging, I normally like what he wears but that is quite yakky.
  16. hmm looks well dodgy that, I mean you gotta pay for it upfront then meet him to get the tix... don't like the sound of that at all, maybe I'll ask him about the ID make him squirm.
  17. I used ticket web this time too but I got mine attached to my email so I just need to print them out, didn't you do that option? check your emails with the confirmation number etc, its says mine has tickets attached you see.
  18. Hmm well I've seen it close up about 3 times now and I swear it's "I love you more I love you moooooore"
  19. well said there my man/woman etc lol. and Caz I think the line is "I love you more I love you moooore"
  20. whats this goss I keep hearing about a gig on 27th Feb what's all that about I went and booked up to see WICKED then now and if he does a gig then I will NOT be amused at him for keeping it a secret and shall have to spank him or something like that.
  21. that's good of you Babs, it looks like all you lucky southerners are the winners, never mind it would have cost lots to come down and I only wanted the car really anyway especially after mine got rear ended last Friday
  22. I got an email today so I hadn't won but then I didn't really expect to, I think they will pick ppl who live closer to London, it would be interesting to hear if anyone further away had won any.
  23. Thats one of the reasons I love the song so much, it's like HELL YEA Mika do you have to ask... but in the later vids of that song it's just so awesome to hear the crowd singing it to him and his reaction to just how much they DO love him, makes ya wanna scream YES YES LAAAAWDSSSSS lol. I'm starting to get excited again now for the Feb gigs as they arn't so far away now. Just hope I won't feel too disappointed if/when he doesn't do a little greet thing I just think there are going to be far too many fans for him to keep doing it now. And to be honest what did I do anyway lol when he spoke to me I just clammed up like a noob anyway lol doh!
  24. Oh thats a turn up for the books, an untouched pic wrinkles funny facial expression and all she almost looks like a real person on that one .
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